
  • More race options wanted: Players desire to pick elves alongside new Beastrans for more unique character creation in Dragon's Dogma 2 .
  • Increase tattoo limit: Players wish for more tattoos per body area to create intricate designs and better full customization in the game.
  • Unrealistic hair colors wanted: Fans hope for a color wheel option to choose bright and unique hair colors for their characters in the RPG.

Dragon's Dogma 2 is an action RPG that many players are looking forward to the release of in 2024. Capcom created even more excitement around the release of the title by releasing the character customizer before the game hits stores, allowing players to create their Arisen and their main Pawn before starting their adventure in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Every Monster Revealed So Far

Alongside the dragons, there is a monster menagerie revealed in the Dragon's Dogma 2 trailer.

Many players have had high praise for the character creator as they feel it gives them enough detailed options to make the perfect main character for the game. However, there are still some features players wish they could alter or change entirely.

5 More Race Options

Elves Should Be An Option Alongside The New Beastrans

A player changing the Arisen’s ears in Dragon’s Dogma 2

In Dragon's Dogma 2, players only have the option between two races for both their Arisen and their main Pawn of either humans or Beastrans. Elves do exist in the world of Dragon's Dogma 2, but the player is unfortunately unable to choose this as an option. Although the player can give their character slightly pointed ears, they are still considered a human Arisen.

Naturally, with players now being allowed to play as this cat-like race, many have wished they could also officially play as an elf and, therefore, choose to have even larger elf ears. Players are unable to make their pointed tips any larger than a normal human and, therefore, must remain as some sort of half-elf. Although these race options don't appear to change anything mechanically for the title, it would still be great for players to cosmetically fulfill their dream of playing as a true-elf.

4 More Than Two Tattoos For An Area

Players Want Even More Tattoos

A player looking at a Pawn’s tattoos in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Although players have high praise for the freedom to choose from a selection of tattoos that they can move around on several different body parts of the player's Arisen or Pawn, each section of the player's character can only have a max of two tattoos in each area of their body. While for some players, this is more than enough, others, especially those who want to put multiple tattoos on the player's torso, wish it was possible to add more than simply two.

Changes Dragon's Dogma 2's Pawn System Needs

With fans anticipating more details on Capcom's next title, hopes for an overhauled pawn system are widespread.

This could allow for even more creativity, as players could combine tattoos together to make intricate backpieces for their characters. The same could also be said for scars, as this is another option where only a max of two can be put in an area. This number could also be increased to allow players to create their war-forged Arisen.

3 Unrealistic Hair Colors (& More Hair Colors)

Not Everything Is Based In Reality

A player choosing a hair color in Dragon’s Dogma 2

While the game itself is in a fantasy setting, many of the character customization options available are largely based in reality. This can be seen especially with the hair colors that are available for players. Many of the best hair colors in Dragon's Dogma consist of the brunette, black, and gray varieties, with many of the other options not really doing it for players.

Therefore, many wish that there were other hair color options available, both natural and unrealistic colors too. Players want to have the freedom of giving their Arisen or their Pawn bright pink hair, or simply just something with a pop of color. Therefore, it would be great if the game instead had a color wheel for these options.

2 Being Able to Separately Pick Nose And Eyes

More Eye Options To Select Afterward

A player picking a base head in Dragon’s Dogma 2

At the start of the character creator screen in Dragon's Dogma 2, players are told to choose a base to start their character's face off with. However, it is important for a player to look at the type of nose and eyes that the base has, as these elements cannot be changed as extensively as the other elements in this RPG's creator. This can especially be seen when altering the Arisen or Pawn's eyes, as players are unable to choose between different shapes once they have chosen a base face.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Ways The Trickster Vocation Will Change Combat

The new vocation Capcom has showcased in new previews promises an innovative and unique combat experience.

Players may change how much the eyes squint or if they shut an eye completely, but the overall shape will stay the same. Similar options can be seen for the characters' noses, with little option being given once a base has been chosen. This is made even more stressful for players, as they are unable to change this unless they change the entire face they have just been working on.

1 Saturation Options For Hair Colors And Make-Up

Players Wish To Alter The Colors Themselves

A player looking at eyeshadow in Dragon’s Dogma 2

As mentioned, players want more hair colors that aren't entirely realistic. However, besides this, players also wish they had the option to change how saturated the colors are in Dragon's Dogma 2. This change would work for not only the different available hair colors by allowing players to make them more vibrant, but also for the various make up options too.

One complaint many players had about Dragon's Dogma 2 was the variety of colors available for the eye shadow. Besides being rather natural in coloring, it also wasn't very bright either. Some players wish for these eye shadows to have more saturation options to allow players to find the right color match needed for their make-up, or to simply make it as bright as possible.

dragon's dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 22, 2024
Action RPG