
  • Avoid spending on elite camping kits; adventurers can usually find them while exploring in Dragon's Dogma 2.
  • Skip buying food from merchants to prevent spoilage; plenty can be found while exploring the wilderness.
  • Don't waste money on magical tomes; they can be acquired for free while adventuring in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Dragon's Dogma 2 is an RPG that challenges players to adventure across an epic world while facing deadly monsters. Completing side quests or simply adventuring will allow the player to earn heaps of gold that can then be used to purchase various items from the merchants that can be found in every major city, town, or even on the road.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Things You Shouldn't Buy From The Microtransaction Store

Though the Dragon's Dogma 2 microtransaction store is far from egregious, some items can be found very easily in-game and ought not be bought.

While gold may be found almost anywhere, there are still some things sold by merchants that aren't worth the player purchasing. These are the things a player should avoid buying in Dragon's Dogma 2 and why it's best to avoid them since doing so will permit gamers to spend their money on more valuable things instead.

6 Expensive Camping Kits

Can Usually Be Found When Exploring

A mundane camping kit in Dragon’s Dogma 2

When adventuring across the map in Dragon's Dogma 2, players are likely to encounter the dangers that lurk in the dark during the night. Thankfully, approaching a campfire with a camping kit will allow players to rest up with their pawns to skip the night and return to adventuring throughout the day.

Camping kits come in different variations with all of them being available through a merchant. However, while it may be vital to have a camping kit on hand, purchasing elite camping kits from merchants should be avoided, especially due to the price. An Arisen is likely to find one while on their travels. If in desperate need, then the first available camping kit can be purchased; otherwise, players should avoid buying one.

5 Food

Prevent It Spoiling

Closeup of fatty meat cooking in Dragon's Dogma 2

Traveling merchants will likely have various food items on hand that the player may be tempted to buy so that they can have the food required to combine other materials to make things. They may also be tempted to buy meat from merchants that they can cook at a campfire. However, in Dragon's Dogma 2, there is a spoiling mechanic, which means if a player doesn't use a specific food item within a certain number of days, it will become rotten.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Best Pawn Vocations

Pawns are a players best friend in Dragon's Dogma 2, so it's important to choose the right vocation for them. Here're the best options.

Players who choose to purchase meat from merchants may forget to use this material or never make it to a campfire in time to make the most of it, making it a wasted purchase. Additionally, players will find plenty of food items while exploring, from hunting various animals to being surrounded by apple trees, so buying any from merchants isn't recommended.

4 Herbs

There Is Plenty To Be Found In The Wild

Greenwarish in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Herbs are another vital resource in Dragon's Dogma 2 that players will always want to keep on hand for crafting various potions that will likely save their lives during this RPG. The Arisen may notice that many of the merchants across the regions will have herbs of varying types for sale, allowing them to make the potions they want.

While this may be the easier option when trying to craft potions in a flash, players are likely to find plenty of herbs by just by walking around in the wilderness, which will cost nothing to collect and use.

3 Materials

Unless Rare, There Is No Shortage Of Materials To Be Found Elsewhere

Copper ore in Dragon’s Dogma 2

In addition to herbs, players are likely to see merchants selling various materials that are dropped by the foes that can be encountered on the road. These materials are used to enhance the players' equipment, with each piece of gear or weapon requiring different materials to upgrade various qualities.

Purchasing these materials is great when players need something in a flash, but usually, the materials that are being sold are ones that can commonly be obtained quickly while simply just playing the game.

2 Magical Tomes

Expensive And Not Worth It

Winter’s Path tome in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Although Sorcerers and Mages are the vocations that predominantly use magic, players are able to purchase magical tomes from various merchants. These usually cost quite a bit due to them allowing a player to use various incantations that are identical copies of these commonly used spells.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Things You Didn't Know Pawns Could Do

Players may be surprised to learn that their Pawns can perform the following functions in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Although useful, players will want to avoid purchasing them from any merchant they meet, as plenty of magical tomes can be found in the chests during one's adventure. Besides being able to find these tomes in the world itself, the few merchants that do sell these books don't sell them for cheap. This means that players will be sacrificing a large amount of money on something they could otherwise acquire for free.

1 Healing Potions

Players Can Easily Make Their Own

A health potion in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Out of all the items available in Dragon's Dogma 2, one thing that players are going to be in constant need of is healing potions. While a player may be tempted to buy as many as they possibly can from a merchant, their gold is better spent elsewhere on more important things. This is because players are likely to find all sorts of herbs and fruit that can be combined to make great starting healing items during their travels.

While exploring in Dragon's Dogma 2, players will likely find plenty of the materials needed to make these potions, so buying them becomes a waste of time. There are still other potions that players may want to buy from merchants, such as those that stop various negative effects, but healing items are best crafted, not purchased.

dragon's dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 22, 2024
Action RPG