Dragon Age: Inquisition is the third entry in the Dragon Age franchise by BioWare. The game follows the player character (who is one of the best protagonists in a BioWare game) as they take over the Inquisition and try to stop the strange tear that has appeared in the sky.

During their time as the Inquisitor, they will need to recruit companions and Agents that will help them out during their time they are saving the world. Here's a guide to recruiting all the Agents in the game.

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What Are Agents In Dragon Age: Inquisition?

Dragon Age Inquisition War Table

Agents are characters in the game that will help players with specific War Table missions. Depending on who they are recruited for, they could do espionage missions for Leliana, diplomacy missions for Josephine, or combat missions for Cullen. Most Agents available are missable, so players will want to obtain them as soon as they possibly can in order to ensure they obtain them. Players will also want to consider unlocking the Underworld Knowledge, Arcane Knowledge, History Knowledge, and Nobility Knowledge Perks to recruit these Agents. While they can all be recruited if specific people are in the party, these Perks ensure that everyone can always be recruited.

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All Recruitable Agents In Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Age Inquisition Agents

There are a ton of Agents the Inquisitor can recruit. Here's a breakdown of them all.



How To Recruit



Jana is found in a house near the outskirts of Crestwood, unless the player speaks to the mayor first. If so, she will be outside the mayor's home. If Solas is in the party or the Inquisition has the Nobility Knowledge Perk, they can recruit her to the Inquisition.

Emerald Graves


He can be recruited after completing the Victims of War quest.

Emprise du Lion

Michel de Chevin

He is found outside of Sahrnia and will ask the player to complete the "Call Me Imshael" quest. Once finished, he can be recruited.

Exalted Plains


Players will need to earn favor with Keeper Hawen through the "By the Grace of the Dalish" quest in order to recruit Loranil.

Fallow Mire

Sky Watcher

Players must speak to Sky Watcher and close the nearby Rift before they complete the quest "Lost Souls." Then, speak to him to recruit him.

Frostback Basin

Helsdim Rolfsen

Complete the quest "They Came From Somewhere Else" to recruit Helsdim.

Sigrid Gulsdotten

Speak to Sigrid at the end of the "In Exile" quest.


Complete the quests "Storvacker Caged" and "Hakkon Wintersbreath" and then judge her.


Speaker Anais

Complete the quest "Praise the Herald of Andraste" and speak to her.

Lord Berand

Complete the quest "Love Waits" and ask him to join.


Find him at the Gull and Lantern while in Redcliffe while completing the quest "In Hushed Whispers."

Horse Master Dennet

Speak to him after "Master of Horses" and have either Cassandra, Dorian, or Vivienne in the party. Players can also use either History Knowledge or Underworld Knowledge Perks to recruit him.

Enchanter Ellendra

Finish the "My Lover's Phylactery" and have either Vivienne in the party or use the Arcane Knowledge Perk. (Human Mage players can also recruit her.)


Rescue her during the quest "Strange Bedfellows" and then use either Varric or the Underworld Knowledge Perk to recruit her. (Dwarven players can also recruit her.)


During the quest "Business Arrangements" either have Cassandra or Varric in the party or use the Underworld Knowledge Perk to recruit.

Vale’s Irregulars

Complete the quests "East Road Bandits," "Templars to the West," "Hunger Pangs," "In the Elements," "Apostates in Witchwood," and "A Healing Hand." Then, ask Corporal Vale if they will recruit the skilled.


Gereon Alexius

Judged after the "In Hushed Whispers" quest and the Arcane Knowledge Perk can recruit him.

Florianne de Chalons

Judge her to community service (even if she dies, he remains can be judged).

Movran the Under

Complete the quest "Lost Souls" and sentence the clan to be armed and then exiled to Tevinter.


Let him live during "Western Approach."

Storm Coast

Blades of Hessarian

Craft the "Mercy's Crest" and challenge their leader.

Therinfal Redoubt


Complete the "Champions of the Just" and he will automatically join the player if he survives.

Val Royeaux


During the quest "The Threat Remains," speak to Revered Mother Hevara and then to Belle.

Western Approach


Once the Abyssal High Dragon is dead, Frederic will ask to join the player.

dragon age inquisition
Dragon Age: Inquisition

PS4 , PS3 , Xbox One , Xbox 360 , PC
November 18, 2014
Electronic Arts