
  • Ulrika offers a unique questline that reveals more about her character and motivations, providing players with a deeper connection to the game world.
  • Glyndwr introduces players to the world of elves and offers a questline that sheds light on elven culture, making him an NPC worth following.
  • Flora rewards players with a discount for completing a simple quest, showing the importance of interacting with NPCs for beneficial outcomes.

NPCs are the bread and butter of any RPG, and it's no different for Capcom's Dragon's Dogma 2. Featuring a fantastic cast of characters, Dragon's Dogma 2 has all sorts of NPCs for the player to encounter - memorable, funny, and even useful - right from the start of the game.

Dragon's Dogma 2: 5 Ways Pawns Make Life Easier

Pawns serve a variety of functions in Dragon's Dogma 2. These are activities that Pawns can perform to make the player's life easier.

Early game is often a difficult time, with unexplored maps, unmet NPCs, and players with no idea where to go or who to speak with. This can be even more difficult in a game like Dragon's Dogma 2 with its many NPCs. However, some are more interesting than others.

1 Ulrika

A Compelling Character With A Long Questline

  • Where to find: Encountered early on during the game's main story at the ruined town of Melve

Ulrika is an interesting character, one who knew the Arisen briefly before their encounter with the Dragon and the loss of their memories.

Ulrika is a compassionate character with a clear interest in the Arisen's well-being, and more than that, Ulrika comes with a long questline that delves deeper into her personality and motivations, providing some fantastic opportunities for players to get to know this NPC better.

2 Glyndwr

Introduces Players To The Elves

  • Where to find: Near Roderick's Smithy in Vernworth, Vermund; later at Sacred Arbor

Glyndwr is an interesting elf character, likely the first that players encounter on their travels in Dragon's Dogma 2. Not nearly as isolationist as other elves, Glyndwr has sought out human-crafted bows to further his archery training.

Players can choose to help him, and what follows is a nice quest line that introduces players to elves, their secret village, and Glyndwr himself. He is definitely an NPC worth following up on!

3 Flora

Offers A Discount For Those Who Complete Her Quest

  • Where to find: Standing right outside Runne's Apothecary in the ruined town of Melve

At first, Flora seems like a somewhat precocious kid out on an errand. She asks the player for a specific item, an item that is easy enough to acquire by this point in the game, with the promise of an unspecified reward later on.

The Arisen's kind heart (or scheming nature) does eventually pay off, though, as players can receive a discount from an apothecary in Vermund thanks to completing this little quest.

4 Gregor

Provides Players With An Oxcart

  • Where to find: Gregor appears to the player in the town of Melve after a few cutscenes and other story events

Gregor's purpose as an NPC is to move the player on from the very first region of the game, and he does this well by encouraging players to go with him to Vernworth, the capital city of Vermund.

The game really opens up after reaching Vernworth, and Gregor accompanies the player on the - quite long - journey to the city. He even offers up an oxcart to make things go faster, perfect for players who want to get stuck into the story without further delay.

5 Roderick

Has A Variety Of Useful Early-Game Weapons & Armor

Roderick the Smith
  • Where to find: In Vernworth, Vermund's capital city, in the Market District

Roderick's Smithy can enhance weapons and armor, but he also sells a fantastic selection of weapons that are incredibly useful in the early game. His goods span the range from cheap to very expensive, so there's something for every Arisen.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Best Thief Build

Here's a short guide covering the skills and augments you need turn your Thief in Dragon's Dogma 2 into a true giant slayer.

As well as selling important items for the Arisen and their Pawn, Roderick is also a key NPC in the Vocation Frustration quest to unlock the advanced Sorcerer and Warrior Vocations.

6 Brant

Essential For The Mystic Spearhand Vocation

  • Where to find: Brant is unmissable, appearing right at the entrance to Vermund after the player travels there for the first time as part of the main story

This guy had the nerve to pull a bait and switch on the Arisen. Distrusting at first, it turns out that Brant is actually a stand-up guy who just wants to support the Arisen in claiming their rightful place in Vermund.

Not only does Brant support the player, but he's also the way players get to progress in the main story quest of Dragon's Dogma 2, and his first quests are essential for players wanting to unlock the powerful Mystic Spearhand Vocation for their Arisen later on in the game.

7 Kassandra

One Of The First Merchants Players Meet

  • Where to find: In the very first camp after escaping the mines at the start of the game

Kassandra is a great early-game NPC because she's one of the first merchants players can encounter. Stocking a limited but essential variety of armors, Kassandra gives every new Arisen the chance to walk around in style, with some nice upgrades to their stats, too.

She's also a great place to drop off loot and exchange it for gold, making her an absolutely essential NPC for players who explore widely in the early game.

8 Warrick

Allows Players To Change Their Starting Vocation

  • Where to find: Inside the tent that serves as an inn at the first camp after escaping the mines at the start of the game

Warrick may be a humble innkeeper in a camp full of soldiers, but he's a fantastic NPC for Arisen new to the game because he offers the first opportunity to change the player's starting Vocation, as well as being able to change the Vocation of the main Pawn after the player unlocks them.

This is useful early on in the game when players might want to experiment a bit with the different kinds of combat and playstyles. He also offers one free stay at the inn, perfect in a game where saves are limited and inns are key.

9 Klaus

Unlocks The First Two Advanced Vocations Available To Players

  • Where to find: Klaus is at the desk in the Vocation Guild of Vernworth, the capital city of Vermund

Klaus is the clerk at the Vocation Guild in Vernworth. As well as offering all the standard services players can except at a Vocation Guild, Klaus can unlock the first two advanced Vocations available to the Arisen - and the only two advanced Vocations available to Pawns.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Best Starting Vocations, Ranked

There are a total of ten Vocations in Dragon's Dogma 2, but the Arisen can only select one of these four at the beginning of the game.

Players who want to change Vocation to Sorcerer or Warrior should see Klaus ASAP to complete the Vocation Frustration quest.

10 Ibrahim

Can Create Forgeries For The Arisen

  • Where to find: Ibrahim's Scrap Shop in the Checkpoint Rest Town at the border with Battahl

Ibrahim is a merchant with a difference: he can create forgeries of items owned by the Arisen, and has an uncanny knack for acquiring "special items." These special items are items the Arisen may have sold or otherwise lost during the game, but which are used as Quest Items for one or more quests.

Every RPG player knows the pain of having sold an important quest item earlier on in the game with no way to get it back, so it definitely pays to meet Ibrahim in the early stages of a playthrough.

dragon's dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 22, 2024
Action RPG