Dragon Ball FighterZ had a rush of popularity when it launched two years ago. That popularity, unfortunately, hasn't persisted as much as Bandai Namco would have liked. The potential for Dragon Ball FighterZ to have a resurgence is certainly there, though, which is likely why Bandai Namco has just announced a major upcoming patch for Dragon Ball FighterZ's Season 3. The update will include major changes and additions to the game, the biggest of which is called Z Assist Select.

Z Assist Select is going to dramatically change the way Dragon Ball FighterZ is played. Simply put, the feature will grant every character on the roster three assist abilities. Bandai Namco did not detail whether they will all be unique assists or if they'll be shared. Players will be able to pick their assists from the character select screen.

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Currently, each character has just a single assist ability. This means that if a player likes a specific assist, they have to pick that character. With the Season 3 update, players will be able to diversify their team make-up because their assists grant more flexibility.

Bandai Namco does have more plans beyond the Z Assist Select addition for Season 3, but it isn't ready to talk about those things in specifics. In general terms, Bandai Namco explained that it wants to add a feature to improve comeback potential. That is to say, some way for a player who might lose a fighter early to regain an advantage. Perhaps they'll empower the final character left in a team or perhaps they'll grant players a boost of Ki if a fighter goes down.

Another change that Bandai Namco plans for Season 3 is potential balance changes in the middle of the season. Bandai Namco explains that for Season 2 the team decided to make no changes the whole season. The Dragon Ball FighterZ tournament season in 2020 and 2021 will be different, with Bandai Namco confirming that there will be at least one major patch. It doesn't want to release many small patches, so it will only commit to one at this point.

The new changes that Bandai Namco has planned for Dragon Ball FighterZ are certain to shake up the game's meta and competitive scene. The question is whether or not it will be enough to revitalize the community. Even if it doesn't, however, keeping the remaining community happy is a positive outcome. The plans also lay the groundwork for a potential Dragon Ball FighterZ 2. For now, fans can stay focused on Season 3, which is certain to excite those still fighting each others' Gokus.

Dragon Ball FighterZ is available now on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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