Despite it being almost seven years since its release, back in November 2014, Dragon Age: Inquisition is one of those games that withstand the test of time thanks to graphics too advanced for their time and features that other titles tried to replicate, but didn't quite manage to do so. Dragon Age: Inquisition doesn't feel too different from any release from two years ago, or even last year, and it set the blueprint for what a game can do with its character creator and the depth of it all, allowing players to customize every little detail and making truly unique avatars. Players have a degree of freedom in Dragon Age: Inquisition that is hard to find in any game that was released within the past seven years, and this led to amazing and hilarious creations.

This is not something entirely new to the whole series of Dragon Age games, starting with Dragon Age: Origins, nor it is a novelty for BioWare games in general, considering that the studio is responsible for titles like Mass Effect and the original Baldur's Gate. For this reason, it's easy to see how RPGs and RPG elements were always something that BioWare succeeded at doing, and that's something that will hopefully be one of the selling points of Dragon Age 4 once it's ready. Regardless, Dragon Age: Inquisition should be a great source of inspiration for the fourth installment in the series simply because of all the options it included within its character creator, especially considering that Dragon Age 4 should come to next-gen consoles. What follows is a list of examples of characters made in the game over the years.

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Nigel Thornberry From The Wild Thornberrys

Although this character was made when Dragon Age: Inquisition came out, Redditor amedw managed to create an inquisitor that looks very much like Nigel Thornberry from the Nickelodeon series The WildThornberrys. The character is most definitely smashing, and it shows just how crazy the creator feature in Dragon Age: Inquisition can really be, and how it rewards creativity with aesthetics to remember for years to come. Of course, while the look cannot be completely identical to the animated series, amedw's attempt is the best rendition of this character in the game.

Brienne of Tarth From Game of Thrones

One of the most distinctive characters of Game ofThrones, Brienne of Tarth was always loved by many because of her story and her deep connection to Jaime Lannister. A Reddit user by the name of helldeath managed to recreate Gwendoline Christie's iconic character in the series by combining all the different bits and options from Dragon Age: Inquisition's creator, and the resemblance is uncanny.

Daenerys Targaryen From Game of Thrones

Another character from the Game of Thrones universe, Daenerys Targaryen is one of the most relevant people in the series throughout. Redditor killerewok immortalized Emilia Clarke's Daenerys in Dragon Age: Inquisition (and aptly so, considering she's the Mother of Dragons), and the character has been showcased everywhere as the prime example of how deep and beautiful the creator in the game can be. This level of detail is incredible and again marks Dragon Age: Inquisition as one of the best titles to play if gamers are after customizing their characters a lot.

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An Elf Mage Called Nylathrria

Another Reddit user by the name of harbingrr managed to make an incredible elf mage they called Nylathrria, and she is done so well that it's yet another tribute at Dragon Age: Inquisition's creator. One of the most fun things to do in the game while making a new inquisitor is to experiment with all the options to make a look that is unique and satisfying, however tempting it might be to try and make renowned characters from some other franchise. Delving into the races of the Dragon Age saga and building from all the lore found in the games is a very interesting experience, and it makes for a great RPG session.

How Dragon Age: Inquisition Can Impact Dragon Age 4

dragon age 4 the dread wolf

Despite the praise that Dragon Age: Inquisition got for its character creator, the game was unfortunately bashed by some reviewers in terms of controls and depth of RPG elements compared to previous entries in the series. This makes it a great starting point for Dragon Age 4, however, because BioWare can capitalize on what made Dragon Age: Inquisition great, and make up for what didn't. Specifically, the controls could instead be one of the most appealing qualities of Dragon Age 4 because of how smooth they are with next-gen consoles, and more so with the DualSense controller for the PS5.

Still, the graphics in Dragon Age 4 could see incredible improvements from those of its predecessor, both because BioWare's experience grew over the past seven years and because the game will look even better thanks to the new consoles. This puts Dragon Age 4 in a very interesting position because of all the work that was carried out on the creator feature for Dragon Age: Inquisition, meaning that the sequel will most likely find fertile ground in the roots of the third game of the series. This also bodes very well for the modding community, much like Skyrim's success does for The Elder Scrolls 6, as there were plenty of fans and players trying to support the game they loved with mods that could make it look even better.

As such, it shouldn't come as a surprise if Dragon Age 4 ends up surpassing Dragon Age: Inquisition in the long run, and maybe also become the new staple for video games aspiring to offer an immersive character creation experience. This remains to be seen, however, and it's likely that the game will come in quite some time from now.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Dragon Age 4: Why Bringing Back the Inquisition Will Be Harder Than Just the Inquisitor