
  • Bulwark for Warriors reduces damage intake & boosts attack.
  • Erupting Arrow for Archers deals high damage with explosive arrows.
  • High Halidom for Mages cures various ailments, a crucial support skill.

Dragon's Dogma 2 is a great RPG experience to start the year 2024 with a bang. Players have been experimenting with the various vocations in Dragon's Dogma 2 to decide what is best suited for their pawn, their main companion, for the best experience while adventuring across the map.

Dragon’s Dogma 2: Things That Could Be Added To The Character Creator

Dragon's Dogma 2's character creator has been released prior to the full game hitting stores. Here are a few ways it could be improved.

There are various important core and weapon skills across the various vocations in Dragon's Dogma 2 that a player may consider purchasing for their pawn if they decide to choose that class. Therefore, these are by far the best skills players should consider giving to their pawn when they are establishing their build and to get the best results.

10 Bulwark - Warrior

Reduced Overall Damage

Bulwark core skill in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Warrior is a vocation that players will not have available at the start of the game. However, once making it to Vermund, the first large city players are likely to encounter, visiting the vocation area will give them the quest of getting both the warrior and sorcerer vocations. After unlocking the warrior, players can change their pawn to this, to become a hard-hitting ally.

Bulwark is one of many valuable core skills for this vocation as it allows the player's pawn to deal an immense amount of damage with their charged attacks while also reducing the amount of damage they take while in this stance. Therefore, a player won't need to worry about reviving or healing them as often.

9 Erupting Arrow - Archer

Explosive Arrows That Pack A Punch

Erupting Shot in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Although Archers are interesting to play as, few players have made this vocation the choice for their pawn. However, there are still some promising skills players should consider when choosing to make their pawn this.

Erupting Shot is the upgraded version of Exploding Shot, a weapon skill that requires explosive arrows to deal a large amount of damage. Keeping the pawn stocked up with these explosive arrows will allow them to deal a high amount of damage to foes' weak spots, especially when taking on larger monsters.

8 High Halidom - Mage

Cures Deliberations

High Halidom weapons skill in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Mages are a vital addition to any player's team in Dragon's Dogma 2. This is because they make perfect supporting units with various spells that can cure the player of their ailments. Therefore, players that are making their own Mage pawn, or searching for one, should look for a mage with the weapon skill of Halidom.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Things You Should Not Sell To Shops

It's a good idea to sell unwanted items at shops in Dragon's Dogma 2, but there are some items that have better uses.

This can later be upgraded to High Halidom on the player's own pawn or find another with this upgrade. Halidom allows a player to be cured of various deliberations, including being on fire, silenced, blighted, and many more. The upgraded version has a longer duration.

7 Skull Splitter - Thief

A Powerful Spinning Attack

Skull Splitter weapon skill in Dragon’s Dogma 2

The Thief vocation was originally a vocation that players unlocked later in the original Dragon's Dogma. However, in Dragon's Dogma 2, this has been turned into a vocation that players can choose at the very start of the game. Thieves are brilliant for players to master who are looking for a pawn that can deal an immense amount of damage while also being agile enough to avoid battle.

Therefore, weapon skills like Skull Splitter – which is upgraded from Helm Splitter – is a perfect weapon skill choice for any player. The upgraded version deals a great number of slashes in a violent spinning attack that no enemy will see coming.

6 Quickspell - Mage And Sorcerer

Sped up Spell Casting

Quickspell core skill in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Besides powerful weapon skills for both Mage and Sorcerer, there is one core skill that players should be sure to purchase as soon as possible for their pawn. This is Quickspell. In order for a pawn or a player to use their spells, they must first cast the incantation.

This could take some time. Fortunately, with the core skill of Quickspell, players can expend stamina to speed up the casting process as long as they are willing to spend a bit of their stamina to get it to happen. The pawn's Ai will consider when best to use Quickspell which may save the player in tight situations.

5 Implicate - Thief

Drag A Foe Forward

Implicate weapons skill in Dragon’s Dogma 2

One of the most powerful mechanics in Dragon's Dogma 2 is the ability to grab onto targets to push or pull them. Thieves have a weapon skill that allows them to pull targets from a distance to either drag them to the ground or cause them to fall over.

Tips And Tricks For Beginners In Dragon's Dogma 2

Take note of the following tips before getting lost in the massive world of Dragon's Dogma 2.

This ability will likely start as Ensnare for the player's pawn, but once upgraded to Implicate, a Thief can pull an enemy with far more force to make pulling them over much more successful. Players will likely find this skill useful in many battles against larger foes, as toppling them can make them easier to kill.

4 Defend - Fighter

Guard Against Front Attacks

Defend weapon skill in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Before Warrior, players are far more likely to have their melee vocation pawn be a fighter instead. This class uses both a sword and shield to protect their Arisen or the rest of the party.

Players will need to unlock core skills like Defend if they hope to put that shield to good use, otherwise it's mainly for show. As expected, Defend means that the pawn is far more likely to defend against oncoming damage from the front, though it costs a small amount of stamina to do this.

3 Argent Succor - Mage

A Powerful Heal

Argent Succor weapon skill in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Alongside the Mage weapon skills of Halidom, there is another vital supportive spell that all players should consider giving to their pawn. Succor is a spell that gradually heals the player and their allies for their lost health.

Argent Succor is naturally an upgraded version of the weapon skill that is usually known as Argent Tonic, though this version is known to not only heal for longer, but also arguably faster. Having a healing spell means players can worry less about the amount of potions they have on hand when dealing with the dangers of Dragon's Dogma 2.

2 Bump And Lift - Thief

Steal An Item From A Foe

Bump and Lift core skill in Dragon’s Dogma 2

The vocation of Thief wouldn't be known by this title if they weren't able to possibly steal things. Thankfully, players can unlock the core skill of Bump and lift to earn a few extra goodies from their foes.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Vocations That Should Be Added As DLC

Capcom's highly anticipated open-world sequel is edging closer, and hope remains for vocations to be added to Dragon's Dogma 2 as DLC.

When using the Carve attack, the player's pawn has the chance of stealing something from the person they are attacking. This means the player is likely to get plenty of extra items that don't just include the materials the foe usually drops. Putting these items to good use in crafting afterward is vital.

1 Roar - Warrior

Pull The Attention Of Foes

Roar weapon skill in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Out of all the available weapon skills in Dragon's Dogma 2, one of the most vital for any pawn that has been given the Warrior vocation is the Roar skill. This is an advanced version of Bellow, and essentially works as a way to pull the aggression of foes towards the Warrior.

Players that have chosen to play a squishier class such as mage or archer must put a skill like Roar on their warrior if they hope to keep the enemies away from them. A similar skill can also be found for Fighters if players instead want their pawn to be that vocation.

dragon's dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 22, 2024
Action RPG