The Dragon Age games are renowned for being some of the best RPGs that are playable, with some superb replay value. Yes, not every Dragon Age was perfect. But a few will hold a special place in many players' hearts, mainly due to how in-depth and detailed the world is, with the characters of each game augmenting its quality quite a bit too.

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A huge part of what made the game special was the numerous boss fights that players could partake in. These awe-inspiring encounters push players to their very limits as they try and figure out the proper strategies required to fight against some of the strongest opponents in the Dragon Age series.

Updated on June 8, 2023, by Ritwik Mitra: The Dragon Age series is one of the most beloved Western RPGs around, with each and every game in this series being pretty incredible in their own right for a myriad of reasons. Despite BioWare's rocky reputation in modern times, fans are glad to see that the studio hasn't really dropped the ball with this fantasy series, with Dragon Age 2 being a small blip in the radar at most. All the games feature great and enthralling combat systems, which shine during the many bosses that players have to defeat across the games.

8 Corypheus (Dragon Age 2)

Dragon Age Inquisition Corypheus

It was clear that Corypheus made a strong impression on both fans and the developers themselves, given how the villain from a piece of DLC in Dragon Age 2 ended up ascending to the role of the main antagonist in the sequel, Dragon Age: Inquisition.

The boss fight against Corypheus in the Legacy DLC is a long and challenging one, with Corypheus shifting through multiple phases as his health slowly deteriorates. He is extremely powerful and can wipe out the party if players aren't careful enough, forcing them to strategize in a dynamic manner to deal with each one of his phases.

7 Highland Ravager (Dragon Age: Inquisition)

Highland Ravager in Dragon Age Inquisition

Dragon Age: Inquisition really went all out with the numerous high dragons that players could battle in the game. There were a total of twelve dragons that could be hunted down in the game, with each one of them being quite imposing in their own right.

Inquisition really understood how dragon battles should work, and the Highland Ravager is a great example of this. The arena is pretty small, the dragon hits for a ton of damage, and it also summons dragonlings halfway through the fight to terrorize the player!

6 Harvester (Dragon Age: Origins)

Dragon Age Best Boss Harvester

Harvester is one of the most annoying fights in the game, mostly because of the number of enemies he can summon to help him. Some players even go the extra mile to respec and become an archer to make this fight more manageable. Aside from the hordes of skeletons the Harvester has summoned, there is a switch that players also need to press during the first form of this fight, which is pretty hard to notice during the absolute carnage that ensues!

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However, this switch is integral to the fight, and anyone who misses it will slowly tumble to their own doom. Sadly though, in his second form, there is no more switch to help out. This fight is purely based on DPS, with players needing to enhance the amount of damage the player can deal as quickly as possible. If the damage output is weak compared to the number of skeletons being summoned, then a game-over is inevitable.

5 Envy Demon (Dragon Age: Inquisition)

Dragon Age Best Boss Envy Demon

The premise of this fight is why it's so good — it's simple and to the point. The envy demon wishes to become someone, not emulate someone to become them. So they hunt and find someone in power, such as an influential leader or a King, and stalk them for a while. When they feel like they've learned enough, they'll assume their identity, and anyone will find it nearly impossible to distinguish between the two people. By slaughtering the person copied, they have essentially become that person.

But envy is a human emotion, envy cannot be quenched, it's never sated, so they want to become an even more powerful person. When players battle this envy demon, they're fighting something that is human emotion but in a repulsive demon form.

4 The Mother (Dragon Age: Origins)

Dragon Age Best Boss Mother BroodMother

This monstrosity explains a ton of the lore surrounding Dragon Age: Origins. Before the fight ensues, the Mother explains what happened and how the Darkspawn came about, which is important information for anyone who's interested in the story. The Mother is a naked, tentacled, horrendous-looking bug thing that produces thousands of Darkspawn a year. However, this one is different from the rest of the Broodmothers — this one is unique because she is a human Broodmother.

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The design of this creature is fantastic; it's the perfect demonic entity that is a mixture of all sorts of disgusting things. Along with looking hideous, Mother is one of the hardest boss battles in the game, as there are lots of tentacles as well as the Mother herself to deal with.

3 The Archdemon (Dragon Age: Origins)

Dragon Age Best Boss Archdemon

Despite the game being called Dragon Age: Origins, the game is surprisingly lacking in dragons, which is why their appearance becomes all the more special. When players have to fight the legendary Archdemon, it's only a given that they would be terrified — they're going toe-to-toe against an Old God who can set fire to their entire party and destroy them in a flash.

Thankfully, players are not alone in this fight — masses of knights are on top of these massive battlements aiding the heroes. However, with the area being so vast, the dragon will often fly away to go gobble up some knights in the distance. The dragon's true motive is to cause untold death and destruction, with the player struggling to take out this powerful foe and end its threat once and for all.

2 Arishok (Dragon Age 2)

Dragon Age Best Boss Arishok

This boss is introduced by throwing a severed head down a flight of stairs, bouncing towards a crop of horrified nobles. One of these rich aristocrats defies him, leading to one of his guards breaking his neck without hesitation. The Arishok is the highest-ranking military officer among the Qunari. He appears out of nowhere, takes the town for over, and starts a religious faction as he takes a seat of power.

Due to the corruption of the town, he wants to wash his hands of it, but Arishok is unable to do so, so he chooses to cleanse the corruption with his bare hand and start off the Qunari revolt. The player has the choice of negotiating with him... but if they go poorly, then they should be ready for this massive mammoth of a guy. The build-up towards this boss fight is what's one of the best parts of this encounter.

1 Loghain (Dragon Age: Origins)

Dragon Age Best Boss Loghain

Loghain is not a nice person, and that's putting it politely. He's the type of character that believes the end justifies the means, even going so far as to try and kill the main character multiple times. Loghain is trying to save the world in his own way, and if half the world burns because of that, he truly doesn't care.

When players finally duel him, it's a great moment when they can eventually end his miserable life. Of course, given how open-ended Dragon Age: Origins is, players can also choose to spare him, although this isn't recommended since Alistair will leave the party instead.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is currently in development.

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