The Universe 9 fighters are first introduced to viewers during the Zeno Expo arc of Dragon Ball Super, where they are drawn against Universe 7 in the tournament's preliminary stages. While at the time the two universes seemed fairly well matched though, the Tournament of Power shows that there is actually a pretty huge gulf in class.

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Not only is Universe 9 the first universe to be erased, but all ten members of its team are eliminated over the course of just a single episode. Given that Dragon Ball regularly drags a single fight out over the course of multiple installments, this perhaps serves as a pretty telling sign that the Universe 9 fighters just aren't up to the same standards of some of the tournament's other participants.

10 Hop

Hop from the Universe 9 Team in Dragon Ball Super

Despite all of her talk about scratching up Vegeta's "handsome" face, Hop really doesn't stand a chance against the Saiyan Prince. In her defense, very few fighters in the 12 universes do, but she barely even puts up a fight before being eliminated.

So drastic is the difference in power levels between the two fighters that Vegeta is able to knock her out of the arena while still in his base form. Given that he only had access to a fraction of his true power at the time, it seems safe to say that Hop never really stood a chance.

9 Roselle

Roselle from the Universe 9 Team in Dragon Ball Super

Roselle has a pretty intimidating design, yet there's very little evidence to suggest that he has the kind of power needed to match it. He's also not the sharpest tool in the box, as evidenced by his foolish decision to try and get the drop on Frieza.

Even without looking, Frieza is able to knock the winged creature clean out of the air and then sets to work on taking him apart. Thankfully, however, Roselle is at least smart enough to know when he's outmatched and opts to eliminate himself from the tournament in order to avoid anymore torture at the hands of the villainous Frieza.

8 Sorrel

Sorrel from the Universe 9 Team in Dragon Ball Super

Sorrel may not be the strongest fighter in Universe 9, but she just might be one of the bravest. She shows no fear whatsoever even when faced with powerful fighters like Goku and Vegeta, although, like many of her teammates, she doesn't get much of an opportunity to show what she's really made of.

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Rather than one of the two Saiyans though, it's actually Android 18 who disposes of Sorrel; with Gero's former creation sneaking up behind her while she and some of her team are apprehending Goku and Vegeta. Sorrel remains fairly positive even after her elimination, although her confidence quickly begins to fade as her teammates begin dropping like flies around her.

7 Oregano

Oregano from the Universe 9 Team in Dragon Ball Super

Much like his teammate Roselle, Oregano definitely looks the part and has access to some fairly unique abilities. Ultimately, however, he proves to be pretty ineffective once the tournament gets going and is defeated fairly easily by Vegeta despite the Saiyan being outnumbered two to one.

To his credit, Oregano at least forces Vegeta to transform into a Super Saiyan and there is a time where it seems like his web-like thread technique could cause some real problems. As soon as he's up against any real power though, it becomes apparent that he just doesn't have the strength needed to compete at this level.

6 Hyssop

Hyssop from the Universe 9 Team in Dragon Ball Super

Hyssop looks kind of like a cross between Drax and Groot from the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. Unfortunately for him though, he fights a lot more like the latter than the former. Granted, his ability to freeze his foes is pretty cool, but it can't quite stand up to the heat of the moment.

Unlike his teammate Hop, Hyssop shows himself to be more than a match for Vegeta's base form, but as soon as the Saiyan Prince transforms it's pretty much game over. Even with the help of Oregano, Hyssop never looks like troubling Super Saiyan Vegeta and is easily disposed of following a barrage of punches and a simple Ki blast.

5 Comfrey

Comfrey from the Universe 9 Team in Dragon Ball Super

Comfrey is able to hold his own against the Universe 4 fighter Shosa at the beginning of the tournament and has no problems dealing with an early onslaught from several members of the Universe 7 team including both Gohan and Piccolo. Things change pretty quickly, however, when he comes up against Super Saiyan Goku.

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Knowing that Goku still has many more gears to go through if he needs to only serves to demonstrate the huge gulf in power; not only between the two fighters themselves, but also their respective universes. It's so drastic, in fact, that all it really takes to send Comfrey crashing out of the tournament is a quick Ki blast from Earth's protector.

4 Chappil

Chappil from the Universe 9 Team in Dragon Ball Super

Chappil's tough and rugged exterior allows him to withstand some heavy blows during the early stages of the tournament, some of which come directly from Goku. Granted, the Saiyan is still in his base form at the time, but it's fairly impressive nonetheless; more so as Chappil doesn't even flinch.

As soon as Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan, however, the fight is as good as over. A lunge and a Ki blast send Chappil back to the spectator's stand. From there, it is only a matter of minutes until he and the rest of his universe are erased from existence.

3 Lavender

Lavender from the Universe 9 Team in Dragon Ball Super

Unlike the majority of his team, Lavender at least gets the opportunity to show what he is made of; albeit at the Zeno Expo instead. There, he squares off against Gohan and is able to cause the young Saiyan plenty of problems thanks to his poison attacks.

Even despite Lavender's unfair advantage, however, Gohan is still able to knock him out cold and it's a similar story at the Tournament of Power. This time though, Lavender primarily battles Goku and Vegeta; who, unsurprisingly, perhaps, are able to withstand Lavender's attacks with very little effort.

2 Basil

Basil from the Universe 9 Team in Dragon Ball Super

Like his brother Lavender, Basil also takes part in the Zeno Expo, where he goes up against the returning Buu. In his base form, he is barely able to leave a mark on the pink puffball, although his transformation does even the odds a little; if only for a short while.

Ultimately, his inability to maintain this more powerful form proves to be his downfall and a powerful Majin Kamehameha soon brings the duel to an end. He does put up more of a fight at the Tournament of Power and is able to hold his own against numerous powerful fighters. Sadly though, like his siblings, he is no match for Frieza.

1 Bergamo

Bergamo from the Universe 9 Team in Dragon Ball Super

The leader of the Universe 9 team and the most powerful member of the so called "Trio of Danger," Bergamo is a skilled and honorable fighter, although is perhaps a little too cocky for his own good at times. His ability to absorb his enemys' attacks allows him to hold his own against Goku at the Zeno Expo; for a while, at least. Both he and viewers soon discover though that there is a limit to how much power he can safely absorb.

When the Tournament of Power finally roles around, Bergamo again finds himself up against Goku and the results are very much the same. Just as before, he shows himself to be a decent match for Goku's base form, although, as the Saiyan starts to cycle through the gears, things quickly become incredibly one-sided yet again.

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