
  • Ancient lore in Dragon Age hints at massive conflicts and connections that could shape the future of Thedas.
  • Intriguing revelations about Andraste, Qunari, and Titans have the potential to overturn established beliefs.
  • A deeper look into the lore uncovers hidden connections between powerful entities like Mythal and the Magisters Sidereal.

Bioware's Dragon Age setting features a great deal of lore, helping to make the world feel fuller and more richly realized. From its ancient groups of warring tribes to the expansive and expansionist empires of the modern day, there's a lot of lore for Dragon Age fans to sink their teeth into.

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But while some of the lore of Thedas has little in the way of wider implications for the setting and franchise, some lore is so big and important that it could have any number of explanations and implications for the future of Dragon Age. These particular pieces of lore come with potentially explosive implications.

10 The War Between Titans And Elves

A War So Old That Everyone Forgot About It

Titan in Dragon Age

Long, long ago - before the Fade was separated from the earth by the Veil - the ancient elves went to war with the Titans and their dwarven servants. Scant information about this war exists during the events of the Dragon Age setting, but it involved a plot by Mythal.

Such events are massive and hint at a much bigger conflict between the ancients of Elvhenan and the Titans than anything seen in the modern-day of Thedas. Mythal rarely does anything without solid reasoning, so it's a tantalizing peek at something big.

9 The Forgotten Ones Versus The Evanuris

The Other Elven Gods

Evanuris in Dragon Age

Solas, also known as Fen'Harel, was said to have walked among both groups of ancient elven gods. Although history mainly only remembers the Evanuris, the Forgotten Ones are attested in Dalish myth and legend. Fen'Harel is stated to have been part of both groups, with each one thinking him an ally.

Given that events in Thedas appear to be turning around Solas and his plans, this could have massive implications for the future, especially since Solas is responsible for locking both the Evanuris and the Forgotten Ones away in the first place.

8 Andraste May Have Been A Mage

Tevinter Could Be Right

Split image of Andraste mural and Andraste in Tevinter in Dragon Age

A big point of contention in Thedas between the Imperial Chantry and the Orlesian Chantry is whether or not Andraste was a mage. The Orlesian Chantry is firm in the idea that Andraste was a normal human woman blessed by the Maker, whereas the Imperial Chantry tradition asserts that Andraste was a powerful mage and was blessed by the Maker.

Although there's evidence for both opinions, it's unclear both outside of the universe and inside whether or not Andraste really was a mage. But if she was, the revelation could upset the apple cart in a major way for the people of Thedas - and for the institution of the Orlesian Chantry itself.

7 Qunari Have The Blood Of Dragons

Dragon Blood Is Incredibly Powerful

Qwydion from Dragon Age Absolution, a tall, horned qunari woman, leaning into a merchant to whisper conspiratorally

Although the precise origins of the Qunari are shrouded in mystery, rumors persist that they're the product of experimentation on elves using dragon blood and forbidden magic. Such speculation comes not only from fans of the game but from Qunari characters themselves. Player companion Iron Bull states that he feels a connection to dragons and thinks the Qunari may have been created using dragons' blood.

In Dragon Age, dragons and their blood specifically are shown to be extremely powerful with a deep and mysterious connection to the lore. If Qunari really are the product of experimentation with dragon blood, that gives them an interesting connection to dragons themselves.

6 Titans Are Waking Up

Has Massive Implications Regarding The Future Of Thedas

Titan in Dragon Age

The Titans, a vast and almost incomprehensible race of beings strongly associated with the dwarves, existed in the deep past of Thedas and presided over a golden age of dwarven civilization. They warred with the elves, guided their dwarven charges, and lived out mysterious lives - until suddenly, they didn't.

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Dwarves are one of the many races in the Dragon Age franchise, and they deserve more time in the spotlight.

But Dragon Age: Inquisition's The Descent DLC shows that at least one Titan has woken up. The newly-arisen Titan managed to forge a connection with a dwarf, Shaper Valta, granting her powers that look strangely like magic - something dwarves apparently can't do. The waking of a Titan has massive implications for Thedas, although just what it means is still unclear.

5 Lyrium Is Blood

Suggests That All Magic Is Done Using Blood Magic

Lyrium in Dragon Age

Lyrium is a strictly controlled substance in the world of Thedas, mined by dwarves and traded only with trusted partners for a very high price. Lyrium is used extensively by the Circles of Magi and the Templar Order - although for vastly different purposes - and is key to the magic economy in Thedas.

It's also literally the blood of Titans. If Lyrium is blood, then is all magic done using lyrium blood magic? What, exactly, does that mean for the Templars, whose powers apparently stem from lyrium use?

4 Kirkwall Is Shaped Like Magical Symbols

Symbols Have Power

Kirkwall Gallows in Dragon Age 2

Built by the Tevinter Imperium as a slave trading center, Kirkwall has the strange property of being built as a series of magical symbols. Players of Dragon Age 2 can discover this through codex entries and rumors during the game. The exact reason for Kirkwall's strangeness is unclear, but some have speculated that it may be the site of the Imperium's incursion into the Fade.

Whatever the case, Kirkwall has been a center for abominations and blood magic ever since. But the potential for cities and other locations to be constructed in such a way is massive and could have major implications for Thedas moving forward in the franchise.

3 Red Lyrium Has The Blight

Blighted Things Are Alive

Knight Commander Meredith encased in red lyrium in Dragon Age Absolution

Red Lyrium is a powerful variant of regular lyrium, which is blue, that has the strange effect of corrupting whoever uses it or comes into connection with it. The corruption of Red Lyrium is later revealed to be the Blight - the affliction caused by the darkspawn taint that only affects things that are alive.

As lyrium is the blood of titans, it has a connection with a living thing. But for it to be Blighted, even when mined and processed into a usable form, is strange and surely has major implications for Thedas.

2 The Magisters Sidereal

Seven Unique Darkspawn With Connections To The Blight

Corypheus holding a glowing green orb in Dragon Age: Inquisition

The Magisters Sidereal, the seven ancient Tevinter mages who physically entered the Fade in search of the city at its center, were cast out of the Fade for their transgressions and sent back into the world of Thedas. Chantry doctrine in this regard matches the historical events, but the Magisters Sidereal were permanently altered and transformed into darkspawn.

Over the course of the Dragon Age games, players are able to meet two of the Magisters Sidereal - Corypheus and the Architect. But the others are presumably still out there and, as shown by the Architect, have some innate connection to the Blight.

1 Mythal Isn't Dead And Has A Plan

Mythal Could Have A Role To Play In The Future

Flemeth in Dragon Age

Mythal has persisted throughout the centuries unlike any other member of the Evanuris, save for Solas - and even Solas was inactive for the vast majority of that time. During her time abroad in the world, Mythal has achieved many things, always working to some inscrutable plan.

In her guise as Flemeth, the Witch of the Wilds, Mythal has raised untold numbers of daughters, including popular player companion Morrigan. Although Solas has absorbed part of Mythal's power, Mythal herself appears intact - although incapacitated (however briefly). That said, Mythal is a canny sort, and her appearances and reappearances over the ages suggest she's not quite down and out yet.

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