
  • Companions play a crucial role in shaping the story, themes, and lore of Dragon Age games.
  • Expect between 9-12 companions in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, each providing unique perspectives on Thedas.
  • BioWare's tradition of bringing back companions from previous games adds excitement and speculation for fans.

BioWare has been teasing players with information about Dragon Age: Dreadwolf for years now, with annual teaser drops every time Dragon Age Day rolls around. The last one featured a teaser trailer called Thedas Calls and promised a full reveal in Summer 2024. This is great news for fans of the Dragon Age series, who still know very little about Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. With a massive information reveal for the anticipated game, companion reveals need to be at the top of BioWare's agenda.

Creating a party and building relationships with companions is one of the top draws for BioWare games and RPGs in general. In the case of Dragon Age and Mass Effect, companions carry much of the games' story, themes, and lore. BioWare RPs are more character-driven than many other game franchises, and the reveal of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's biggest draw needs the amount of time it deserves.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf Fans Should Be Prepared for Drastically Different Combat

Dragon Age has never had consistent combat across its games, and players shouldn't expect anything familiar with Dragon Age: Dreadwolf.

Companions are a Window Into Thedas in Dragon Age

Companions in Previous BioWare Games

Fans can expect a reveal of between nine and twelve companions for Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, with Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2 having companions whose presence was conditional. Companions have always proven to be important to the story in a number of ways beyond their respective games. In past Dragon Age games, companions have shaped the world of Thedas, with companions going on to become the Divine of the Southern Chantry, the King of Ferelden, and Fen'Harel, the elven god of Rebellion.

Companions and Their Perspectives

Companions are going to be the heart of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. The companions in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf should be from across a variety of factions and cultures, and provide important or interesting information about Thedas. For example, Dorian provided insight into Tevinter and its culture in Dragon Age: Inquisition, while someone like Varric provided a perspective on the events of Dragon Age 2. With Dragon Age: Dreadwolf visiting a brand-new region of Thedas, there will be more cultures and factions to discover, such as the Mortalitasi, the Black Chantry, and the Magisterium in Tevinter.

The Appeal of BioWare Companions

BioWare Romance

Much of the draw for BioWare video games is also the romances and bonds players can form with companion characters. BioWare is known for creating some of the best romances in video games, and companions lie at the heart of them. Companion reveals are the source of much of the hype surrounding a BioWare game before it's released thanks to the romances, and for many are a key part of the run-up to the launch of a Dragon Age game. Players are going to be expecting great things from the companions in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf thanks to previous Dragon Age games. The companions are a chance to create new memories and moments with characters who will become special to many players.

Bringing Back Companions

Dragon Age has a tradition of bringing back a companion from the previous game. Dragon Age 2 had Anders from Dragon Age: Origins: Awakening, and Dragon Age: Inquisition had Varric from Dragon Age 2. It's likely that Dragon Age: Dreadwolf will bring back one of the companions from Dragon Age: Inquisition, which should be revealed during the summer news drop. Getting information on companions is an exciting way to speculate on the new game without delving into story spoilers, especially with the lore changes that are bound to happen in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf.

Dragon Age The Veilguard Tag Page Cover Art
Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Dragon Age: The Veilguard is the long-awaited fourth game in the fantasy RPG series from BioWare, and formerly known as Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. A direct sequel to Inquisition, it focuses on red lyrium and Solas, the aforementioned Dread Wolf.

Dragon Age
PS5 , Xbox Series S , Xbox Series X , Microsoft Windows
Electronic Arts