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  • Take inspiration from preset names in character creation for a backup option safe from censorship in Dragon's Dogma 2.
  • Consider using names from the first Dragon's Dogma game for a realistic touch in the sequel's parallel universe setting.
  • Create nicknames for the Arisen and Pawns to add an element of roleplay, drawing inspiration from fantasy worlds and medieval names.

Dragon's Dogma 2's character creation system is one of the absolute best, with players having control over minute features such as individual muscles and teeth. However, after spending hours perfecting a single character, players might then get stuck coming up with a good name.

Dragon's Dogma 2: 5 Vocations That Should Be Added As DLC

Capcom's highly anticipated open-world sequel is edging closer, and hope remains for vocations to be added to Dragon's Dogma 2 as DLC.

With that in mind, this topic aims to help players by providing inspiration and places to look for naming their Dragon's Dogma 2 characters. While this is a conundrum players face in many RPGs, it is of particular importance in DD2 as players need to name their Pawns as well as their Arisen.

1 Look At The Preset Monikers For Inspiration

The Game Provides Plenty Of Name Ideas In Character Creation

Dragon's Dogma 2 Character Creation Male Archer

If players haven't tried out the character creation system in Dragon's Dogma 2, they will be glad to know that at the end of the process, just as they need to name their Arisen or Pawn, there is a brilliant list of preset names. These are called Monikers and players must select one either way, as they serve as a safe backup in case the player's chosen name needs to be censored for profanity.

From A to Z, players have a great selection of names that either fit into the game perfectly or fulfill a specific naming trope. Players can browse through these at leisure, and either go with a name they find or use the options as inspiration. Choosing a name that is also a Moniker has the added benefit of being safe from censorship.

2 Use Character Names From The First Dragon's Dogma Game

It Is More Realistic For People To Have The Same Name

Feste the Duke's Jester from Dragon's Dogma

Dragon's Dogma 2takes place in a parallel universe that mirrors the setting of the original, so it would make perfect sense for names from the first game to be repeated. Additionally, while writers tend to avoid using the same names twice, this is not how it works in reality with children often named after their relatives and with certain names going in and out of fashion.

5 Open-World Games with Realistic Rural Environments

Open-world games are known for putting a huge emphasis on the environment, and the following games nail that thanks to their realistic rural settings.

Therefore, it is not only perfectly acceptable for players to name their Arisen or a Pawn after a character from any Dragon's Dogma game but also more realistic. There are many NPCs in both titles from whom players can borrow names. While veterans will have fond memories of previous characters, those who are new to the series can simply look up NPC names online. When walking around the new game, players might meet NPCs with cool names that they could use for their Pawns or future playthroughs.

3 Use A Nickname

Adventurers Often Have Nicknames

Mystic Spearhand casting a spell in Dragon's Dogma 2

It is very common for adventurers in fantasy to have nicknames, and this can be for several reasons. For example, certain individuals might wish to protect their true identity, while others have nicknames bestowed upon them for a particular trait or deed. Nicknames can be granted out of love, for humorous reasons, or even out of fear by the enemy.

Adventurer nicknames from pop culture include The White Wolf, Strider, and The Hound. Players can use any of these and more as springboards to get their imaginations running, no longer confined to using regular names only. Players can also incorporate a name they have already decided on into a title, similar to how the name Gandalf the Grey works. One option is simply adding "the Arisen" to the name, as this is the nature of the main character.

4 Give The Arisen & Their Pawn A Similar Name To Signify A Close Bond Or Kinship

This Can Add An Element Of Roleplay

Dragon's Dogma 2 group

Pawns and the Arisen's party are at the heart of Dragon's Dogma 2, and for an added element of roleplay, players could pretend there is a bond between these adventurers. For example, the Arisen and their main Pawn could be siblings with a shared last name, and with first names taken from the same culture.

A simple touch like this could then lead to other roleplay decisions, such as the player always reviving their sibling first, and taking precautions in combat to make sure they come to no harm.

5 Use Medieval Names As Inspiration

Dragon's Dogma 2 Is Set In A Medieval Fantasy World

Dragon's Dogma 2 NPC

While Dragon's Dogma 2 is most definitely a fantasy game, the main real-world inspiration for its setting is the Middle Ages. As such, it makes perfect sense for players to look towards medieval names when naming their Arisen or any of their Pawns.

10 RPGs With The Most Replayabilty

These RPGs offer so much freedom in terms of choice that it's hard not to want to replay them for their unique stories and fun gameplay.

For ideas, players can look at the names of medieval kings and queens, and other rulers, but also more common names from all around medieval Europe and beyond. Standardized spelling wasn't really a thing in the Middle Ages, so to make their name more unique, players could play around with the spelling and even add a little fantasy flourish or grit.

6 Use Names From Other Fantasy Worlds

Many Fantasy Names Fit Perfectly Into Dragon's Dogma 2

Geralt and Ciri in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Thanks to an incredibly detailed character creation system, players are already recreating their favorite fantasy characters in Dragon's Dogma 2. However, for those who want to create their own visuals, but are struggling for a name, they could still look towards fantasy games, shows, and books for inspiration.

Many of these worlds share similarities with DD2 and so names from franchises such as Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, or Baldur's Gate fit in seamlessly for the most part. These fantasy franchises often have huge casts of characters, including hundreds of minor ones, which means there are hundreds of niche names to pick from.

dragon's dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 22, 2024
Action RPG