Table of contents


  • Arm and gear up Pawns to ensure victory in Dragon's Dogma 2 combat.
  • Recruit Pawns with various specializations to create a diverse and efficient party.
  • Utilize commands for strategic advantage, ensuring your Pawns function optimally both in and out of battle.

Dragon's Dogma 2 is by no means an easy game, but thankfully, Pawns make life so much easier, both in and out of combat. However, while in some ways they are self-sufficient, and their loyalty to the Arisen cannot be doubted, to get the most out of their allies, players need to help and manage their Pawns.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Best Pawn Vocations

Pawns are a players best friend in Dragon's Dogma 2, so it's important to choose the right vocation for them. Here're the best options.

As such, there are many tips and tricks that Dragon's Dogma 2 players should be aware of when managing their Pawns. By taking note of them, Pawns can prove to be even more helpful.

6 Make Sure To Buy & Upgrade Armor & Weapons For The Main Pawn

Without Effective Gear, Fights Will Be Much Harder

Dragon's Dogma 2 Best Body Armor For The Early Game

While this may seem obvious to some players, it is easy to get caught up in only buying new weapons and armor for the Arisen, forgetting that the main Pawn is also in need of better gear. Without the best body armor, for example, the Pawn is more likely to fall in combat, and players will have to go revive them. Similarly, without good weapons, Pawns won't be as potent.

On top of purchasing weapons and armor, players will also want to upgrade their Pawn's gear just as they would their own. The first upgrade simply costs gold, but after that, specific crafting materials will be required on top of the base cost. If players have reached a point where they have lots of gold in Dragon's Dogma 2, they can even consider purchasing armor and weapons that they can temporarily lend to their recruited Pawns. Players should just make sure to unequip this gear before sending them on their way. This makes more sense if players are constantly recruiting Pawns of the same vocation.

5 Recruit Pawns With Different Specializations

Overlapping Specializations Are Inefficient

find a pawn with a specialization in the riftstone in dragons dogma 2

There are five different Specializations for Pawns in Dragon's Dogma 2, which give individual Pawns the ability to perform unique functions such as using curatives, organizing inventories, or even translating Elvish. All of these are useful in their own right, but if players hire Pawns with the same Specializations, they are missing out on the potential of a party with diverse skills.

Therefore, players should try to recruit Pawns with different Specializations from their main Pawn. However, in chaotic fights, it isn't always a bad thing to have two Chirurgeons who use curatives on the Arisen and other allies.

4 Learn The Intricacies Of All Pawn Commands, Especially In Combat

Depending On The Circumstances, Commands Have Many Different Uses

Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawns fighting Griffin

Pawn commands are one of the most underutilized aspects of Dragon's Dogma 2, especially in combat. For example, if the player is overwhelmed by foes, they can issue the To Me! command, and their allies will gather around and fight alongside them. This is particularly useful for ranged builds. The Help! command will make pawns prioritize healing and other forms of support. When low, it's vital to issue this.

8 Tips And Tricks For Beginners In Dragon's Dogma 2

Take note of the following tips before getting lost in the massive world of Dragon's Dogma 2.

Out of combat, the Go! command has the most functions. When Pawns offer to locate a chest, guide the player on a quest, or remark upon the abundance of resources, this command will put them into action. There are also some surprising things that Pawns can do in Dragon's Dogma 2. For example, Mages can levitate to out-of-reach chests when the Go! command is issued while looking at said chest.

3 Make Sure To Get New Pawns Every Few Levels

Recruited Pawns Don't Level Up


Players will always have their main Pawn by their side, but they can also recruit two other Pawns from other players. This is done by visiting Riftstones or encountering Pawns on the road. However, these recruited Pawns will not level up while traveling with the Arisen.

Therefore, to have a combat-effective party, players will want to rotate new Pawns every so often, bringing higher-level helpers into the fold. Rotating Pawns also helps avoid the dreaded Dragonsplague. However, if players grow attached to certain Pawns, they can favorite these individuals and rehire them at a later date when they have leveled up. The Riftstone of Reunion in particular can help with this goal.

2 Beware Of Dragonsplague

Pawns With Symptoms Of Dragonsplague Need To Be Dismissed Or Sacrificed

Dragons Dogma 2 Dragonsplague Popup Warning Pawn Disease

Dragonsplague is an affliction that only affects Pawns in Dragon's Dogma 2, and it can be spotted by talking to Pawns and seeing if their eyes are red. Other symptoms include disobedience, headaches, and coughing. If the disease is allowed to fully develop, Pawns can eventually turn into dragons and massacre entire populations.

Dragon's Dogma 2: 6 Things You Should Not Buy From Merchants

Dragon's Dogma 2 players can buy a plethora of useful things from merchants, but not everything they sell is worth the cost.

To avoid this and to prevent Dragonsplague from spreading to other Pawns, it is important to dismiss those who are afflicted. In cases where the player's main Pawn has Dragonsplague, they will need to kill them and revive them at a Riftstone.

1 Make Sure All Pawns Have Access To Healing

Without Curatives Or With A Mage Or Chirurgeon, Pawns Can't Be Cured

Dragon's Dogma 2 Curatives Inventory

There are many ways to heal in Dragon's Dogma 2, and other ailments can also be set right with curatives or the help of certain Mage spells. However, with no Mage present and no curatives in their own inventory, Pawns will not be able to heal and will likely die in combat.

If there is one Pawn with the Chirurgeon Specialization in the party, then they can use curatives on allies, but they will prioritize the Arisen, and physically running to each individual isn't always viable. Therefore, players need to make sure that they put a few curatives in each Pawn's inventory so that they can heal themselves if need be.

dragon's dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 22, 2024
Action RPG