Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince tells a new story about the ongoing war between humanity and monsterkind in the Dragon Quest Monsters realm. Players will venture into battle as Psaro, a cursed demi-human who must team up with Monsters to dethrone his father and take over as King of the Monsters. As they build their teams, finding the strongest Monsters is the best strategy.

Monsters come in two sizes: Small or Large. Large Monsters are significantly stronger than Small ones across the board, from higher defenses to overpowered multi-target attacks. However, Large Monsters are less willing to join forces with Psaro, but there are ways for players to stack some in their parties. This guide has everything you need to know to get Large Monsters in DQM: The Dark Prince.

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince - How to Play Online

Dragon Quest Monster: The Dark Prince players can test their skills in online ranked battles or play for fun with friends.

How to Get Large Monsters in DQM: The Dark Prince

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince

Large Monsters can be found in Nadiria and Terrestia while exploring the wild areas, but their spawn rate is very low. Players usually encounter one Large Monster in the same place, and scouting it will take a lot of work. Still, getting one on your team is worth the trouble to gain such a formidable ally.

Scouting Large Monsters

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince

Large Monsters' attacks will land 100+ damage in battle, and their high stats will keep them on the field as they soak up hits. Players can't throw meats to influence them during scouting, so most attempts result in 0.0% success.

The best way to scout Large Monsters is to beat them in battle, and they will occasionally ask to travel with you. Players may have to defeat them multiple times before they will join.

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince

If your party's levels are 35 or higher, there is a better chance of scouting a Large Monster with a show of force, but the percentage will still be relatively low. Eventually, players will also find Monster eggs in the wild that sometimes contain Large Monsters when hatched.

Synthesizing Large Monsters

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince

If players can get their hands on at least one Large Monster, they can Synthesize one. Synthesizing is the process of combining two Monsters to create a rarer Monster with a higher rank.

Whenever players Synthesize a Large Monster and a Small one, it may result in another Large Monster. The only way to guarantee you'll breed a Large Monster is if both parents are also Large.

Synthesized Monsters all start at level one, regardless of size or rank.

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince

Most players won't be able to recruit Large Monsters until later in their playthrough, but keeping one or two active in their parties will make the more challenging opponents easier to manage. Large Monsters take up two places in a party, so players can only have four at once or mix and match them with Small Monsters for teams of three.

The Dark Prince dragon quest monsters
Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince

Dragon Quest
Square Enix
E10+ For Everyone 10+ Due To Fantasy Violence, Mild Language