Dragon’s Dogma 2 has a number of side quests that can keep players engaged for a very long time. As every quest is unique from the others, players have to think outside the box in order to provide a solution in most cases.

Every RPG has its fair share of Escort missions, and everyone knows that escorting slow NPCs to a location far away can be tedious. However, Dragon’s Dogma 2 has a great feature where players can grab and pick up NPCs and take them all the way. This saves time and prevents NPCs from going away from the main path to attract unwanted mobs of enemies. Tolled To Rest is a relatively short Escort Quest that takes place in the northwest part of Vermund.

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How To Start Tolled To Rest

Ancient Battleground Map in Dragon's Dogma 2

Tolled To Rest starts at the Ancient Battleground northeast of Checkpoint Rest Town. To reach Checkpoint Rest Town, you can either walk the entire way or go for the less time-consuming method, which is taking an Oxcart from the Western Ox Station in Vernworth. Do bear in mind that you will have to visit this Town regardless during the Nation of the Lambent Flame Main Quest, where you have to travel to Battahl by presenting a permit at the checkpoint.

From the town, take the northeast path until you reach the entrance to the Ancient Battleground. Here, you will be able to see a Clash of Titans occurring from a distance. The titans in this reference are a Dragon and an Armored Cyclops. You can either ignore them and go past them or aggro them and use the multiple Mounted Crossbows in the locality to take out a huge chunk of their health. Taking out the Armored Cyclops can be an easy task, but dealing with the Dragon can be very challenging, especially if you arrive there early on in the game. The boss has a bunch of health bars and can easily one-hit you with most of its attacks.

Ancient Battleground in Dragon's Dogma 2

Regardless of whatever action you take afterward, you can proceed further past the campsite to find an NPC that is being attacked by a few monsters. This initiates the Tolled To Rest Side Quest.

Dragon's Dogma 2: How to Open Locked Doors

Dragon’s Dogma 2 follows an unusual pattern, making you play the waiting game. Here's how you can open locked doors in the game.

How To Complete Tolled To Rest

Oskar asking the Arisen to Escort Him in Dragon's Dogma 2

As the quest begins, you will have to Aid the sorcerer, who is being attacked by a few Harpies and a Wolf. Once you deal with the creatures, Oskar will ask you to escort him to the Cenopath located inside the Ancient Battleground. As the path can be perilous, he wants you to safeguard him from any harm. From this point on, you will simply have to follow Oskar as he makes his way all the way up to the Cenopath. As you reach the entrance of the building, several melee Skeletons, as well as a Mage Skeleton, will spawn, and you will have to deal with them. From here, follow the left path, and you will reach a staircase that goes up as well as a chest on the left with 780 Gold inside.

Heading up the staircase is a ladder that leads to the outside ground. If you keep following Oskar, he will soon come upon a ladder that goes down a hole. On the right, there is another ladder that you can take to reach a few goblins on the wall, as well as a Cyclops. Going down the ladder, you will come across a few more Skeletons who can be defeated quite easily. Go straight and left up the small staircase that leads into a room where Oskar will ring the bell. This will mark the end of the quest.

If you decide to go up the staircase outside the room, you can find a sleeping Armored Cyclops that drops the Meloirean Cyclops Veil (Head Armor) as well as a chest behind it that holds Black Matter (Weapon). The Head Armor and Weapon are both for the Warrior Vocation. There is also a wandering merchant here named Folkes who sells Black Crystal, which is a very rare enhancement material.

Dragon's Dogma 2: How to Get to the Volcanic Island

There are actually multiple ways the Arisen can reach the Volcanic Island in Dragon's Dogma 2, so here are the methods you'll need to reach it.

Tolled To Rest Rewards

Tolled to Rest Rewards in Dragons's Dogma 2

After Oskar has been safely escorted to the Cenopath, he will reward you with the Ancient Battleground Key, 9000 Gold, and 3000 XP. Additionally, you can pick up the Nation's Death Knell from the pedestal. The Vernworth Vault Key is also found inside a chest inside this room. Having the Ancient Battleground Key in hand, you will need to go outside the room and down the staircase so that you can open the locked door on your right. Inside the room, you can find multiple chests that hold a Ferrystone and 2200 Gold, as well as Infernal Edge, which is a weapon that can be equipped by the Mystic Spearhand Vocation.

dragon's dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 22, 2024
Action RPG