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Dragon's Dogma 2 is filled with several important choices that can have lasting consequences for the player. Players will often not realize that even the smaller side-quests hide decisions that have far-reaching ramifications. While Dragon's Dogma 2 excels at making many of its choices feel as if they have real weight, it does not always let the player know when they are facing the possibility of a diverging path.

'Tensions on the High Road' is one such quest. This mid-game mission tasks players with escorting a certain noble on an important journey. However, along the way, the cart is ambushed by a familiar face. At that moment, a choice is presented, and the best option may not be the obvious one. It does not help that Dragon's Dogma 2 does not allow multiple save files, so players will often be stuck with their choices. Luckily, this guide will explain the outcome of both available options, so players can know they made the best possible choice.

Dragon's Dogma 2: How to Unlock Warfarer Vocation (Newt Liqueur Location)

The Warfarer Vocation is the most versatile of character classes in Dragon's Dogma 2. Here's how to earn it for your Arisen.

How to Start Tensions on the High Road in Dragon's Dogma 2


'Tensions on the High Road' will only become available to players once they have met Raghnall in Bakbattahl. This will occur during the brief 'Welcome to Battahl' side-quest. To start that quest, simply walk up to The Wanderer's Haven tavern and the mission will begin. After this occurs, players will be approached randomly in either Vernworth or Checkpoint Rest Town. In one of these locations, a messenger will deliver Escort Orders, which initiates the quest being added to your inventory.


The next step will be to head to Checkpoint Rest Town in the west of Vermund and begin the mission. See the above map to find the exact location Simon and the cart will be waiting with Augustin, the individual the Arisen is supposed to escort.

Should I Help Simon or Raghnall in Tensions on the Highroad?


The short answer to this question is that you should absolutely side with Raghnall. The entire event is a setup in order to kill both Augustin and the Arisen. Here is how things play out in each situation:

Choosing to Help Raghnall:

  • If the player sides with Raghnall, they will briefly fight the guards together, then Raghnall flees into the nearby woods. The player must follow to continue the mission.

Choosing to Help Simon:

  • If the player helps Simon and attacks Raghnall, the mission plays out almost entirely the same. Other than the initial attack, the player will side with Raghnall during the rest of the mission, and it is not mentioned again. It is possible this will have an overall negative effect on the player's overall affinity with Raghnall at the end of the game, so it is better to simply help him.

How to Complete Tensions on the High Roads


Once Raghnall leaves the fight, a quest marker will pop up showing his destination. He enters Guerco Cavern, and the player must follow. Be careful on the path to the cave, as it is littered with enemies hiding in the tall grass.

Inside the cave, the player cannot avoid walking onto a broken path that collapses and separates them from the party. After this, Raghnall will appear again and the player must help fight off several enemies. Once this is done, Raghnall and the player will follow the cave to an outdoor area where they will camp. During this section, Raghnall explains that the entire mission was a setup, and that the goal was to kill the player and Augustin. It was Augustin who actually hired Raghnall. After the cutscene, time will pass to the next morning.

To exit the area, there will only be one new path the player can follow. Do not go back the same way you came. The path to the will be very brief, but before both the player and Raghnall can exit, the roof collapses and Raghnall is seperated from the player. He tells the player to leave, but insists they will meet again. This ends 'Tensions on the High Roads.'

dragon's dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 22, 2024
Action RPG