
  • The Dragon Age setting is full of mysteries, including the unknown origins of races like humans and Qunari and the unexplored lands beyond the mountains and jungle.
  • The Fex, a mysterious race native to the tropical island of Par Volen, have been a subject of speculation among fans, with limited hints in the games about their nature.
  • Fan theories suggest that the Fex may be related to the Scaled Ones or could be some kind of humanoid animal people, but without more information, it is impossible to draw any conclusions about them. Dragon Age 4 may provide some answers.

While the Dragon Age setting is extensive and highly detailed, most of the world is shrouded in mystery. Humans and Qunari, for example, come from across the sea, but fans know nothing about their original homeland. Inquisition hinted at agents from another continent interfering in Thedas' affairs, but fans know virtually nothing about those places. Meanwhile, anything could be waiting beyond the towering western mountains or in the vast northern jungle.

One of Dragon Age's many mysteries is that of the Fex. Despite never being explicitly referenced in any of the games, the Fex have been a subject of debate and speculation for years. Native to the tropical island of Par Volen, fans know virtually nothing else about them, and it's not even clear if they are canon. However, there are a few hints that BioWare hasn't forgotten about the Fex, as the games may contain some clues to their nature.

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Dragon Age's Mysterious Fex Race

Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights Par Vollen-map

While promoting Dragon Age 2 at PAX Prime in 2010, an interviewer asked Gaider if there were other races in Thedas besides the humans, elves, dwarves, and Qunari. The full video is unavailable, though a partial transcript survives online. "Uh, yes!" said Gaider. "Yes, there are. For instance, there is a race that was native to Par Vollen when the Qunari arrived that we have not shown yet. They're called the Fex, F-E-X, and uh, you don't see them outside of Par Vollen very much. But yeah, there definitely are, and maybe there's even some beyond Thedas."

The Pyramids of Par Vollen

That quote is the first and only direct reference to the Fex from anyone at BioWare and may or may not conflict with some of the things Dragon Age fans learned about Par Volen in Inquisition. The Codex entry "The Pyramids of Par Vollen" describes the mysterious and long-abandoned pyramids that are the last remnants of an ancient human civilization. The descendants of the humans who built them still live on the island but were assimilated into Qunari society long ago.

Assuming BioWare hadn't simply discarded the idea of the Fex, one explanation is that the Fex are the pyramid builders of Par Vollen. However, given the context of Gaider's answer, that doesn't entirely make sense. The interviewer asked him about other races, not other human cultures, and "The Pyramids of Par Vollen" is quite clear about the natives of Par Vollen being human. This also isn't necessarily a case of plans changing, as the official Prima Guide for 2009's Dragon Age: Origins also referred to an indigenous human population on Par Vollen.

Given that BioWare already had plans for a human population on Par Vollen, it seems very likely that the Fex are entirely separate. Perhaps, with the Qunari potentially playing a major role in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, fans will finally get some answers. However, the sheer lack of information makes it virtually impossible to draw any conclusions about them. That said, Dragon Age fans have a few theories about who or what the Fex are.

Fex Fan Theories

One fan theory from several years ago suggests that the Fex may be another mysterious Dragon Age race called the Scaled Ones. These reptilian hominids are only described in the quest and accompanying Codex Entry "Chronicles of a Forgotten War." The Scaled Ones briefly warred against the Dwarves around 2000 years before Dragon Age takes place, before disappearing just as suddenly as they arrived. The only other possible references to the Scaled Ones are cave paintings of an upright walking reptile in Inquisition. However, there isn't any actual evidence to support the Fex and Scaled ones being the same thing.

That said, it's possible that the Fex could be some other kind of humanoid animal people. One piece of Sten's banter dialogue in Dragon Age: Origins reveals that Par Volen has monkeys, so perhaps the Fex are some sapient primate. Multiple fan theories, including the one about the Scaled Ones, also suggest the Fex might be humans that were physically altered in some way. However, these are all just unsupported suggestions. There isn't enough information about the Fex to say anything concrete.

Dragon Age The Veilguard Tag Page Cover Art
Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Dragon Age: The Veilguard is the long-awaited fourth game in the fantasy RPG series from BioWare, and formerly known as Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. A direct sequel to Inquisition, it focuses on red lyrium and Solas, the aforementioned Dread Wolf.

Dragon Age
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Electronic Arts