Dragon Ball is Akira Toriyama's magnum opus, with this series starting off an adventure series with smidges of action before turning into a full-blown action anime that is full to the brim with earth-shattering fights and bombastic ki attacks that everyone has tried to replicate at least once. The sheer cultural impact of Dragon Ball can't be stated enough, with its characters, fights, and moves being an enduring part of pop culture to this day.

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Given the numerous heinous villains and anti-heroes that have become a part of the series, it's only a given that several characters in Dragon Ball have killed numerous people over the course of the series. Here are some of the most bloodthirsty characters in the series who never shied away from ending the lives of numerous sentient entities without so much as batting an eyelid.

7 Beerus

Beerus in Dragon Ball

To be fair, pretty much every God of Destruction would make the cut when talking about characters with the highest kill counts. After all, the very job of Beerus and his counterparts is to destroy planets and annihilate lives in their respective universes.

As a result, having a high body count comes with the territory. That being said, Beerus has shown that he's more than capable of being merciful, which is rather odd behavior coming from the Destroyer of Worlds.

6 Vegeta

Vegeta raging after seeing Bulma hurt in Dragon Ball Z Battle of the Gods

In recent years, Vegeta has calmed down and now is content with a peaceful life on Earth... barring a few battles, that is. However, there was a time when this Saiyan Prince worked for Frieza and destroyed entire worlds on the orders of this tyrant.

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Vegeta himself can't be absolved from this blame either since it's clear that he enjoyed the idea of batting people and snuffing their lives out. His Saiyan pride still comes out during the more memorable Dragon Ball fights, showing his thirst for battle and how he wants to end the lives of his opponents right when they're achieved the highest level of power possible.

5 Frieza

Frieza of Dragon Ball

Frieza is one of the most diabolical villains in Dragon Ball, with this tyrannical emperor terrorizing the entire universe and subjugating everyone at all costs. His thirst for power was simply unquenchable, and this led to Frieza destroying planets either for fun or to squash any threat that might topple his reign.

Watching him be absolutely butchered by Super Saiyan Goku made for a great time, with the Saiyan getting revenge for the atrocities Frieza committed against his race. He's such a popular villain that Dragon Ball Super brought him back, and fans can't wait to see what else this character has to offer.

4 Kid Buu

Kid Buu in Dragon Ball Z

Kid Buu is one of the most unhinged villains in Dragon Ball. His first act as villain was to blow up all of Planet Earth, which proves just how diabolical he really is.

This destructive villain needed to be taken care of at all costs, and Goku managed to unleash one of his strongest Spirit Bombs to take out this threat once and for all. Watching this crazy villain bite the dust after causing untold death and suffering made for a great time.

3 Zeno

Dragon Ball Super - Omniking Zeno

Zeno is the strongest character in Dragon Ball by quite some margin, which is to be excepted, given that he's the ruler of the entire multiverse! The Omni King may seem like nothing more than a spoiled child, but anyone who looks at him the wrong way can be eradicated in a mere instant.

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In fact, the Omni King was so ruthless and powerful that he erased entire universes for failing to impress him during the Tournament of Power. While this damage was eventually reversed by the end of the arc, it showed that Zeno had the potential to take out any entity in Dragon Ball without breaking a sweat and has probably done the same countless times before he was even introduced!

2 Zamasu

Zamasu in Dragon Ball

Zamasu is one of the most despicable villains in Dragon Ball, shunning his responsibilities as a Kai and destroying all of Earth to fulfill his Zero Mortals plan. He's easily the most diabolical villain in the series, and watching him suffer before his death at the hands of Zeno made for a satisfying end to Future Trunks' arc in Dragon Ball Super.

In a bid to achieve his plan, Zamasu even took over Goku's body and used the Saiyan's power to destroy the entire world! All of Earth would've fallen at the hands of this tyrant had it not been for Goku and Vegeta helping Future Trunks out and destroying this threat once and for all.

1 Moro

Moro from Dragon Ball Super

The fact that Moro's nickname is Planet Eater should make it infinitely clear just how high his body count is. This villain is yet to be revealed in the anime, but the manga has made it evidently clear that Moro is a powerful entity who will stop at nothing to gain unlimited power and become one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy.

It was only after Goku attained the power of True Ultra Instinct once again that he managed to take out this powerful foe once and for all. If Moro hadn't been killed, then he would've posed a huge threat to the universe... if Beerus hadn't intervened, that is.

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