The Dalish elves of Dragon Age all get facial tattoos called Vallaslin once they become adults at 18-years of age or older. It is also called "blood writing" among the clans. The ink used to tattoo Dalish faces is considered sacred and the act of tattooing Vallaslin is thought of as a ritual.

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Different designs symbolize different Dalish deities. The games do not reveal what tattoos symbolize which deities, but Dragon Age concept artist Matt Rhodes shared Inquisition's tattoo designs and what deity each one relates to on his Tumblr account in 2015.

8 Andruil Design

Dalish with Andruil Vallislin.

Andruil is known as the Goddess of the Hunt and Lady of Fortune among the Dalish. She and her Vallaslin are symbols of survival. The Dalish follow her teachings called the Way of the Three Trees. Firstly, the Way of the Arrow, then the Way of the Bow, and lastly the Way of the Forest. The three teachings all relate to hunting.

According to Solas, she was also the Goddess of Sacrifice, being someone who hunted mortals as well as animals. Her love of the hunt also made her go after the Forgotten Ones in the Abyss. This made her insane and it is said she brought a plague back with her.

7 Dirthamen Design

Previous Inquisitor in Jaws of Hakkon.

Dirthamen is the God of Secrets and Knowledge. He is the twin brother of Falon'Din. Along with his brother, he searches for secrets within dreams and provides elders entering uthenera with counsel. He made a vow that he and his brother will always be together.

His symbols are often two ravens, a bear, and varterral. This is because, in one legend, he outwits two ravens named Fear and Deceit. In another, he gives all animals a secret and the only one that keeps it is a bear. Lastly, he is known to have created the very first varterral from fallen trees.

6 Elgar'nan Design

Split image of Elgar'nan mural and Vallaslin.

Elgar'nan is the God of the Sun and Vengence. He leads the Dalish pantheon along with Mythal. It is said that Elgar'nan's father, the sun, grew jealous of Eglar'nan and burned the earth. Elgar'nan got his revenge by pulling the sun down from the sky. The Dalish believe that this is why the sunsets each night, and that the stars are blood spilled from Elgar'nan and the sun's battle.

In Trespasser, a Codex reveals that some Dalish told stories that dwarves fear the sun and may live underground because of Elgar'nan.

5 Falon'Din Design

Dalish with yellow Falon'don Vallaslin.

Falon'Din is the God of Death and Fortune. He is the twin brother of Dirthamen. He became associated with death when he took pity on a near-dead deer and help her cross the veil. Once he did, he decided he wanted to guide all the dead.

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He is also sometimes called the Merciful One among the Dalish. His name is often invoked at deathbeds and when a Dalish elf may be about to go on a quest they may not survive.

4 Ghilan'nain Design

Split image of Vallaslin and Dalish mural.

Known as the Mother of Halla, Ghilan'nain is associated with navigation. This is because halla are used to pull Dalish aravel. She is a little different from other deities due to her background as a mortal before she became divine. She was also the youngest of the gods.

Among the pantheon, Ghilan'nain is closely associated with Andruil. Many legends have the two deities interact. One such tale has Andruil turn Ghilan'nain into the first halla.

3 June Design

Dalish holding up sword with June Vallaslin.

June is the God of Crafts and Building. He is the least known among the Dalish pantheon. His story is one of teaching the Dalish how to make craft weapons, clothes, and other objected needed for Dalish survival such as aravels and halla harnesses.

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Much about June is still a mystery. He is often paired with Sylaise in stories, making it possible that he was either her husband or brother.

2 Mythal Design

Male Dalish with Mythal Vallaslin.

Mythal is the most well-known Dalish deity in the Dragon Age series. She is known as the Protector and All-Mother. She is the flip-side of Elgar'nan, being merciful and just. She was the one that convinced Elgar'nan to have mercy on the sun and to release it back into the sky. When the sun was released, she created the moon for the nighttime.

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Her name is most often invoked by the Dalish when they desire protection. It was revealed in Dragon Age: Inquisition that she was actually murdered by her fellow gods and not harmed by the Dread Wolf like the other gods were.

1 Sylaise Design

Dalish with red Syalise Vallaslin.

Sylaise is the Goddess of Domestic Arts and is also known as the Hearthkeeper. The Dalish invoke her name to watch over their children, take care of the sick, and when a fire is kindled or put out. Legends say she taught the Dalish how to use fire and heal themselves.

Another ritual related to Sylaise that the Dalish practice is to sprinkle their aravel with tree-moss. As they do this, Sylaise is called upon to protect the aravel and everyone inside.

Dragon Age Inquisition was released on November 18, 2014, and is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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