Cell is one of the "Raiders" in Dragon Ball: The Breakers, and he's the one that feels the most like the "standard" that the other two Raiders seem to use as a foundation sort of like Ryu in Street Fighter or Mario in Super Smash Bros.

Because of that, this bug-like Android harbinger of destruction might seem shallow and simplistic to play at first, but there are absolutely nuances to his gameplay loop that players are missing out on in Dragon Ball: The Breakers.

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The Unique Side Of Cell

Dragon Ball The Breakers - Stage 3 Cell Smiling Before Unleashing A Kamehameha To Cause Destruction

The unique thing about Cell is a bit redundant because it's the fact that he isn't unique. While Freiza has his Namekian gimmick and Buu has the whole Buu Egg First Stage, Cell kit of moves and mechanics are pretty standard in comparison. Yes, his Larva 1st Stage is interesting in that it's very small, limited in its movement, and generates Evolution Energy slowly on its own.

But, most players spend maybe two minutes at most in this form, so it doesn't last long enough to really make an impact. Outside of that, the only aspects truly "unique" to Cell are that he gets Ki Detection early from Stage 2 onward and his Ki Control sneaking gimmick that no one ever seems to use.

What Are Cell's Strengths & Weaknesses

Dragon Ball The Breakers - Stage 2 Cell Defeat Cutscene When Survivors Win

While Cell might seem sort of "basic" compared to Freiza or Buu, there are plenty of reasons why many players choose him as their main Raider. But, there are also a comparable number of reasons why players tend to avoid him. So, let's take a look at where this "Perfect Lifeform" excels and where he falls short compared to the other villains:



Spends almost no time at all in his 1st Stage, which puts him at an early melee advantage against the Survivors he finds after transforming as most won't have enough time to reach Dragon Change level 2 by this point of the match.

Has an absurdly weak Stage 1 with the biggest drawback being the lack of mobility. Larva Cell is usually not the Stage where players will successfully hunt many Survivors and if he gets stuck too long in this form he can be decimated by the Survivors easily.

Even for Cell players struggling to find prey in their First Stage, Auto-Evolve means that they'll eventually get there no matter what even with just a single Civilian kill.

Doesn't have any unique gimmicks or Passives that aid in gaining extra Evolution Energy, as Life Absorption is just a rephrasing of "gains energy from executing Survivors and Civilians".

Getting Ki Detection at Imperfect Cell is fantastic for finding sneakier Survivors early on, and the fact that this tracks and keeps tracking their current location while active is actually overpowered in some scenarios where players are using Skills to Camouflage themselves or play dead.

Ki Detection, while useful, isn't as useful at long ranges as Buu's Summon Yamu or Freiza's Dodoria and Zarbon. Additionally, it doesn't allow Cell to "guard" areas separate from himself like Frieza can with Zarbon and Dodoria.

Solar Flare, which is available from Stage 2 onward, is a fantastic way to combo into a Super Attack, as the stun basically guarantees the hit and causes Survivors to flip backward in the air helplessly.

Afterimage is probably the least exciting Evasive Action Skill of the three Raiders, and it doesn't stun, stagger, or knockback Survivors, but it can be useful for getting around.

Imperfect Cell's Special Beam Cannon is a sniper-like Super Attack that comes out shockingly fast, deals great damage, and has a low cooldown.

Ki Control can be used well, but overall it's a gimmick that players tend to ignore and requires players to walk around rather than fly.

Cell also has Ki Tracking at all 4 Stages which makes Ki Detection last longer.

Stage 3 Semi-Perfect Cell gets Perfect Kamehameha as his basic Ki Blast (and Survivors can use it with his Transphere) but the windup for it makes it very easy to consistently dodge as the Survivor.

Stage 4 Perfect Cell's All Clear Super Attack can wipe a group of Survivors focused on the Super Time Machine when used at the right time.

While Cell is great, he's designed to be the most approachable and easy-to-understand Raider, which can make him come across as "boring" to play for some players.

His Passive Life Absorption, while weak, is used by all four Stages and is great for investing Skill Points in since it just flat buffs the amount of Evolution Energy he gains.

Many players find Imperfect Cell to be stronger all-around compared to Semi-Perfect Cell due to the speed of his Ki Blasts and Super Attacks, and this can make it feel unrewarding to get to Stage 3.

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General Strategies For Each Cell Transformation

Dragon Ball The Breakers - All Four Stages Of Cell In-Game Side By Side

Now, each phase of Cell (and the other two Raiders) has its own game plan for what tends to work best and what doesn't. Cell, at least compared to Buu, is a lot less reliant on following specific game plans. Still, let's take a look at some of the more highly recommended strategies or things to keep in mind for each Stage of Cell's ascension from android bug to perfect lifeform:

1st Stage (Larva)

2nd Stage (Imperfect Cell)

3rd Stage (Semi-Perfect Cell)

4th Stage (Perfect Cell)

Prioritize Civilians in this Stage always unless a Survivor literally stumbles into Cell, as it really only requires executing 2 of them to jump right into Stage 2.

Imperfect Cell is actually the best time to just focus on finding Survivors as it has enough tools with Solar Flare, Ki Control, and Special Beam Cannon to win out in most scenarios.

Once players reach this Stage, they can play even more aggressively as the Survivors really have to rally together in the right way to put up a good fight.

Remember that Cell doesn't have a way of "passively" gaining Evolution Energy or even gaining any extra, so Semi-Perfect Cell players need to remember that reaching Perfect Cell is the goal, not trying to down every single Survivor one by one without executing them.

Check the common Civilian spawn areas right away near where Larva Cell spawns. On average the city areas of each map or any areas with clusters of buildings tend to always have Civilians.

Don't overuse Ki Detection, use it to find Survivors or hunt down the ones who just barely got away. There's almost no reason to use it while fighting a Survivor unless it's during the Super Time Machine phase of a match.

With Full-Power Energy Blast Volley Cell can almost guarantee that a player knocked out of their Change Form will also be knocked down for execution since it hits so many times in such a short span of time.

Most likely the match is already about over if the Raider reaches this form, but if not, then use Energy Barrier to keep Survivors away from the Super Time Machine and All Clear to send an AoE at the side of the machine where they're most gathered up.

Right after going into the 2nd Stage, players will probably want to use Area Destruction. Since Cell usually gets to do this earlier than other Stage 2 Raiders, using it wisely can prevent Survivors from looting entire areas of the map.

Using the crouch input to get out of flying mode and walk along the ground is actually perfect for this Cell Form as it lets the player utilize Ki Control against players who are likely only at level 1 of their Dragon Change so they won't be able to immediately transform and punish Cell for sneaking up on them.

Gravity Impact is really tough to use well so most just use it against transformed Survivors who get a bit too close.

If the Survivors are congested in one spot, some players are trying to revive other ones, or Cell can see a player heading toward the Escape Beacon, Perfect Kamehameha is a great choice since it hits a large area and has a very long range to it.

Dragon Ball: The Breakers is available for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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