Most characters in Dragon Age: Inquisition has at least one tarot card to symbolize themselves. The deck was sold with the collector's edition, but the game itself kept the designs for character selection and codices. Tarot cards are full of symbolism and meaning, both when read right-side up and in reverse.

Cole has three different tarot cards in Dragon Age: Inquisition. There is his default card, his more human card, and more spirit card. His default starts with the Moon arcana, the human card is the Page of Swords, and the spirit card is the Page of Wands. These cards relate to his state of being, emotions, and connection with the physical world.

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Cole's Default Card

Cole's default card.

Cole's default card is the Moon, which is a card of illusion. It can mean fear, difficulty, and hidden things. The Moon is symbolic of the dream world and of feminine energy. The card is quite suited for Cole, as he is originally a spirit of the Fade. He comes from a world of illusion, deception, and dreams. The moon can also symbolize his difficulties, as Cole walks an unknown path. There are no others like him in the Inquisition, which can be difficult for all involved. He can also be a deceiver, making others forget they ever saw him.

The element associated with the Moon arcana is water. This can mean Cole is overflowing with emotion, and it does seem like he gets overwhelmed at times by his ability to sense the thoughts and hearts of others. Water can also allude to ripples, which can mean Cole has the power to influence the world around him in small ways that can turn big later on.

Cole's Human Card

Cole's human card.

Cole's human card is a face of the minor arcana, the Page of Swords. The swords suit relates to inner thoughts, ideas, and the realm of mentality. The Page of Swords can mean curiosity, new ideas, and a thirst for knowledge. It symbolizes a new way of thinking, which is perfect for Cole's human situation. This card is obtained only if the Inquisitor makes Cole more human in his companion quest.

As a human, Cole has reached new territory. The physical world now sticks to him, and he cannot make people forget like before. He is able to learn and grow by stepping outside his purpose as a spirit of compassion. Like the Page of Swords symbolizes, humanized Cole begins a journey of knowledge and curiosity. He begins to understand people in ways he could not as a spirit.

Cole's Spirit Card

Cole's spirit card.

Cole's spirit card is also a Page card, but this time it is the Page of Wands. Wands are a suit connected to the element of fire and are about creation and passion. Like Cole's human card, the Page of Wands can also mean new beginnings. While Cole is a Fade spirit, choosing to make him more spirit is still a new beginning for him. He is no longer so bound to the physical world and is more capable of sensing the innermost feelings of others.

The card can also point to the spiritual path, which is what happened to Cole quite literally when obtaining this card. Being a Page face card, it means that Cole's spiritual path is just beginning. He may discover much about himself that is new. He is in a time of discovery and experimentation in his spirit form.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is in development.

MORE: Dragon Age: Inquisition - What The Tarot Cards Reveal About Dorian