Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince follows Psaro, the son of a Monster tyrant, as he strives to become the Master of Monsterkind. Players will travel through Monster-filled lands and recruit dark beings to their cause to become the strongest Monster wrangler in the land.

Players will jump straight into Monster hunting after the game's introduction, but they may face some challenges as they get further into the storyline and meet more robust opponents. Players must become well acquainted with the battle system and form well-balanced teams to succeed in DQM: The Dark Prince, so here are a few beginner tips to help get them started.

Every Mainline Dragon Quest Game, Ranked

There have been many mainline titles in the Dragon Quest series throughout the years though some stand out above the rest.

Scout All Local Monsters

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince

While players are gifted their starter Monster, they must scout the rest of their team until they can start synthesizing Monsters. There are open areas with various Monster species that change with the seasons and the climate. However, certain species are local to the area, and players will encounter them in groups.

When first building the Main Party and Reserves, scouting as many Monsters as possible is best. Players can ensure they have different roles and specialties by having a wide range of Monsters. They can also experiment with breeding rare species if they have many types of Monsters.

Battle Wild Monsters Often

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince

Players want to ensure they are battling as much as possible when starting. The first Monsters they will encounter are all low-level. The more Monsters players scout, the better their chance of winning, but eventually, strength in numbers won't go as far. Competing in battle arena tournaments also requires high-level Monsters to win.

Every time players defeat wild Monsters, their entire team earns EXP. Players will battle Monsters one-on-one or in groups of up to four, but beating larger groups results in more EXP. Additionally, battling stronger Monsters will help their teams level up faster. Players can fight as many Monsters as they want since they respawn constantly.

Don't Forget About Talent Points

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince

As Monsters level up, they will earn Talent Points at certain levels. Talent Points are used to teach them attack, health, or status condition actions. Players can also use them to increase their stats, including MP, HP, Wisdom, Defense, etc. Talent Points are not distributed automatically, so if players don't remember to use them, their Monsters won't learn new moves or get any boosts.

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince's Relationship with DQ12 Explained

The recently announced Dragon Quest spin-off Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince raises some interesting questions about Dragon Quest 12.

Talent Points can be distributed at the end of every successful fight between wild Monsters. Players can also access them from their menu at any time. Talent Points are determined by level, so Monsters will never lose them.

Synthesize Stronger Monsters

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince

Players will unlock Monster Synthesis after they travel to the Maulosseum and win the Category G arena. Synthesis is breeding two Monsters together to make a stronger or rare Monster. Players can do this in the Basement of Rosehill Tower by talking to Monty. Players can select two parents or reverse search to use the child Monster to find the parents.

Players can only Synthesize Monsters that are level 10 or higher. There are usually multiple possible offspring per two parents that players can choose from. Synthesized Monsters all start at level one, so putting them in the Reserve party is a great way to train them. Players can also train them in the Plains near Rosehill since all the local Monsters are low-level.

Keep a Healer in the Main Party

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince

A good strategy is one of the most important parts of Monster wrangling and battling. Players will want to pay attention to their Monster's talents and tactics. Tactics are what determines a Monster's role in the party. Their five tactics include the following:

  • Show No Mercy - Prioritizes the use of powerful skills with no concern for conserving MP.
  • Weaken the Enemy - Prioritizes the use of skills that inflict status ailments on the enemy or otherwise weaken them.
  • Support Your Allies - Prioritizes the use of skills that strengthen allies or remove status ailments.
  • Focus on Healing - Prioritizes the use of healing skills when the HP of allies goes down.
  • Don't Use Magic - Fights without using MP at all.
Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince

Players will want at least one Monster with the "Focus on Healing" tactic. Whenever the healer's turn comes around, it will automatically heal the Monster with the lowest HP. This will keep players in matches longer against strong opponents and lessens the need for Inn stops to heal.

The Dark Prince dragon quest monsters
Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince

Dragon Quest
E10+ For Everyone 10+ Due To Fantasy Violence, Mild Language