
  • Fans are eager for the return of beloved characters like Varric, Solas, and Alistair in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, hoping to see their arcs continue and evolve.
  • The inclusion of new characters like Davrin, a member of the Grey Wardens, could bring a fresh dynamic to the narrative and gameplay of the upcoming game.
  • Players may have the opportunity to confront their past selves, like the Inquisitor from Dragon Age: Inquisition, in a continuation of the series tradition of bringing back previous player characters as companions.

The next chapter in the Dragon Age saga is on the horizon with Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. Of course, this raises a ton of questions. How has the world changed? What will the story be? Who will be involved? Fans are eager to find out more about these possibilities, but there are also several other aspects to consider.

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BioWare really knows how to tug at the heartstrings, and there's no better proof of that than with these incredibly emotional character deaths.

Namely, who will comprise the colorful party of companions? These close-knit allies are among the strongest points of any BioWare title, Dragon Age included. Not only are their respective arcs engaging, but they organically evolve over multiple entries. Naturally, players want to see Dreadwolf continue those arcs.

5 Varric

The Part-Time Writer, Part-Time Scoundrel Is Now A Mainstay In The Dragon Age Universe

Varric Tethras smiling in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Dragon Age 2

macOS , PC , PS3 , Xbox 360
March 8, 2011

A popular addition to the sequels is Varric. One of two confirmed returning characters, this roguish dwarf is a colorful member of the heroes' ranks. Being both an alchemist and an archer gives him a diverse skill set. Plus, his sly personality is useful in a pinch, especially when dealing with such a politically volatile world. At the same time, this dangerous scoundrel treasures his crossbow ("Bianca") like a lover and publishes his adventures as trashy novels. This unorthodox mixture of qualities arouses curiosity, but that intrigue doesn't stop at the games.

Varric has several other escapades. Players can read about them in various tie-in books. Knight Errant sees him execute an ambitious jailbreak. In The Missing, he protects freed Elven slaves from the Venatori's wrath. Developers can use these exploits as compelling conversation topics or even side quests. Doing so would tie the larger Dragon Age universe together as a living, breathing world. Who says the player characters should have all the fun?

4 Solas

Working With The Villain Would Give Fans A Peek Into His Demented Mind

Solas smiling in Dragon Age
Dragon Age: Inquisition

PS4 , PS3 , Xbox One , Xbox 360 , PC
November 18, 2014
Action RPG

The second confirmed return is Solas, though making him a companion might be tricky. After all, he is the titular Dreadwolf. Not only is he responsible for many misfortunes in previous titles, but he'll likely be the main villain here. However, that doesn't mean he can't join the team, at least for a time. Plenty of games let players control or work with the antagonists. These instances are usually one-off levels or redemption arcs. Either scenario would suit this Elven mage.

5 Weird Facts About Dragon Age's Solas

Solas is set to be the antagonist of the upcoming Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, and he has a complex history both inside and outside of the game's world.

Reuniting with Solas is a prime opportunity to further his character. Players could address his past deeds and betrayals, weighing them against his time as an ally and possible lover. Such debates may add dimension to his villainy. It'd also be fun to play as a villain. The Dreadwolf can access spells, abilities, and knowledge that heroes can only dream of. Tapping into those dark gifts is tempting, especially if they break the game. Solas' inclusion could let fans enjoy some unbridled chaos before being bottlenecked into saving the day.

3 Davrin

A New Character Could Usher The Return Of A Familiar Faction

The Grey Wardens wielding swords in Dragon Age Inquisition
  • Debuts in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf

Davrin is a new face. Fans don't know much about him aside from the behind-the-scenes marketing, but his potential lies in his profession. Voice lines reveal that he's a member of the Grey Wardens. This order of knights hasn't had a prominent role on the good side since Dragon Age: Origins, mainly because they were corrupted. Dragon Age: Inquisition saw them enthralled to a darkspawn named Corypheus. That servitude led to profane practices and blood magic. As terrible as those deeds were, they could be a foundation for greatness.

The Grey Wardens may carve a path of redemption and rediscovery in Dreadwolf. They would strive to atone and revive their selfless roots. In the process, the narrative would expand on the player's choice to either banish or recruit them. How does that choice impact the Wardens' rebuilding efforts? That conflict might be even more personal depending on the Warden ally chosen in Origins. The narrative isn't the only area ripe for expansion. Dreadwolf could also evolve the Wardens' gameplay. They'd still have the physical benefits of knights, but they may also retain some mystical abilities from their darkspawn dabbling. That mixture could spice up their skills and make Davrin more enjoyable in battle. In function, he'd be both familiar and new.

2 The Inquisitor

A Series Tradition Could See Players Confront Their Past Selves

The Inquisitor conjuring magic in Dragon Age: Inquisition
  • Debuts in Dragon Age: Inquisition

A Dragon Age tradition is to bring back player characters from previous titles, albeit not as main protagonists. Instead, they serve as companions to the new heroes. The nameless Grey Warden from Origins and Hawke from Dragon Age 2 both fill this role. Dreadwolf ought to continue that trend.

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Dragon Age: Inquisition has ton of different races to choose from. You'll want to think about these factors when you do.

Dreadwolf should include the Inquisitor of the aptly named Dragon Age: Inquisition. This protagonist was among the most influential figures in the series. Other characters prophesied players as a divine savior or the "Herald of Andraste." This gave them nearly absolute power during a tumultuous time. From their mountain fortress, they amassed armies, coordinated assaults, judged prisoners, and forged vital alliances with disparate factions. Such actions naturally created a larger ripple effect.

Dreadwolf is a chance to see that effect. How would such heavy responsibility affect the Inquisitor in hindsight? Conversing with them would force players to reflect on their own decisions. After all, they may view a scenario differently from the outside looking in. The resulting questions would be particularly relevant considering the presence of Solas, who was the Inquisitor's trusted ally. In short, the game practically begs for the Herald's inclusion.

1 Alistair

A Loyal Companion Whose Eventful Life Could Bring Further Variety To The Party

Alistair sitting down in Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Age Origins

PS3 , Xbox 360 , PC
November 3, 2009

Alistair holds a special place in fans' hearts. An exiled prince and cynical Grey Warden, he's a source of snarky levity. Beneath that exterior, though, lies a sensitive soul. Peeling back those layers makes him oddly poignant - both as a companion and potential love interest. It's no wonder why he's a series mainstay.

That said, Alistair's circumstances vary drastically. Players' decisions and relationships see to that. He could be a proud king, a loyal knight, or a disillusioned drunkard. These paths progress through all three mainline games. It's a testament to how choices - combined with organic writing - can alter life's trajectory. Dragon Age devotees may want to experience the next step in that journey. Dreadwolf could continue Alistair's evolution. His royal status would make him a pivotal figure in global events. Seeing how far he's come in realizing that importance could give some pause for thought. The fact that he's so engaging only makes his arc (or arcs) more engaging.

Dragon Age The Veilguard Tag Page Cover Art
Dragon Age: The Veilguard

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