Dragon Quest 11 is one of the most celebrated JRPGs of its generation. It's a stunning modernization of the classic Dragon Quest formula that fans have loved since it first launched in 1986. In addition to its beautiful visuals, the updated Dragon Quest 11 S includes a 2D mode for fans of old-school JRPGs to immerse themselves.

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What makes Dragon Quest 11 so popular with fans is that it plays like a throwback to the golden era of JRPGs. The inclusion of old-school mechanics like a turn-based system, character interactions, and an innocent charm that very few games can replicate in the modern era. The save game system is the same because despite taking place in a large overworld, there are limitations on when one can save the game in Dragon Quest 11 S.

How To Save The Game In Dragon Quest 11

Dragon Quest 11 oustide the Heliodor church

Dragon Quest 11 has a vast explorable overworld with lots of dangerous monsters that can end the player's game swiftly if they are not careful. Unfortunately, there isn't a way to manually save the game at will on the map. However, Dragon Quest 11's saving system is still pretty flexible if used correctly.

Auto Save

The most used saving system in Dragon Quest 11 is the game's autosave feature. The autosave activates when important events have taken place in the form of a cutscene or when entering a new town. Players shouldn't rely on the autosave feature, as it can mean the party gets wiped out before reaching the next town.


Dragon Quest 11 saving in a church

Manually saving in Dragon Quest 11 is possible by using churches. They are used to revive fallen party members in Dragon Quest 11, cure any ailments endured in battle, and inform the player how far away they are from leveling up.

Sacred Statues

Dragon Quest 11 Luminary with a statue

With monsters roaming around, the field is the most dangerous area in Dragon Quest 11. Thankfully, most of these open areas will have campsites that contain a Sacred Statue. The Statues function in the same way as the churches.

Dragon Quest 11 Loading a save

Dying in combat will allow the player to reload their most recent save point in the game, or they can choose to boot up their last autosave and location instead for a price. It's a good idea to purchase several Chimaera Wings from item shops in Dragon Quest 11.

Dragon Quest 11 purchasing a Chimaera Wing

These items will allow players to reload the game to the last place they prayed or their last important location. The Chimaera Wings are invaluable resources when exploring difficult areas or dungeons in Dragon Quest 11.

Dragon Quest 11 is available now for the 3DS, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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