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  • Watch your step! Fall damage in Dragon's Dogma 2 is brutal. Players often underestimate heights and end up in a splat situation.
  • Combat can go wrong with endless enemy combos. Arisen can get staggered, unable to recover. Players need to be cautious and strategic.
  • Be careful with friendly fire! Players toss Pawns around for fun, but often accidentally throw them off cliffs or into lakes, losing important gear.

Players have a ton of freedom in Dragon's Dogma 2. The freedom to go where they want, choose whatever Vocation they want, complete whatever quests they want, and much more. However, with that much freedom, it becomes a whole lot easier to make little mistakes here and there.

Every Boss In Resident Evil 4, Ranked From Easiest To Hardest

Resident Evil 4's bosses can be quite the challenge. This is how every boss in the game ranks, according to difficulty.

Thankfully, most mistakes in Dragon's Dogma 2 end up being minor setbacks and are pretty hilarious to boot. Let's go over a few of the major mistakes a lot of players seem to be making in this game so far and why these mistakes are so funny.

8 Dying From Fall Damage

We've All Splatted on the Ground at Least Once

Dragon's Dogma 2 Falling Out Of A Tower

First up is probably the leading cause of death in Dragon's Dogma 2, at least in the early game, and it's fall damage. While there was fall damage in the original Dragon's Dogma, it's so much more brutal in DD2.

And, it's basically guaranteed that players are going to get a bit 'too' confident in their first couple of hours in the game, climb up onto a mountain to open some chest before jumping off thinking 'it'll be fine'. However, they'll quickly discover upon splatting on the ground that they'll need to be a lot more conscious of the height they're at in DD2 compared to a lot of other games.

7 When Enemies Get An Infinite Combo On The Arisen

It Truly Feels Like They Coordinate Their Attacks Sometimes

Dragon's Dogma 2 Being Surrounded By Enemies

When combat goes well in DD2, it looks incredible. In fact, the high-octane combat of this game is what has drawn so many new people into the franchise. However, when combat goes wrong in DD2 it's equally as incredible, as in it's incredible how many hits the Arisen takes before even starting to get back up. When enemies get a combo going against the Arisen, it doesn't seem to stop, and there's not much a player can do but watch once they've started to stagger.

Anyone who has gotten a bit too confident fighting a group of wolves, goblins, or saurians can verify that it's incredibly easy to get knocked down by one of them and then the rest of the group are able to get a bunch of hits in before the player has any chance to recover. With larger monsters (golems and enraged cyclops especially) they can even stomp the Arisen into the dirt without giving the player a second to even regret making their mistake in the first place.

6 Throwing A Pawn A 'Bit' Too Far

When Your Main Pawn Accidentally Lands in a Lake

Dragon's Dogma 2 - Throwing Main Pawn Into The Ocean

Another aspect that Dragon's Dogma 2 players seem to mess around with very early on in their playthroughs is the ability to grab objects. Whether it's a rock, an enemy, or even their own Pawns, picking up and throwing things is a lot of fun.

Dragon's Dogma 2: 6 Things You Should Not Sell To Shops

It's a good idea to sell unwanted items at shops in Dragon's Dogma 2, but there are some items that have better uses.

Players who start out as the Fighter Vocation especially end up throwing their Pawns around a lot, given that this is one of the only ways they have early on to knock Harpies out of the air. But, what also ends up happening just as often is that players get a bit 'too' confident tossing their Pawns around and end up tossing them off a cliff or into a lake, and more often than not this ends up being the Pawn that's carrying their most important gear too.

5 Hiring Pawns Based On Looks

It's Silly, They're Not Real, But We Get It

Dragon's Dogma 2 - Pawn Designed After Makima From Chainsaw Man

While it's understandable, there's just something so funny about a person hiring a fictional video game character purely because they think the character is 'hot'. These pawns are not much more than code on a screen but players are absolutely making sure that the Pawns they choose to hire meet their 'standards' in terms of their appearance.

And, more often than not, they end up picking a Pawn that's a much worse option statistically than multiple other available Pawns who are visible in the Rift. Of course, this logic also applies to picking Pawns that were made to be as hideous as possible too, and in both instances, the player probably would've been better off picking a Pawn purely off their stats, Inclination, Specialization, or Vocation.

4 Flailing At Harpies

Especially as a Fighter

Dragon's Dogma 2 - Trying To Hit A Harpy Midair

Early on (and let's be honest, for the majority of the game) in Dragon's Dogma 2, Harpies are a real nuisance compared to the other basic mobs. While goblins can set the Arisen on fire and Saurians can douse the Arisen, Harpies inflict the Sleep debilitation and constantly stay just out of reach before coming in to get a hit or two in. And, in later areas where players are way up in the air on a wooden lift, Harpies can somehow become even more annoying.

7 Best Capcom Fighting Games, Ranked

Capcom have long been hailed as the king of fighting genre, but which of their many games is considered to be the very best among fans?

For players who start as Fighters and especially for those without any Archer or Mage Pawns, Harpies are an absolute menace. And, more often than not, these players end up spending a lot of their time in the fight jumping around desperately hoping one of their jump attacks actually lands. But, the majority of the time, they hit nothing but air.

3 Getting Tricked By That Meat-Cooking Video

All of Us Believed It, Even if it Was Only For an Instant

Dragon's Dogma 2 - InGame Meat Cooking Video

Everyone's experience with the camping mechanic in Dragon's Dogma 2 is different. Some people constantly forget to bring the Camping Kits that allow them to actually camp out in the open world, some people camp only to skip straight to morning in-game, and some people spend the whole game camping without ever realizing they could cook food while camping to get additional buffs.

Also, at least from the people we've spoken to who are playing Dragon's Dogma 2, almost everyone is tricked at least for a moment when that video of the different meats being cooked comes on. Games have really stepped it up a notch when it comes to making high-fidelity in-game food (take Final Fantasy 15 for example), so when a game goes back to using live-action footage, it takes the brain a second to even realize that's not CGI.

2 The Walk of Shame Back To Item Storage

Storing Something Only To Need it 2 Minutes Later

Dragon's Dogma 2 - Accessing Storage At Inn

Let's be honest, in Dragon's Dogma 2, players are going to be backtracking quite a lot. For a game that tries to limit fast travel as much as possible, it somehow also wants players to constantly travel back and forth between major towns for Quests.

Players who are just bee-lining the main story probably haven't been experiencing this all too often, but when completing side quests in DD2 a lot of the time an NPC will ask for an item that players had 'just' chosen to put in their Item Storage a few minutes ago such as Ores, random upgrade materials, and more. Then, players need to run all the way back to their home or to a nearby inn, pick up the requested item, and take it all the way back to the NPC.

1 Misplaced Camping Kits

Oops, Left it on My Other Pawn

Dragon's Dogma 2 - Camping For The Night

And finally, going back to the camping mechanic in Dragon's Dogma 2 for a minute, this mechanic is how the Arisen actually recovers their loss gauge while out in the open world. However, to actually 'camp' at a campfire, players will need a Camping Kit of any kind.

Normally this isn't much of an issue, but once players really start getting into the item management of Dragon's Dogma 2, it can be easy to absentmindedly place the only Camping Kit into Item Storage. Then, these same players who are down to the last 5th or so of their HP bar try to set up camp, only to realize they don't have the Kit on them. Funnily enough, for us personally the Main Pawn is usually the one carrying the Pack, and because throwing Pawns around is so much fun, that Main Pawn always happens to be the one that's accidentally thrown into a lake and therefore takes the Camping Pack with them to their (temporary) grave.

dragon's dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 22, 2024
Action RPG