Money is always going to be an issue in Dragon's Dogma 2, especially if players find themselves in need of supplies or upgrades for both their character and main pawn. Gold doesn't grow on trees, but there are plenty of ways to earn lots of it, whether its through honest work or some more unscrupulous means.

Dragon's Dogma 2: New Game Plus, Explained (Differences & Carry Over)

New Game Plus gives players a chance to experience Dragon's Dogma 2 all over again without making a new character. Here's what to expect from it.

Crafty players have discovered a way to essentially print unlimited money that also doubles as a means to duplicate things, including some very important items in Dragon's Dogma 2 like Ferrystones and upgrade materials. However, there's a big catch, and not everyone might be able to do this method as reliably as some others.

How to Get Unlimited Money and Duplicate items

A pawn with a quest in Dragon's Dogma 2

Duplicating items in Dragon's Dogma 2 works very differently from other offline RPGs like Skyrim or Fallout 4 . An internet connection is required.

This method involves exploiting the new Pawn Quest system, which is something every player can do so long as they're connected to the game's online servers. This is free for PC players, but anyone on PlayStation or Xbox will need relevant subscriptions to their' consoles' respective services.

To get easy money and items, all you have to do is get pawns with quests that have the rewards you're looking for. Here's a full breakdown of the steps you need to take:

  1. Visit a Grand Riftstone.
  2. Filter pawns via Pawn Quests.
  3. Search for two pawns with quests that reward money or items (as pictured above).
  4. Hire both pawns and complete their quests to earn the rewards.
  5. Set a simple quest for your own pawn that also rewards either money or items.
Setting up a pawn quest in dragon's dogma 2

The first four steps above are self-explanatory. Do quests to earn rewards. The catch here is that these rewards come from the wallets of other players, and this is where Step 5 comes in. Ideally, you should also set simple Pawn Quests in Dragon's Dogma 2 to incentivize other players to do the same. To do this:

  1. Visit a Grand Riftstone.
  2. Select "Set Pawn Quest."
  3. Set a quest to either hunt a large monster or deliver basic items like Greenwarish .
  4. Set the reward to 10,000G, a Ferrystone , or a material of your choosing.

It's hard to describe this as anything but a pyramid scheme because that's exactly what this method is. Since you can hire two pawns at a time, you'll get a 100% profit every time you complete their quests. You can choose to not set your own Pawn Quests, but this will harm the overall scheme in the long run unless you have two friends who actively play the game. When farming for Gold, you should only hire pawns that reward the same amount of money that you've put in as a reward for your own Pawn Quest, so you don't incur a loss.

As far as items are concerned, you're technically not duplicating them. Instead, you're getting more copies of an item from a different world. For example, if you want a second copy of the Gryphic Victory greatsword for your pawn, you'll have to ask another player to set a quest with the same weapon as a reward. The giver will lose their copy of that item, but you'll gain another in return.

dragon's dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 22, 2024
RE Engine