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Unlike most role-playing fantasy video games, Dragon’s Dogma 2 allows players to recover the NPCs that have fallen. Arisens will meet various NPCs during their travels and most of them will not cower when a battle occurs next to them. Even though the extra help is amazing, they might get in the way and fall in your stead due to some enemies' heavy attacks.

Fear not as Arisens have the power to revive the fallen, whether it is their own Pawns or mere NPCs. This feature is very helpful since some of the fallen NPCs can play a crucial part in completing or advancing a main or side quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2. However, if players lose sight of the remains of the fallen NPC, they must go through extra steps to revive NPCs in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Dragon's Dogma 2: How To Enhance Equipment

There are a couple of styles of smithing to upgrade weapons and armors in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

How To Revive NPCs In Dragon’s Dogma 2

how to revive fallen npcs in dragons dogma 2

To revive NPCs in Dragon’s Dogma 2, players must use a Wakestone. A Wakestone is automatically created and added to Arisen's Storage when three Wakestones Shards are collected. Furthermore, reviving fallen NPCs requires maintaining close proximity to them.

However, since the Wakestone Shard is a rare find in Dragon’s Dogma 2, players must be extra careful who they choose to revive, since some of the fallen NPCs may not make a single contribution to the story whatsoever. Moreover, if players abandon a fallen NPC body in the wilderness, their body will automatically be taken to a Battahl Morgue or Vernworth Charnel House in one of the larger cities.


how to make wakestones in dragons dogma 2

Wakestones are rocks that are ensorcelled with arcane magick, which are used to restore the dead to life. To form one, collect three Wakestone Shards, which can be found inside Treasure Chests or sold at some of the cities’ stores in Dragon’s Dogma 2. After collecting the required Shards, a Wakestone will automatically form inside Arisen's inventory.

Morgue And Charnel House

how to revive an npc inside a morgue or charnel house in dragon dogma 2

Battahl Morgue and Vernworth Charnel House are where the fallen NPCs' bodies will be kept (depending on where it was found) if Dragon's Dogma 2 players choose to ignore or forget to revive them. To figure out whether a fallen NPC contributes to the story or not, players can:

  • Strike a conversation with the Morgue or Charnel House’s keeper.
  • Ask them to look for a body.

If the option is grayed out, that means there is no need to revive the fallen civilian. However, if the text is in white, players can take the time to decide whether they want to use a Wakestone and revive the NPC. Furthermore, if players desperately need to revive an NPC, and they don’t have enough Shards, they can find three Shards inside the Charnel House’s Treasure Chests.

dragon's dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
Action RPG