It's been a few years since Dragon Age: Inquisition released in 2014, so fans of the franchise are naturally starting to wonder when the next installment may be released. BioWare has been busy with Mass Effect: Andromeda for the last few years, but now that the sci-fi epic has shipped, it sounds like it may be time to get to work on a new Dragon Age.

In a recent interview on the 1099 podcast, series creative director Mike Laidlaw fielded a few questions about whether or not the team at BioWare is working on a new Dragon Age. He was cryptic as usual, but it definitely sounds like something is in the works for the fantasy franchise.

Here is what Laidlaw had to say...

"Something is happening with Dragon Age ... As I've jokingly said, I am the creative director for the Dragon Age franchise and they haven't fired me yet."

Dragon Age Cover

The creative director went on to confirm that BioWare's Dragon Age team is currently hiring a lot of people. Although there was a lot to enjoy in Mass Effect: Andromeda, some fans are still feeling a bit let down by BioWare due to that game's facial animation problems and overly slow travel system at launch. That said, it seems unlikely that the complaints about Andromeda would hurt sales or demand for a new Dragon Age very much.

From the sounds of things, development is just gearing up, so fans would be lucky to see the first tease of the game at E3 2018, but may need to wait even longer. If Anthem manages to actually release in 2018, then hopefully that game will give fans their BioWare fix until we are able to get our hands on a new Dragon Age a few years down the road.

Would you be excited to head back into the world of Dragon Age? Let us know in the comments.

The follow up to Dragon Age: Inquisition has not officially been announced yet.

Source: Gamespot