
  • Levitate allows for new traversal options - unlock at Mage & Sorcerer Rank 3.
  • High Flagration deals more damage in close combat - unlock at Mage Rank 4.
  • Ice/Fire/Lightning Affinity adds elemental damage - unlock at Mage Rank 5.

Dragon's Dogma 2 magic Vocations are some of the most crucial Vocations players should use during their adventure. The spells provided by Mages and Sorcerers can not only deal immense damage but also support the Arisen or the other Pawns in surviving against whatever foe they face.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Best Armor For Slash Resistance

Any melee characters in Dragon's Dogma 2 will want to invest in armor with good slash resistance. Here are the best armor pieces for that.

Some of these spells can even be found in book form to allow the Vocations that don't use magic to at least cast the spell once in emergencies. With this in mind, these are some of the spells players should be putting on their Sorcerer or Mage, or keep the books handy if they want the best chance at survival.

8 Levitate

Great For Traversal

The Levitate core skill in Dragon’s Dogma 2
  • Unlocks at Rank 3 of Mage & Sorcerer

While Levitate may not be entirely a spell, according to the Core Skill's description, the Mage or Sorcerer uses magical means to lift themselves off the ground. Therefore, any player who decides to play one of these Vocations or has a Pawn with it should make sure they have the Core Skill of Levitate unlocked.

This spell is perfect for exploring the world of Dragon's Dogma 2, as the player will likely be able to reach places they couldn't before. Pawns with Levitate available will call out to the player to allow them to use this ability to reach something for them.

7 High Flagration

Magical Flamethrower For Close Combat

High Flagration in Dragon’s Dogma 2
  • Unlocks at Rank 4 of the Mage Vocation

High Flagration is the advanced version of the Flagration spells which Mages have access to from the start of the game. Once they have hit Rank 4 of this Vocation, they can upgrade it to not only last longer but also deal more damage.

Therefore, a player, or Pawn, that uses this fire magic spell and finds themselves a little too close to the action can damage everything in a cone ahead of them while also being able to move, so they can back away from the danger.

6 Ice/Fire/Lightning Affinity

Make Weaponry Do Elemental Damage

Lightning Affinity weapon skill in Dragon’s Dogma 2
  • Ice, Fire, and Lightning Affinity are unlocked at Rank 5 of Mage

Although these are three separate Weapon Skills that a Mage can unlock or be found in a book while adventuring in Dragon's Dogma 2, each elemental affinity – originally a Boon before advanced – is important for a Mage to own. Enemies in Dragon's Dogma 2 each have their weaknesses, while a Mage or Sorcerer can have different elemental spells.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Best Armor For Magick Defense

Looking to protect yourself from magic in Dragon's Dogma 2? These are the best armor pieces for the job.

The same cannot be said for the melee classes. Therefore, a spell like the Ice or Fire Affinity should be in the players' arsenal at all times to allow these melee classes to also do elemental damage. It's a good idea to swap these out for other ones depending on what foes may be ahead.

5 High Levin

Cast Lightning From The Sky

High Levin
  • Unlocks at Rank 4 of Mage and Sorcerer

Levin is another great spell for both Mages and Sorcerers due to the immense damage it can do in an area. After the initial casting of Levin that targets where a foe is standing, players can use more stamina to continue striking lightning in that area in the hope of not only killing that enemy but likely many others that surround it.

Advancing the spell at rank 4 to High Levin once again increases the duration and the amount of damage done by the spell to make it even more effective.

4 High Empyrean

Holy Light Kills And Assists Players

High Empyrean weapon skill in Dragon’s Dogma 2
  • Unlocks at Rank 7 of the Mage Vocation

The strongest damaging mage spell available to players by far has to be Empyrean. This spell damages all foes within it with holy light damage while also lighting up the area where it has been cast.

This not only makes it a perfect spell when dealing with undead foes but also brilliant to use while exploring the roads of Dragon's Dogma 2 during the night, lighting up the battlefield so that the player has a better time locating what they're fighting. Ranking this spell up to High Empyrean at Rank 7 means the spell will last longer and increase the range it lights up, which also damages more foes.

3 Meteoron

A Powerful Spell For Open Spaces

The Meteoron Weapon skill in Dragon’s Dogma 2
  • Unlocked through the Conjurer's Jottings

While Mages are considered to be the support magic class in Dragon's Dogma 2, Sorcerer is the damage dealer Vocation. Therefore, a lot of its spells are meant to cause destruction. The Maister teachings for the Sorcerer Vocation include some of the best spells, such as Meteoron.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Mechanics From The First Game That Are Different In The Sequel

While Dragon's Dogma 2 is a very faithful sequel to the original Dragon's Dogma game, there are a good number of new mechanics for players to learn.

This spell calls upon meteors to hit a large area of the battlefield, making it perfect for open areas and large groups of foes. Those hit by these falling meteors are in for a great deal of pain with weaker foes being destroyed instantly.

2 Maelstrom

Physical Damage In Enclosed Areas

The Maelstrom Weapon skill in Dragon’s Dogma 2
  • Unlocked through Myrddin's Chronicle

While Meteoron is perfect for open areas, the other Maister Sorcerer spell, Maelstrom, is perfect for enclosed ones. This spell causes a whirlwind to form that can throw enemies up into the air while also dealing lots of damage.

Casting it in a smaller space makes it more likely that enemies will find themselves trapped within the whirlwind, though it can still do wonders in open areas against dragons where it easily knocks them off their feet. Since it's another Maister Teaching spell, players will need to find the trainer that gives this spell to them if they wish to unlock it.

1 Anodyne

Healing Is Always Crucial

Anodyne Core skill in Dragon’s Dogma 2
  • Mage Core Skill From Rank 0

Out of all the available spells in Dragon's Dogma 2, it's of no surprise to see that the best that any player should have in their arsenal is Anodyne. This is a spell that Mages have automatic access to without wasting a Weapon Skill slot.

When used, the spell creates a circle that both Pawns and the Arisen can use to heal any lost health. This is an incredibly vital spell to have, especially at the start of the game when a player is likely to be taking a lot of damage from the foes they face.

dragon's dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 22, 2024
Action RPG