Within the vast universe of Dragon Ball, there’s a group of immensely powerful beings known as the Gods of Destruction. They are so powerful that a simple wave of their hand can destroy an entire planet. While that may sound terrible and dangerous, they actually have crucial roles and responsibilities in their respective universe.

In this article, we delve into the intricacies surrounding the Gods of Destruction, shedding light on their identities, unparalleled power, and the weighty responsibilities they bear. This is everything that you need to know about the Gods of Destruction in Dragon Ball.

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Who Are the Gods of Destruction

Dragon Ball God of Destruction line up

Each universe within the Dragon Ball multiverse is assigned a God of Destruction, responsible for safeguarding the balance of the universe. They are responsible for the destruction, while the Supreme Kai is responsible for the creation of everything in their universe. That is also why the God of Destruction has an unbroken life link with the Supreme Kai to the point that the death of one will cause the death of the other.

These gods, often accompanied by their angelic attendants, possess immense power and authority within their domains. Unlike the angels that accompany them, the Gods of Destruction hail from various races and possess unique characteristics, making them diverse and intriguing figures. The reason is simply because they used to be mere mortals. At some point in time, they are bestowed with tremendous strength and serve as the embodiment of raw power within their universes.

Although the Gods of Destruction can rule for millennia, it is also possible for them to step down from their position. As such, it is usually the duty of the angels to seek a candidate from their own universe that is suitable to be a God of Destruction. In some cases, such as in Universe 11, the God of Destruction himself chooses a successor that will replace him when the time comes for him to step down.

The Power of a God of Destruction

Dragon Ball God of Destruction Beerus Whis

The power of a God of Destruction is unrivaled and incomprehensible to mortal beings. They possess capabilities far beyond the reach of even the most formidable fighters in the Dragon Ball universe. Their strength can be roughly divided into three categories, the Aura of God, the Power of Destruction, and finally the Hakai.

Gods of Destruction possess godly ki, an energy source that surpasses the mortal realm and enables them to tap into the incredible power of the Gods. This is called the Aura of God. This technique greatly boosts their physical capabilities, allowing them to unleash devastating attacks and exhibit extraordinary combat prowess. One thing worth noting, however, is the fact that although every God of Destruction has this ability, their personal combat skills vary greatly.

The Power of Destruction is a unique ability that allows the God of Destruction to effortlessly decimate entire planets, every living being, inanimate objects, and even corporeal matter. The ultimate height of this ability is a signature technique called Hakai. Hakai allows them to reduce everything to dust with a mere touch or gesture.

This technique can also be used to release the destructive power within any given object, causing an explosion that is bigger than the size of the object itself. While every God of Destruction has the Power of Destruction, only a handful of them can use Hakai. Those who can use this deadly technique are obligated to mark themselves by a golden earring.

The Roles and Responsibilities of Gods of Destruction

God of Destruction Zeo Beerus Champa

The primary responsibility of a God of Destruction is to maintain balance by eradicating life and civilizations that threaten the natural order of their universe. They are tasked with obliterating planets, civilizations, and even entire galaxies to ensure that new growth and development can take place. This role of destruction is essential for the cycle of creation and rebirth to continue.

Apart from their destructive duties, Gods of Destruction also serve as mentors to the Supreme Kais, guiding and overseeing their actions. The Supreme Kais are tasked with nurturing life and fostering growth within their respective universes, while the Gods of Destruction maintain the balance by removing stagnation and excess. That being said, only a handful of Gods of Destruction follow this guideline. Most of them simply care about the Supreme Kais due to the aforementioned life link.

However, the Gods of Destruction are not invincible or without consequences. Their powers come with checks and balances. In extreme cases of misuse or negligence, the Zeno, the supreme deities of the Dragon Ball multiverse, can step in and hold the Gods of Destruction accountable for their actions, even eradicating them completely if necessary.

The intricate balance they maintain, alongside the relationship with the Supreme Kais and the consequences they face for their actions, adds depth to their characters. As Dragon Ball continues to unfold, the presence and impact of the Gods of Destruction remain integral to the ever-evolving narrative of the series. Without a doubt, we’ll be seeing them more often in the future story arcs.

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