Denerim is an important city in Dragon Age, serving as the capital city of Ferelden. As of 9:30 Dragon, the city has a population of 70,000 people, including humans, elves, and dwarves. While it is a place of political value, as it is where the King and Queen live and where Landsmeets happen, it is also considered a holy place by some Andrastians. It is believed that Denerim is where Andraste was born.

The city was a big deal in Dragon Age: Origins and books like The Stolen Throne and The Calling and is mentioned in other titles. The truth is its history is quite fascinating, as it actually served as an outpost to ancient Tevinter before it ever became the city it is known as today. There is also a lot to be known about the culture of the city that stemmed from its background.

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From Outpost To Capital City

Split image of Denerim scenery.

The oldest and tallest building in Denerim is Fort Draken, which is built into the side of a mountain called Dragon's Peak. This tower was an ancient Tevinter Imperium outpost. When Tevinter lost its influence around Thedas, the tower fell to the ownership of teryns. Due to its height, a lot of boats on the coast could see the outpost from a long distance. This made a city slowly be built around the tower.

Before the Towers Age, Denerim actually had its own Circle of Magi. Details as to why the Denerim Circle fell and had to regroup to Kinloch Hold is unknown, but it is said that the Denerim Circle was razed. As time passed, the city has grown an overpopulation problem. Nobles are known to live closer to Fort Draken while the poor and oppressed live further in the outer edges of the city.

For a while, Denerim belonged to a Teyrn named Simeon. He was Calenhad Theirin's rival and fell in the Battle of the White Valley, which decided the fate of Denerim in the Exalted Age. With his defeat, Calenhad began the teryn of Denerim and King of Ferelden. Peace does not last, though, as Orlais kept trying to invade Ferelden. In The Blessed Age, they succeeded and the city of Denerim was ransacked. It's teryn at the time, King Brandel, went into hiding.

During And After The Ferelden Rebellion


Denerim was reclaimed by Ferelden rebels at the very beginning of the Dragon Age. The King that Orlais appointed, King Meghren, and his court all barricaded themselves in Fort Drakon during the long siege. Meghren accepted the leader of the rebels, Maric, to a duel and Maric killed him in their one-on-one one. Despite winning Denerim back, its Orlesian occupation had a great effect on the city and its citizens. Nearly every noble and person with strong influence in Denerim were a part of the rebellion or a descendant of someone who was. Peace between them and Orlais was never even made official until 20 years later.

In 9:30 Dragon, Denerim was amidst the Ferelden Civil War which sprung during the Fifth Blight. The King refused to stay in Denerim and wished to fight alongside the Grey Wardens. In doing so, he died and Teyrn Loghain declared himself Regent in Denerim. This made the city now a hub of controversy, creating a large faction of people who would call themselves Royalists. The civil war both started and ended in Denerim when Arl Eamon called for a Landsmeet in the city to decide the fate of Ferelden's politics.

The Fifth Blight also ended in Denerim, in fact, the archdemon itself was slain at the historic landmark of Fort Drakon. After the battle, the city had to be restored through much effort. The poorer places, like the Alienage, never saw repairs. It is also found out that Denerim is a Qunari target if the Inquisitor sides with the Qunari in Demands of the Qun. By 9:44 Dragon, it appears Qunari are beginning to make advances on the city. Barrels of Qunari gaatlok are discovered in Denerim's palace, and are luckily removed.

Dragon Age 4 is in development.

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