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Dragon's Dogma 2 features multiple unique quests that significantly diverge when the quest is failed. Unlike many modern action-RPGs that allow players to constantly retry failed missions, Dragon's Dogma 2 features multiple quests that simply recognize failure as one of two possible outcomes, and move forward accordingly. This is likely why DD2 features a save system that effectively discourages save-scumming.

'Shadowed Prayers' is one such mission, in which it is not only possible to fail, but for many players, it is likely. This mission tasks players with picking an assassin out of a small crowd, with the hopes of preventing another attack on the Empress of Battahl. With only the most general details, a ticking clock, and a camera that loves to go haywire in tight spaces, finding the culprit can be challenging. This guide will help players find the assassin, and explain a method for trying again should the quest fail.

Dragon's Dogma 2: All Portcrystal Locations (& How to Get Portable Portcrystals)

Players who enjoy fast traveling in Dragon's Dogma 2 can find the locations of all the permanent and portable Portcrystals detailed here.

How to Start Shadowed Prayers in Dragon's Dogma 2


Before beginning 'Shadowed Prayers,' make sure to rest at an inn or a private residence . If players accidentally fail the mission, this will allow re-loading from the last save at an inn. Remember, Dragon's Dogma 2 will not automatically let players retry failed missions. If players fail 'Shadowed Prayers,' that is the state it will remain in.

'Shadowed Prayers' is part of a series of side-quests players can get from interacting with Ser Menella and working through the main quest. After a previous attack on the empress of Battahl, Menella is expecting another. So, in exhange for documents that allow the player to enter Bakbattahl freely, they must agree to help prevent the next attack. To start the mission, players must first enter Battahl. After the first time players speak to Menella at Rockmouse's Burrow, make sure to rest once. Next, head to Flamebearer Palace and Menella will be waiting outside. She will ask the player to help guard the Empress the next morning during prayers. When the player accepts, 'Shadowed Prayers' begins.

How to Pick the Correct Assassin in Shadowed Prayers


Upon returning Flamebearer Palace in the morning, the player will find Menella speaking to a new character, Ser Irmhild. They inform the character that the Empress is about to begin her prayer ceremony, despite the fact that they know an attack is imminent. They ask the Arisen to help identify the assassin, and a document with only the most basic description of the perpetrator is received.

  • According to the Bandit Bill of Arrest , the assassin is said to be a male, with hair pulled back and an injured right arm.

There are several men among the devotees attending the prayers, and the lighting is very dim. This makes it very hard to spot the correct attacker. Along with this, the event is timed, with only a short window available for the player before the attack occurs.

Picking the Correct Assassin:

  • The attacker is found in a green toga, down on his knees. If the player turns their lamp on, a small red line can be seen across his right arm. He is in the row closest to the right wall of the steps, and tries to blend in with the crowd. When approaching him, make sure to be very careful not to tackle the wrong person. Press R2/RT to tackle. Once the correct person has been apprehended, a cutscene will begin that leads to the end of the mission.

Should the player pick the wrong attacker, there will be no second chances. See the tip at the top of the guide to learn how to retry the mission. Players can also move forward with the mission failed, and deal with the consequences.

dragon's dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 22, 2024
Action RPG