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You can complete most of the quests in Dragon's Dogma 2 on your own timetable. Whether you start them immediately or get back to them hours later, nothing will change. However, a few quests are time-sensitive, and bad things can happen if you don't complete them before time runs out.

Time-sensitive quests are rare overall, but Dragon's Dogma 2 makes sure you know about them early on by including one such quest in the first settlement you come across. As soon as you get your first Pawn and start the main quest "In Dragon's Wake," be prepared for this quest to trigger as you try to leave Borderwatch Outpost by the south exit.

Dragon's Dogma 2: How to Stop Items From Spoiling

Items spoiling in Dragon's Dogma 2 doesn't seem bad, but it can be rough when you're in need of a healing item. Here's how to avoid it happening.

How to Start Ordeals of a New Recruit

Dragons Dogma 2 Ordeals Map

As you approach the southern gate of Borderwatch Outpost, at least during the day, you should overhear a man named Phill discussing a patrol with a fellow soldier. Someone saw harpies in the area, and Phill worries that a new recruit sent that way, Accardo, isn't prepared to fight them.

If you accept the quest, the game will explain that some quests have timers, and if these timers run out, you can fail or otherwise lose out on getting a quest's best possible ending. Time passes in Dragon's Dogma 2whether you rest to restore your health or stay active, so keep that in mind when you decide on which quest you want to do next (or whether you'd rather go exploring instead).

In this case, all you have to do is head down the main road south from the Borderwatch Outpost. You'll run into Accardo and a group of harpies sooner rather than later.

How to Fight Harpies

Dragons Dogma 2 Ordeals Accardo

Harpies are one of the reasons why you or your main Pawn should have a ranged attack at all times. While they mainly attack by diving in with their claws, harpies love to keep their distance in the air until they strike. They also have a special move called a harpy song, and if you stay too close to them for too long it'll force you to fall asleep. Melee vocations have access to abilities that let them grab distant enemies or leap into the air, but you might not have them this early in the game.

Another way to deal with harpies is by lighting a Harpysnare Smoke Beacon . You can buy this consumable item from the shop in Borderwatch for 3,000 gold. Using a beacon will cause all the harpies nearby to land, making them much easier to fight. Just keep in mind that it doesn't also make them helpless.

On the bright side, harpies have low health, and Accardo and his patrol will help out for this fight. As such, if you reach him in time, you shouldn't have any trouble defeating the harpies. You can then head back to Borderwatch Outpost to talk to Phill and complete the quest.

Your reward for saving Accardo's life is 400 XP, 1,000 gold, and a bottle of Lantern Oil .

dragon's dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 22, 2024
Action RPG