Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is the next title in BioWare's acclaimed Dragon Age franchise, and while not much has been revealed yet, several leaks and rumors suggest one big change coming to the franchise. If the leaks are true, Dragon Age: Dreadwolf will feature more action-oriented combat like God of War than the combat Dragon Age has been known for in the past. Of course, each Dragon Age game has changed its combat system, so this is to be expected. Still, ARPG-style combat would be quite a departure from the norm for Dragon Age. Assuming this information is accurate, one might wonder which direction BioWare's Mass Effect series might be heading in next.

Unlike the Dragon Age franchise, which has seen a change in combat with every game, Mass Effect's combat has stayed true to its roots. Apart from some smaller changes to skill usage, general fluidity, and quality of life, Mass Effect's combat system has essentially stayed the same throughout each installment. As such, perhaps it's time for the next Mass Effect game to feature combat similar to Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's rumored combat system, if only to shake things up for once and start a new era of Mass Effect for modern audiences.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf Can't Leave the Original Games Behind Entirely

Despite BioWare's best efforts to welcome new players, it may not be possible to separate Dragon Age: Dreadwolf from the previous Dragon Age games.

Mass Effect's Combat Could Transition With Dragon Age: Dreadwolf

Mass Effect Has Always Been a Cover Shooter

Since the first Mass Effect game in 2007, the series' combat has remained the same, following the design and mechanics of a typical cover shooter like Gears of War. This style of combat generally allows players to strategically plan their next move, especially when time-altering mechanics are implemented that either slow or pause the flow of combat when a weapon or skill wheel is opened and give players plenty of time to choose their next action.

For the most part, this combat style has served the Mass Effect series well, though the first game's combat was very clunky and unresponsive before Mass Effect: Legendary Edition revamped and updated it. However, like turn-based combat, the cover shooter formula may be too old-fashioned for some modern audiences, so the series may need a change in Mass Effect 4.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's Rumored Combat Change Could Be What Mass Effect Needs

In the increasingly fast-paced modern world where higher speeds, in general, are demanded almost everywhere, video games are evolving along with those demands and offering players mechanics that suit the needs of those looking to be instantly gratified by a game's loading times and input responsiveness. Final Fantasy 16 is a perfect example of this, as it is the first mainline Final Fantasy game to feature fast-paced action combat, as opposed to the turn-based system the series was previously known for.

This drastic change divided the Final Fantasy fanbase, but Square Enix backed it up by clarifying its intentions to deliver an experience that younger audiences could enjoy. From what the developer understood, younger audiences crave fast-paced action above the slower, more intentional movement of turn-based combat. This is why Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's rumored combat change makes sense, and it may do Mass Effect some good to consider the same.

Mass Effect's cover shooter mechanics may not move as slowly as turn-based combat, but it still lacks the engagement that true action combat can provide. Of course, shifting from cover-based mechanics to action would essentially exchange the defense provided by cover for blocks and dodges, but it could fit well in the Mass Effect franchise, especially if BioWare is aiming to take Mass Effect 4 in an entirely different direction than before.

Since it may be a good idea for Mass Effect 4 to distance itself from the original trilogy after all these years, perhaps it could use Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's rumored combat change as an excuse to change as well. This would see BioWare taking its two biggest franchises in the same direction for a more cohesive move of progress for the developer.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is the fourth game in the franchise, serving as a direct sequel to the events of Dragon Age: Inquisition. Players will attempt to stop Solas from tearing down the Veil, among other possibly major plot points. Its events see players travel to Tevinter, the Anderfels, Rivain, and Antiva.

Dragon Age
Electronic Arts