
  • Dragon Age: The Veilguard allows players to romance any companion, regardless of gender.
  • BioWare's upcoming RPG will feature seven unique companions from different factions united in protecting the Veil.
  • Player response to romance options in The Veilguard has been mixed, with some praising the emphasis on player choice.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard is taking a page out of Baldur's Gate 3's book, allowing players to romance any companion, regardless of gender. Though some of the companions in Dragon Age: The Veilguard will be revealed on June 11, 2024, during the official gameplay showcase, BioWare has announced that players will be able to recruit a total of seven unique companions over the course of the story. Each companion will belong to a different faction of Thedas, seemingly united under the common goal of protecting the Veil and stopping the Dread Wolf's schemes.

As befits a BioWare title, players will be able to romance their companions in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. However, instead of following Dragon Age: Inquisition's example of inclusivity, the romance options in The Veilguard will be available to all players, regardless of gender. While "playersexual" characters have become the norm in modern games, it was the second Dragon Age title that first pushed this envelope in 2010. The initial reaction by BioWare fans and the gaming world at large was highly contentious, as some players felt having gay, lesbian, straight, and bisexual characters was more authentic. As a result, the romances in Dragon Age: Inquisition were a course correction, and now The Veilguard is pivoting back.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf Gets New Title and Reveal Date

BioWare announces the full reveal date for the next Dragon Age game, as it changes the name from Dreadwolf into something more fitting of its story.

In a recent interview with IGN, General Manager Gary McKay revealed that players could "romance the companions they wanted" in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, implying that they wouldn't be barred from romancing a Dragon Age character due to being an incompatible gender or race. Player response has been mixed across social media, with some seeing it as a step back from Dragon Age: Inquisition, while others feel that it gave more emphasis on player choice and agency.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Will Allow All Players to Romance Any Companion

Ultimately, it's a decision that will not have any major effect on Dragon Age: The Veilguard's success, as recent games such as Cyberpunk 2077 and Baldur's Gate 3 have proven that both approaches can be handled with care. The companions in the next Dragon Age game will hopefully be memorable and evocative of that famous BioWare charm, as the new title purposefully places an emphasis on the player and their fellowship.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard is expected to release in Q1 2025, and it's highly likely that BioWare will slowly reveal the full slate of companions as the game approaches its launch. Though there is always a chance for a companion to be a returning character from previous Dragon Age games, many players are hoping that the cast in The Veilguard will mostly be brand new. Players will likely discover more information about how romance works in Dragon Age: The Veilguard in the coming months.

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Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Dragon Age: The Veilguard is the long-awaited fourth game in the fantasy RPG series from BioWare, and formerly known as Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. A direct sequel to Inquisition, it focuses on red lyrium and Solas, the aforementioned Dread Wolf.

Dragon Age
PS5 , Xbox Series S , Xbox Series X , Microsoft Windows
Electronic Arts