Of all the characters in Dragon Ball FighterZ, Adult Gohan has one of the highest skill ceilings. There aren't many fighters in the Dragon Ball FighterZ's base game roster with a wide array of moves and various mechanics like DLC characters have (UI Goku), but Adult Gohan is one of those exceptions.

Thanks to Adult Gohan's Potential Unleashed Super, players have seven different transformation levels that give Adult Gohan damage boosts and access to never-before-seen combos. Supported by his Potential Unleashed skill, Adult Gohan can unleash flashy combos that erase opponents' health bars.

Each level of Potential Unleashed costs one bar of Ki.

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Potential Unleashed Levels, Explained

Level 1

Players can unlock the first level of Potential Unleashed by performing 236L+M (236R1 for the controller). Gamers can also input 236H+S (236R2 for the controller) and hold H+S (R2) to unlock multiple levels of Potential Unleashed at once.

At the first level of this transformation, Gohan instantly gains access to a larger kit in terms of options and moves. For example, Adult Gohan's initial ground combo is modified, dealing more damage and forcing the enemy into vulnerability for Supers or other attacks. Here's what Level 1 does:

  • Ground light combo is modified.
  • Machine Gun Punch is unlocked (3L).
  • Light Jet Uppercut becomes quicker and has less recovery. Medium and heavy versions go horizontally further.
  • Machine Gun Kick lands faster hits. Medium and heavy versions of the move travel further when held, and the heavy version is active longer while dealing twice as many hits.
  • Ultimate Back Attack now tracks automatically with teleportation.
  • Masenko gains two more hits.

Level 2

At Potential Unleashed Level 2, Gohan starts to gain access to damage boosts. Level 2 is a stage that players will generally transform past, spending at least two bars of Ki to reach Potential Unleashed Level 3. If players have at least two bars of Ki before transforming at all, they can hold down the Potential Unleashed Super to reach Level 2. This grants the player all the Level 1 benefits along with the Level 2 damage boost.

  • 2% damage increase.
  • Medium and heavy Jet Uppercut gains one additional hit.

Level 3

At this point, Gohan simply starts to break the rules of the game. Potential Unleashed Level Three unlocks a second airdash for Gohan, meaning that he can either airdash twice, or double-jump and then airdash once.

This allows players to create even more unique combos with the combination of Potential Unleashed Level One's features. There is another increase in damage with Level Three, which makes the half-Saiyan character even more dangerous with his third transformation. Players will gain

  • Second airdash.
  • 2% damage increase.
  • Medium and heavy Jet Uppercut gains one additional hit.

Level 4

Just like Potential Unleashed Level Two, Level Four is generally skipped. It only gives players a damage boost and access to another hit while attacking with the heavy version of Jet Uppercut. If players have four bars of Ki though, it is recommended to spend them to achieve this level ASAP.

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Level Four of Potential Unleashed adds another 2% increase to Gohan's damage output, meaning that there is a damage increase total of 6% so far. The additional hit with Jet Uppercut (heavy variant) allows Gohan to stack up numbers in his combos, as well as potentially make room for assists to make combos last even longer.

  • 2% damage increase.
  • Heavy Jet Uppercut gets one additional hit.

Level 5

Level Five is where Gohan truly unmasks his danger to his opponents, as it gives Gohan full access to Reverse Beat. Gohan is one of three different characters that are able to manipulate the power of Reverse Beat.

The other two are Vegito and Golden Frieza, who both are limited to Reverse Beat's effects. Adult Gohan is the one character that can maintain Reverse Beat's ability. Reverse Beat allows Gohan to cancel out any regular normal attacks into other attacks that haven't been used in the combo string. With this, Adult Gohan's combo potential skyrockets.

  • 2% damage increase.
  • Heavy Jet Uppercut gets one additional hit.
  • Players gain access to Reverse Beat.

Level 6

Level 6 doesn't grant Gohan any additional features that are important to note. Its bonuses are exactly the same as those received at Potential Unleashed Level 4:

  • 2% damage increase.
  • Heavy Jet Uppercut gains one additional hit.

Level 7

At Level Seven, opponents may as well give up. Adult Gohan not only has a 10% increase to his damage in total, but now is granted full permission to simply break the game at his will.

Potential Unleashed Level Seven unlocks the ability to cancel special moves into other special moves on block or hit (so long as they haven't been used in the combo already). With this ability, Gohan can now bring forth the best of his moves' potential, airdash twice, use Reverse Beat, and cancel specials into other specials. He truly is a prodigy in this difficult fighting game.

  • Heavy Jet Uppercut gains one additional hit.
  • Players gain the ability to cancel specials into other specials (that haven't been used in the string).

What Does Gohan's Potential Unleashed Do?

gohan's different moves

Gohan's Potential Unleashed is an incredible Super that makes the character fearsome in Dragon Ball FighterZ. From damage boosts to moves that defy the game's rules, Potential Unleashed is a force to be reckoned with.

For any Adult Gohan mains, it's important to capitalize on the effects of Potential Unleashed, as the Super is what makes Gohan so meta. Here's all of what Potential Unleashed unlocks for Gohan after reaching Level Seven:

  • 10% damage increase
  • Modified ground light combo
  • Gohan now has access to Machine Gun Punch.
  • Faster light Jet Uppercut with quicker recovery.
  • Medium and heavy Jet Uppercuts travel further (horizontally).
  • Machine Gun Kick kicks faster. Additionally, the medium and heavy versions travel further when held and the heavy version is active longer while dealing twice as many hits.
  • Medium Jet Uppercut gains three additional hits.
  • Heavy Jet Uppercut gains seven additional hits.
  • Ultimate Back Attack now allows Gohan to teleport while tracking opponents anywhere on the stage.
  • Masenko gains two additional hits.
  • Gohan gains access to two airdashes.
  • Gohan gains full access to Reverse Beat.
  • Gohan can cancel specials into other special moves.

Dragon Ball FighterZ is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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