Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince is a Monster-taming adventure from Square Enix. Players will travel across the lands of Nadiria and Terrestria as the game's main antagonist, Psaro. Psaro, also known as The Manslayer, has been cursed by his father and must team up with members of Monsterkind to take over as their king.

Players must have the strongest Monsters on their teams to defeat their enemies. There are a few methods to monster-taming that could result in finding rare species, including farming Monster eggs. Some Monsters can only be hatched, so here's how to farm eggs in DQM: The Dark Prince.

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince – How Long to Beat

Here is how long it takes to beat Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince's main storyline and side activities.

Where to Find Monster Eggs in DQM: The Dark Prince

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince

Eggs will start appearing in the overworld once players finish all the quests in Terrestria. They appear in specific locations throughout the Lower, Middle, and Upper Echelon levels. After picking up an egg, players must complete at least 10 battles to meet the respawn condition. There will only be three eggs on any map at one time.

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince

Some eggs will only spawn during specific seasons. The seasons change continuously as players explore the overworld, but they can use items called Seasonings or the Seasonal Flute to change the seasons at will. This is helpful for finding eggs that are submerged in water during certain seasons.

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince

Eggs will appear in places such as caves or behind trees along the edges of the maps. The best way to farm eggs quickly is to thoroughly explore the maps and continue battling wild Monsters to trigger the respawn. The more players do this, the more likely they are to find Monsters that can only be hatched. There's also a chance for Monsters to have rare Talents that only come from hatchlings.

How to Get Rare Eggs in DQM: The Dark Prince

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince

As players move through the game and clear specific areas of all quests, they will start finding rare eggs. All eggs appear white in the overworld, and when players pick them up, they change color to signify how rare they are. Eggs can be Silver, Gold, or Rainbow, with Rainbow eggs being the rarest.

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince

Gold and Rainbow eggs only appear after players finish the Cradle of Coruptions's Middle Echelon level. They are more common in the Upper Echelon areas but may spawn on other maps. Rainbow eggs always contain a Rank A Monster, so players will be lucky to find them. There's even a chance that a Large Monster will hatch from an egg.

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince

Players can farm eggs as much as they want since they respawn. If they aren't happy with the Monsters that hatch from them, they can quit the game and reload to reset the spawn.

The Dark Prince dragon quest monsters
Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince

December 1, 2023
Tose , Armor Project
Square Enix