Extra stories beyond the games such as books and comics that are required for players to understand the story are the norm now, and Dragon Age: Dreadwolf promises to be no different, especially with the eight-year gap between Dragon Age: Inquisition: Trespasser and Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. Extra material has become something of a necessity to keep players sane in the decade-long wait for news on their favorite game series, all while the developer can keep its new game under wraps for when it's ready to reveal anything new.

Luckily, all the supplementary materials post-Dragon Age: Inquisition have had a positive response from fans, most prominently the short story collection Tevinter Nights and several of the comic series. The most recent comic series, Dragon Age: The Missing, is the most recent release in the Dragon Age series, and introduces several notable factions, characters, and story beats that are sure to be included and referenced in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf.

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The Missing Sets Up Some Questions About The Blight in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf

dragon age darkspawn creation tevinter mural

Dragon Age: The Missing deals with Inquisition agent Charter giving Varric and Scout Harding a mission to track down Solas. Solas' trail begins in the Deep Roads beneath the Tevinter Imperium, where they find his base in the form of an office behind a simple locked door. When Harding points out the proximity of this base to darkspawn and the Blight, Varric suggests Solas used magic to keep them at bay, but it is odd that Solas chose such a dangerous location considering Solas' hatred of the Blight.

Their journey to find Solas next takes them to the Tevinter city of Vyrantium, where the Qunari Antaam have the city under siege. The pair infiltrate the mansion of a noble, who they find has been turned to stone by Solas. Varric and Harding find evidence that the noble had been involved with the Venatori, who are after a magical item called the Crucious Stone, which is currently in the Arlathan Forest. They resolve to find the Stone before Solas and the Venatori.

Dragon Age: The Missing Shows a Glimpse of A World Without the Veil

The Fade.

It's unknown what the Crucious Stone does but, as Solas is after it, it can be assumed it's essential to his plot to bring down the Veil and could possibly play a role in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. When Harding and Varric arrive in the Arlathan Forest, they find it a complete mess as the Veil has been destroyed in most places across the Forest, to the point where it looks more like Dragon Age's Fade than Thedas.

Spirits roam free, the sky and ground are inverted in places, and time runs backward or too quickly in others; all the while, Harding points out that the same will happen everywhere if Solas' plans succeed. The Dalish elves and humans living in the Forest have come together as a group called the Veil Jumpers in an attempt to stop the destruction of the Veil in Arlathan.

They help Varric and Harding reach the location of the Crucious Stone, only to find Solas had gotten there first, leaving them only a letter asking them to leave him to his task. They instead follow him to Minrathous, where they discover Solas freed a group of elven slaves who are being targeted by the Venatori. Forced to choose between saving the slaves or catching up with Solas, Varric and Harding choose the slaves.

Varric speculates that Solas knew which path they would choose and that it would be impossible to defeat him because he knows them so well. He repeats the words from Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's trailer, "Someone he won't see coming," which sets up the narrative for the next protagonist. This hopefully means BioWare will be dropping information about Dragon Age: Dreadwolf soon.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is in development.

MORE: Every Possible Dragon Age: Dreadwolf Threat Trapped Behind The Veil