The Dragon Age franchise has told the stories of many powerful mages over the years, and with the next installment in the series being set in Tevinter, players can expect to be introduced to several more. The relative power of each of these mages can be difficult to measure as it simply becomes a question of who wins in a fight.

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However, some mages in Thedas' history are capable of such incredible feats of magic that they're on an entirely different level from the rest of the mages in the series. These characters are by far the most powerful mages in Dragon Age and some of them have permanently changed the franchise's universe, usually for the worse.

8 Avernus

dragon age origins avernus sophia dryden

The Warden encounters Avernus while they are exploring Soldier's Peak in Dragon Age: Origins. He is an elderly mage who has somehow managed to prolong his life far beyond what is normal and asks the Warden for a truce. He is a powerful mage in his own right, managing to be quite a challenging fight should the player choose to attack him. He once served Sophia Dryden too, summoning demons and using blood magic during their rebellion against Arland Theirin.

However, it is his research on Grey Warden blood and his ability to keep the demon outbreak contained that make him truly stand out. The abilities the Warden discovers in Soldier's peak may not be the most impressive in the game, but they are an entirely unique form of magic.

7 Danarius

Danarius and Fenris as seen in the games second installment.

Danarius is a villain in Dragon Age 2. He was considered to be one of the most powerful and influential mages in all of Tevinter, making him one of the most powerful in the world. Beyond this power, his experiments with Lyrium and slaves created something that has not been repeated in the franchise: Fenris.

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Danarius created Fenris through horrific Lyrium experiments involving embedding it into the skin. This left Fenris with severe memory gaps but also with the ability to phase through matter, making him one of the most deadly warriors in Thedas. These experiments and the potential in this form of magic mean that Danarius, twisted though he may be, deserves among the strongest mages in Dragon Age.

6 The Inquisitor

dragon age inquisition mage inquisitor

Although mage Warden has access to far more spells when it comes to gameplay, the unique control the Inquisitor has over the Fade Rifts makes them the most powerful. The mage Inquisitor can cast all the same spells as other mages in Dragon Age: Inquisition and has access to all of the specializations, but they also have the ability to open and close Rifts.

As the Inquisitor grows more powerful, they also gain the ability to use the Fade as a power source to cause different effects. They can shield their allies, make themselves impervious to harm, or detonate the stored energy, dealing massive damage to enemies. These powers take the Inquisitor one step above the other mages of Thedas, and the other mage protagonists of the series. If the Inquisitor also had access to the incredible spell combos in Dragon Age: Origins, then they would be truly unstoppable.

5 Morrigan

dragon age origins morrigan ending

Morrigan is a complicated character that the player encounters in the Korcari Wilds. Although her methods and goals are not always clear, she is undeniably powerful. In addition to the mighty spells and spell combinations that she has at her disposal, she is also a Shapeshifter, able to transform into a spider, bear, or swarm of insects.

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Morrigan's true power, however, goes far beyond this. As one of Flemeth's daughters, she has gained knowledge most mages could only dream of. Unlike her siblings, however, she has avoided her fate and defeated Flemeth. Depending on the player's choices, she may also have bathed in the Well of Sorrows, discovered the secrets of the Eluvians, and contained the soul of an Archdemon. These accomplishments put Morrigan comfortably amongst the most powerful Dragon Age mages that the player encounters.

4 Magisters Sidereal

dragon age magisters sidereal the blight

When it comes to accomplishments, players would be hard-pressed to find a character who has done anything more impressive than the Magisters Sidereal. These seven individuals from the Tevinter Imperium were the greatest mages of their time and joined together with the goal of entering the Kingdom of the Maker.

To achieve this, they needed almost all the Lyrium in Tevinter at that time and made countless slave sacrifices. Although the stories differ on what exactly happened when they entered the Golden City, they returned as the first Darkspawn, with the Kingdom of the Maker left black and empty behind them.

3 Corypheus

dragon age inquisition corypheus

The leader of the Magisters Sidereal was Sethius Amladaris, who survived the return from the Black City and slept for decades until the First Blight. He took the name Corypheus and led some of the Darkspawn before being captured and imprisoned by the Grey Wardens.

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Corypheus was strong enough before his transformation, but after returning from the Black City he could control the minds of Grey Wardens and Darkspawn alike, dominating any who spent too long near him. He also began experimenting with Red Lyrium which made him even more powerful, and much uglier. Considering he was already strong enough to enter the house of a literal god, these upgrades make him one of the most dangerous mages in Thedas.

2 Solas


Initially, Solas is simply an apostate companion to the Inquisitor who seems to have an affinity for Fade magic and guides the player through shutting Rifts. However, at the end of Dragon Age: Inquisition it is revealed that Solas is in fact the Dread Wolf, Fen'Harel, the elven god of trickery, rebellion, and betrayal. Although Solas was weak during the events of the game, as he had recently awoken from a slumber, the Inquisitor meets Solas again during the Trespasser DLC and sees that he has recovered much of his power.

As Fen'Harel, Solas was responsible for the banishment of the Elven Gods to the Fade, the creation of the Veil, the loss of immortality of the Elves, and the weakening of their magic. His massive impact on the history of the elves may have been motivated by the right reasons, but its effects were far beyond his intentions and completely changed Thedas, forever.

1 Flemeth

Flemeth by Eluvian.

Flemeth's story is complicated at the best of times but what players do know is that she is a very powerful mage who has become the subject of legends in the Korcari Wilds. She has lived for hundreds of years by taking the forms of her daughters and is a strong Shapeshifter who can take the form of a dragon. These abilities are impressive on their own but her relationship with Mythal makes her even more powerful.

Flemeth took in the spirit of Mythal, the elven god of motherhood, love, and justice, and, in doing so gained incredible power and a mission. She is driven to grant Mythal justice for what the other gods did to her and claims that in doing so, she will change everything. Although Solas seems to get the upper hand on her at the end of Dragon Age: Inquisition, players should not be surprised if she returns.

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