In the vast and immersive universe of Dragon Ball, the Saiyans are a prominent warrior race known for their immense strength and fighting prowess. They might not be as technologically advanced as the other race in the universe, but their absurd physical power, their ruthlessness, and their maniacal nature, enabled the Saiyan to reign supreme as one of the strongest races in the universe.

Unfortunately, the Saiyan race has a tragic history marked by their downfall. In this article, we explore the factors that led to the decline and ultimate destruction of the Saiyan race. We will delve into their origins as a race of warriors, their annexation by Frieza, and the catastrophic events that ultimately resulted in their demise.

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The Race of Warriors

Dragon Ball Saiyan Warrior

The Saiyans were a unique race, distinguished by their natural fighting abilities and extraordinary strength. Born with a powerful affinity for battle, the Saiyans thrived on conflict and conquest. Their biology granted them the ability to increase their power level dramatically after recovering from injuries, a trait that set them apart from other races in the Dragon Ball universe. That means each time somebody manages to beat them, the Saiyans will come back stronger than ever.

As a race, the Saiyans were organized into a structured society where strength determined one's status. Their homeworld, Planet Vegeta, became a breeding ground for powerful warriors. Saiyan children were rigorously trained in combat techniques from an early age, shaping them into formidable fighters. A regular Saiyan child can easily cause untold destruction on the planet of a weaker race.

The Saiyan’s thirst for combat and glory makes them the perfect conqueror. As a matter of fact, even before Frieza comes along, waging war on another planet and then selling it to the highest bidder has been the Saiyan’s bread and butter. They’re a bit like the Viking in space. Unfortunately, their insatiable pursuit of strength and dominance set the stage for their tragic fate.

Annexed by Frieza

Dragon Ball Frieza Invades Saiyan

The Saiyans' downfall can be traced back to their annexation by the tyrant Frieza. Recognizing the Saiyans' growing strength and their knack for combat, Frieza sought to control and exploit their power for his own gain. This is basically where the Saiyans’ principle of “Might makes right” proves to be their undoing. Because as it turns out, no Saiyans can defeat Frieza and his army. So as a race that puts strength above everything, they have no other choice but to obey Frieza.

Although they are technically under oppression, life under Frieza is actually not so bad for the Saiyans. After all, by becoming part of Frieza’s army, they get to fill their thirst for combat while also getting rewards for doing so at the same time. As a matter of fact, they do such a great job that it doesn’t take a long time until the Saiyans become a central part of Frieza’s army. Some even consider living under Frieza to be not such a bad situation after all.

However, there are also those who abhor the idea of a mighty warrior race like the Saiyans have been reduced to simple disposable soldiers for a foreign conqueror. This feeling is especially true for the royal family and those who are fervently loyal to them. These Saiyan factions can’t wait for the time they can strike back, free their people, and also take over Frieza’s business if possible. Unfortunately, Frieza realizes that some of the Saiyans harbor that kind of rebellious intention, and he’s ready to destroy it to its core.

Destroyed by Frieza

Dragon Ball Frieza Destroys Planet Vegeta

Ultimately, the Saiyan race met its tragic end at the hands of Frieza. As the Saiyans continued to grow in strength and exhibit signs of rebellion, Frieza saw them as a potential threat to his power and supremacy. There’s also the rumor about the arrival of an extremely powerful warrior known as the Legendary Super Saiyan that is said to be able to beat Frieza. So in a treacherous act of betrayal, Frieza orchestrated the destruction of Planet Vegeta.

The first thing Frieza does is visit the royal palace, and kills king Vegeta and all of his retainers. Once the other Saiyans warriors heard about this terrible act, they decided to gather and openly rebel against Frieza, including Goku’s father, Bardock. In response, Frieza fires a blast that obliterates the Saiyans and their homeworld.

Frieza's ruthless actions condemned an entire race, including countless innocent Saiyans, to oblivion. The few surviving Saiyans, such as Goku and Vegeta, were scattered across the universe, unaware of their heritage and destined to play pivotal roles in the future of Dragon Ball.

The downfall of the Saiyan race in Dragon Ball stands as a poignant tale of power, manipulation, and tragedy. The story of the Saiyans serves as a reminder of the consequences of unchecked power and the devastating impact it can have on entire civilizations. While their fall was undeniably tragic, it paved the way for the Saiyan survivors to embark on their individual journeys.

More: Dragon Ball: First 10 Super Saiyans (In Chronological Order)