
  • NPC Dragonforged enhances weapons and armor, and offers rare items like Unmaking Arrow, crucial in Dragon's Dogma 2 endgame.
  • Dragonforged, a former Arisen, provides valuable info on defeating Dragon in Dragon's Dogma 2, and shares traits with the first game's NPC.
  • Dragonforged could have been the original player character, offering wisdom and insight into Dragon's Dogma's sequel.

Capcom's Dragon's Dogma 2 boasts a massive open world with a variety of monsters to hunt, gorgeous locales to explore, and NPCs to meet and build relationships with. Among these NPCs are some very distinguished individuals who can benefit players in many ways, including providing rewarding quests and offering helpful goods like Ferrystones, Portcrystals, and powerful weapons and armor. Players will encounter one such NPC in Dragon's Dogma 2's second half that has been marked in the same way the player's character has. This NPC is mysteriously referred to as "The Dragonforged."

The Dragonforged is arguably one of the most important NPCs in Dragon's Dogma 2 because he can enhance weapons and armor beyond what anyone else could, and he also sells a handful of helpful items, including the hilariously powerful Unmaking Arrow, in exchange for Wyrmslife Crystals. Furthermore, in Dragon's Dogma 2's endgame, The Dragonforged offers the game's most powerful weapons and armor. However, aside from all of this, one characteristic of his would have made him a great candidate for Dragon's Dogma 2 to incorporate some way for players to interact with their Dragon's Dogma or Dark Arisen character in the sequel.

A Dragon's Dogma 2 Location is Essentially the Brainchild of Zelda and Dark Souls

One major Dragon's Dogma 2 location combines elements of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Dark Souls for one of the game's more challenging regions.

How Dragon's Dogma 2 Could Have Used The Dragonforged

The Dragonforged Is a Former Arisen

The Dragonforged is not necessarily a new NPC to Dragon's Dogma 2, as the first game also had an NPC by the name of "The Dragonforged." However, it can be assumed that Dragon's Dogma 2's Dragonforged differs from the first game's. In Dragon's Dogma, the primary purpose of The Dragonforged was to provide the Arisen with information on how to defeat the Dragon, although he was also available to decipher Dragonspeak for various quests. He was able to do all of this on account of being a former Arisen himself — a trait that Dragon's Dogma 2's Dragonforged shares as well.

Like the Dragonforged that came before him, Dragon's Dogma 2's Dragonforged is a former Arisen who claims he lost his will in his fight against the Dragon. "As the Arisen is defined by the strength of their will," he says, "from that moment on I was Arisen no longer." As a former Arisen, he can provide the current Arisen with valuable information regarding the world of Dragon's Dogma 2 and the Dragon this Arisen faces. In addition to information, he provides a variety of useful items, weapons, and armor, especially in Dragon's Dogma 2's late game.

Dragon's Dogma 2's Dragonforged Could Have Been Players' Dragon's Dogma Character

Since The Dragonforged is a former Arisen, they could have been replaced by the player's character from the first game. Of course, this might have only been possible on PC, since the first game was otherwise only available on older consoles and would have required a previous save to be present on the same platform unless a cloud save was used. A visual update would have been necessary as well since Dragon's Dogma is now over a decade old. Still, it might have been fun for players to see their original Dragon's Dogma character make an appearance in the sequel to offer wisdom about the Dragon and the world of one of Capcom's unique franchises.

Despite The Dragonforged not being connected to the player's Dragon's Dogma character in Dragon's Dogma 2, he is still a very compelling character to interact with and comes with the bonus of offering some of the game's best items. It would be interesting to see if Capcom implements anything of this sort in a potential sequel, but that, and whether there will be a Dragon's Dogma 3, remains to be seen.