
  • Dragon's Dogma 2 is a landmark fantasy RPG with emergent gameplay and a vast world to explore.
  • However, the housing feature in Dragon's Dogma 2 lacks depth, offering only a bed and storage with no customization.
  • The game could benefit from more interactive housing options, which could be added in a future DLC.

Through Dragon's Dogma 2, Capcom has been able to craft an exciting fantasy world. The emergent gameplay across its story and many side quests keeps it feeling alive, meaning the entire experience has seemingly set a high bar for fantasy RPGs to follow. But while Dragon's Dogma 2 may be a welcome continuation of a dormant franchise after more than a decade, its approach to a housing feature deserved a bit more love.

Although it is not immediately obvious, players are actually able to purchase a house early on in their Dragon's Dogma 2 adventure. Some may think that this house means players can actually make themselves a base of operations, but they really cannot do much here. Instead, it simply serves as a means to save money, as players no longer have to spend gold to sleep at an inn. Even though that can prove extremely useful, Capcom should have injected a few more mechanics into this feature so that players had a greater incentive to buy into the housing market.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Puts a Fun Spin on a Tired Trope

Dragon's Dogma 2 is far from a conventional RPG, and there's one feature that puts a refreshing new spin on a now-tired entertainment industry trope.

Dragon's Dogma 2's Housing Market Should Have Been So Much More

Dragon's Dogma 2's Houses Explained

The first house that players can buy in Dragon's Dogma 2 will come from a side quest in Vernworth. They must find Mildred, who resides near The Stardrop Inn. Once they talk to her, she will ask them to take care of her house while she is away. That will give players access to the house and its bed, and then, after a week of in-game time, she will return to sell the house to them for 20,000 gold. If players do not purchase it, then they can no longer use it, but if they end up forking over the money, then they will be given a house to call their own.

As of now, there are only two other purchasable homes in Dragon's Dogma 2. Neither of the other ones require a side quest to complete, and instead can simply be purchased if players have the right amount of gold. One sits in the Nobles Quarter of Vernworth and costs 200,000 gold, while the other is in Bakbattahl and costs 30,000 gold. Each house may give players a different aesthetic, yet they all operate the same exact way. At the end of the day, they only really offer players two things: a bed and access to their storage.

Dragon's Dogma 2's Houses Needed to Take Cues From Other Fantasy Games

Players cannot do anything else exciting with their Dragon's Dogma 2 houses. They cannot customize the interior or exterior; the house's default appearance remains for good. Additionally, players cannot raise their own families within these houses, which is in stark contrast to Skyrim's house mechanics. On top of all that, there are only three houses to choose from, which heavily limits player choice.

Dragon's Dogma 2's houses could have been so much more if it had more levels of interactivity. Even though it is nothing more than a side activity, it should have included a bit more functionality. Even if it simply let players purchase different beds, it could have gone a long way in making these houses more exciting. If titles like Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls Online can make houses more than simply places to rest at night, then there is no reason Dragon's Dogma 2 could not have followed suit.

It may be too late to give players control over these houses, but maybe Capcom could at least introduce a few more to choose from. Right now, the options are rather limited, so increasing that number a bit could help give players more freedom. While any possible post-launch update should not be entirely focused on improving housing, it would be nice if it got a facelift either here or whenever the next chapter releases.