Dragon Age: Inquisition is unique in the franchise because of its tarot cards. A deck was released with the Collector's Edition package, but it also played a part in the game itself. The cards were assigned to different characters, and are furthermore filled with meaning. The major arcana even tell a story, as the cards are in a particular order from the Fool down to the World.

What card is assigned to each Dragon Age: Inquisition character reveals a lot about them, their motivations, and possibly what is in store for their future. The cards can even change depending on player choices, showing that the character themself has changed. Sera is a particularly special character in the tarot deck, as all three of her cards are major arcana.

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Sera's Default Tarot Card

Sera's Fool card.

Sera's default card is the Fool, which suits her nature as the fool is often represented by a vagabond with no worldly ties. The card represents new beginnings, potential, innocence, and spontaneity. Sera certainly represents all those things, as she is one of the youngest companions and is known to be reckless and spontaneous - sometimes to a fault. Her card in reverse can mean poor judgment, chaos, and naivety.

The card's design shows Sera atop of a wall, looking toward a building but not down. This shows her ready for adventure, but also the possibility of danger if she does not watch her step. It suggests she is a risk-taker, independent, and even one who can move forward on blind faith alone. She believes in Andraste and the Maker, and that is part of what draws her to the Inquisition.

Sera's Companion Quest Card

Sera Star card.

The card received upon the completion of Sera's companion quest is the Star. Like Sera's Fool card, Star is ruled by the air element and the planet Uranus, which means she is still deeply connected to her past. The Star sits between the Tower and the Moon (Solas and Cole), which are cards of great change and illusion. The Star is a card of faith, hope, and inspiration, symbolizing Sera's faith in the Inquisition once her quest is complete. She may also have high hopes for herself and the Inquisition.

The card can also mean healing and rejuvenation. Sera has had a hard life, and finding family in the Inquisition can be a way to heal and rejuvenate from her past. This card follows after the Tower card, which represents trauma, showing that one can heal from hard experiences.

Sera's Romance Card

Sera's romance tarot card.

Sera's other tarot card is only obtained through her romance; it is another major arcana, the Hanged Man. Unlike her other two cards, it is ruled by the water element and Neptune, which is a sign she is stepping out of her box in romance. The card represents letting go, seeing things from a new angle, and metamorphosis. Reversed it can mean egotism and an inability to change, which can happen if Sera and the Inquisitor have a bad relationship.

The Hanged Man is a card that says time spent hanging is not time wasted, and in matters of love, it means sacrifice and patience. Sera and the Inquisitor are partners that need to stay open-minded for their relationship to work. Their relationship is rewarded by seeing life at different angles, and the fact that the card is the water elements also is a sign of love ruled by emotion. If a rock is thrown in, there will be a lot of ripples, and everyone will feel it.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is in development.

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