Dragon Ball is one of the most iconic shonen anime series of all time. The story of Son Goku and his friends as they protect Earth from a myriad of threats time and time again is a really fun watch, with the show evolving and adopting more modern nuances over time as it progressed over the years.

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The addition of the Saiyan race was a groundbreaking change in the world of Dragon Ball, with Vegeta being one of the newest additions to the Z Warriors. This prideful warrior might seem to be brimming with hate and jealousy at all times, but there's no denying that his time on Earth has definitely given him a softer and more emotional side. This has almost turned him into a tsundere in many ways, and here are some of the most notable ways Vegeta has channeled this side in Dragon Ball.

7 Getting Angry After Beerus Knocked Bulma Out

Dragon Ball Vegeta Screams At Beerus

One of the most iconic Vegeta moments comes after Beerus knocks Bulma out after the latter gives him an earful for his distasteful behavior. The sheer rage that Vegeta experiences gives him enough power to land a solid punch on Beerus, which is pretty impressive indeed.

After all, even a Super Saiyan 3 Goku wasn't able to do the same. The fact that Vegeta's love for Bulma made him so angry shows that Vegeta really has softened from his times as an intergalactic destroyer.

6 Sacrificing Himself To Save Earth And His Family

Majin Vegeta in Dragon Ball Z

After experiencing a midlife crisis of sorts and letting Babidi take over his body to enhance his strength, Vegeta realized the error of his ways when Majin Buu appeared for the first time. Since this entity's resurrection was Vegeta's fault alone, he decides to atone for his sins by destroying himself in a massive and iconic explosion.

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Just before dying, Vegeta acknowledges that the bonds he made on Earth were pretty real indeed. He bids farewell to Trunks, Goku, and Bulma before breathing his last for quite some time indeed.

5 Acknowledging That Goku Is One Of The Strongest Beings Around

Super Saiyan 3 Goku vs Kid Buu

Near the end of the Buu Saga, Goku and Kid Buu get caught in a climactic showdown while Vegeta observes from the sidelines after being pummelled. For the first time in the series, Vegeta acknowledges how strong Goku really is and commends his strength.

It's an important and humanizing moment for a character who absolutely hated this lowly warrior early on in the series. Watching his character transform into an empathetic and respectful person makes for one of the most satisfying arcs in anime history.

4 Lamenting The Loss Of His Son At The Hands Of Cell

Future Trunks ponders the conflict in Dragon Ball Z

Near the end of the Cell Saga, the vicious villain starts going berserk and unleashes a powerful attack that takes the life of Future Trunks. This shocking event is made even more emotional by Vegeta's genuine anguish as a father who lost his son.

This is a huge moment for Vegeta, who hadn't really shown a fatherly side for the longest time. To watch him shed tears for his fallen son is genuinely saddening and shows that Vegeta did care about Trunks after all, despite showing a hard exterior at almost all times.

3 Dancing To Distract Beerus And Preventing Him From Destroying The World

Vegeta dancing in Dragon Ball Super

Vegeta isn't a character that many people think of when it comes to being a comedic presence in Dragon Ball. However, there's no denying that Battle of the Gods gave a new twist to his character that was pretty hilarious to look at.

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At that point, Vegeta was the only character who really knew just how immensely powerful Beerus really was. He was the only person who could really protect Earth against this Destroyer God and went above and beyond to preserve the planet he'd grown to love... including the act of spontaneously bursting into song and dance to distract Beerus from any rage he might've been experiencing at the time.

2 Getting Worked Up After Being Called A "Softie"

Vegeta and Bulma in Dragon Ball

Dragon Ball Super takes an extended look at Vegeta's life as a father, including an outing with his wife and son. It's a really cute moment in the series that has a rather hilarious moment where Bulma calls his husband a softie.

Given Vegeta's massive ego, it's only a given that he lashes out here against the idea of him being called anything but a powerful and fear-inducing warrior. However, this interaction just goes on to show just how much of a tsundere Vegeta really has become.

1 Praising Goku While Giving Him His Energy During The Universal Tournament

Vegeta giving his energy to Goku during the Universal Tournament in Dragon Ball Super

The Universal Tournament is easily one of the biggest highlights in Dragon Ball Super by a country mile. Watching the strongest fighters in the world duke it out in this gauntlet of strength was a fun time indeed, with the high stakes attached to this tournament giving each victory and defeat more of an impact as well.

After being knocked out in this tournament, Vegeta decides to give the last of his energy to Goku in a Hail Mary attempt to win the whole thing. While doing so, he again acknowledges the power of his compatriot and the impact he's had on Vegeta's life, which is a pretty great moment indeed.

MORE: Dragon Ball: Every Character Vegeta Eliminated In The Tournament Of Power