
  • Trickster in Dragon's Dogma 2 deals no direct damage, instead relying on trickery to lead enemies to their demise.
  • Choose weapon skills wisely as only four can be equipped at a time, knowing which are best is crucial for Tricksters.
  • Utilize creative strategies like creating false walls or floors to outwit enemies and enhance the effectiveness of Trickster skills.

The Trickster is easily the most unique vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2, not least for the fact that it deals absolutely no direct damage. Instead, players intoxicate enemies with their censer, diverting their attention and tricking them into taking actions that will eventually lead them to their death.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Best Mystic Spearhand Weapon Skills, Ranked

As only four weapon skills can be equipped at once, players need to know which Mystic Spearhand skills are the best in Dragon's Dogma 2.

As with all the other vocations in Dragon's Dogma 2, players will progress through ten ranks as a Trickster, gaining access to new weapon skills that can be unlocked for Discipline Points. However, as players can only have four equipped at once, it is important to know which are the best weapon skills for Tricksters.

6 Delusory Screen/Illusive Divider

Place A False Wall Which Stops Movement & Limits Enemy Vision

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trickster Delusory Screen
  • Rank: 2/4
  • Cost: 300/1000

Delusory Screen can be a good weapon skill for Tricksters, but only if players use it effectively and get creative. How it works is that the Arisen conjures a false wall, which not only blocks the enemy's vision but also stops them from passing through it. If used in a narrow passageway, this can allow the Arisen and their Pawns to seek safety on the other side where they have time to heal up.

Archers and other ranged classes can also fire at will from behind the safety of a screen. By upgrading to Illusive Divider, players will be able to place two walls at once, and both of them will last longer, making it one of the more worthwhile upgrades.

5 Latching Effigy/Binding Effigy

Send The Simulacrum To Possess Enemies

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trickster Latching Effigy
  • Rank: 6/8
  • Cost: 1800/2500

Latching Effigy is an ability that allows Tricksters to launch their simulacrum at a foe, which is illusion in the form of the Arisen. If it hits, the foe will be possessed, making them run around like a headless chicken. However, this is a risky move, as if the ability misses, the simulacrum will disappear, meaning the Arisen must cast Effigial Incense again.

Players looking to take this skill to the next level can equip Binding Effigy, which is the advanced version of this skill. The upgraded version allows players to launch their simulacrum from greater distances at greater speeds.

4 Espial Incense/Visitant Aura

Explore As A Spirit

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trickster Espial Incense
  • Rank: 4/6
  • Cost: 700/1600

As with many of the Trickster weapon skills, Espial Incense is quite peculiar. First of all, players must reach safety, as this skill requires them to sit down uninterrupted. They will then cast out a spirit version of themselves which they control with a third-person camera, even having the ability to ascend and descend at will regardless of the terrain. This makes it ideal for scouting locations or finding all the Seeker's Tokens in Dragon's Dogma 2​​​​​​.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Things You Didn't Know Pawns Could Do

Players may be surprised to learn that their Pawns can perform the following functions in Dragon's Dogma 2.

However, as the simulacrum can be summoned to the spirit's location, an even better use of Espial Incense is to position the simulacrum in a location that is disadvantageous to the enemy, such as far away in mid-air, or on a Fickle Floor, which is another Trickster weapon skill. The upgraded version, Visitant Aura simply consumes less stamina.

3 Sweeping Shroud/Suffocating Shroud

Attract The Attention Of All Foes Around You

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trickster Sweeping Shroud
  • Rank: 1/4
  • Cost: 100/1000

Sweeping Shroud is essential to the Trickster playstyle, at least in large fights where many enemies are present. This is because the Arisen swings their censer in a large sweeping circle, attracting the attention of all foes hit. Of course, the effect of gaining aggro can be achieved with the Trickster's basic attacks, but they would have to go around hitting each foe individually.

With the attention of the enemy, players can then lead their foes on a wild goose chase while their Pawns dish out damage unheeded. However, if players have their simulacrum out when they use this skill, the enemy will instead focus on it rather than the Arisen. Suffocating Shroud is simply a more effective version of this skill that reaches more foes thanks to an increased range, and their attention is more likely to be drawn.

2 Fickle Floor/Tricky Terrace

Create A False Floor For Enemies To Fall Through

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trickster Fickle Floor
  • Rank: 5/7
  • Cost: 1100/2500

Fickle Floor is easily one of the most interesting skills in Dragon's Dogma 2, as it can be used creatively to send deceived enemies to their death. Quite simply, the Arisen conjures an illusory platform in a place of their choice, such as off the side of a cliff. Then they can attract the attention of enemies and hope that they happen to walk onto the false floor and fall to their death.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Best Sorcerer Weapon Skills, Ranked

Players should protitize getting these excellent Sorcerer weapons skills in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Alternatively, players can make use of Espial Incense or Visitant Aura to position their simulacrum above the floor, more consistently luring enemies to the depths below. As this combo takes a fair amount of setup with players needing to reach a safe place to use Espial Incense, the enhanced Tricky Terrace is a good upgrade to acquire as the false floor will last longer. Additionally, players will be able to have two floors active at once. One mistake that many players have made though, is thinking they can walk on their conjured floor. This sadly does not work.

1 Aromatic Rally/Aromatic Resurgence

Increase The Damage Of Allies

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trickster Aromatic Rally
  • Rank: 3/5
  • Cost: 450/1300

At the end of the day, Tricksters are support characters and rely heavily on their Pawns to deal damage. To this end, the Aromatic Rally weapon skill is absolutely crucial, as it boosts the offensive capabilities of all allies that the red smoke makes contact with. While it will also, unfortunately, incur a small and steady loss of health for the Arisen's Pawns, if their health falls to zero they will be able to continue fighting.

The advanced version of this skill, Aromatic Resurgence, should also be unlocked as soon as possible as it provides allies with even more damage and lasts for longer. Ideally, this effect should be active at all times in combat on as many Pawns as possible.

dragon's dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 22, 2024
Action RPG