BioWare revealed in the studio’s Gamescom video for Dragon Age 4 that the protagonist of the upcoming RPG would be used to explore “what happens when you don’t have power.” It’s a sharp change from the Inquisitor from the last game, who was launched to continent-wide political importance at the end of the game’s first act.

Dragon Age 4 will very likely deal with Solas, a former companion from Inquisition, and his plan to bring down the Veil, the magical barrier separating Thedas from the Fade. However, Solas isn’t the only former Dragon Age companion who will be in a farm more powerful position than the Dragon Age 4 protagonist.

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Varric the Viscount

Dragon Age 4 Varric

Varric Tethras is one of the most beloved companions in the Dragon Age series, and was one of the best-received companions introduced in Dragon Age 2 before returning in Inquisition. The snarky surface dwarf and his crossbow Bianca have been at the frontlines of some of the biggest events in the Dragon Age series, including the defeat of Corypheus at the end of Inquisition's main quest.

Hawke, the player character from Dragon Age 2, returns as an NPC in Inquisition. By the end of Dragon Age 2, Hawke is the Viscount of Kirkwall, a city in the Free Marches depend on player choice. By Inquisition, however, Hawke has been ousted and may even heroically sacrifice themself in the main campaign.

Either way, the InquisitionTrespasser DLC reveals that Varric has been reluctantly elected the new Viscount of Kirkwall, and that “his rule, the city state finally resumed its place as the major trade hub of the Free Marches. He continues to ignore all mail from both the Merchant’s Guild and the Prince of Starkhaven.”

Sebastian of Starkhaven

The Prince of Starkhaven Sebastian Vael first appeared in the Exiled Prince DLC for Dragon Age 2. Starkhaven is another major hub in the Free Marches, and Sebastian arrived in Kirkwall after the assassination of his family. The War Table in Inquisition reveals that Sebastian was eventually able to retake his birthright, but whether or not he’s an ally could depend on some decisions made in the last two games.

When Anders destroys the Kirkwall Chantry in Dragon Age 2, Sebastian demands that Hawke kill the mage. If the player refuses to, Sebastian Vael will return to Starkhaven with a vow to reclaim his title and have Anders hunted down and killed for his deeds.

Sten the Arishok

Sten, the qunari companion from Dragon Age: Origins, takes over from the Arishok who is killed during the events of Dragon Age 2. The Arishok forms part of the Triumvirate which leads the qunari: the Arishok represents the body, the Arigena the Mind, and the Ariqun the Soul. The Arishok leads the military, the Arigena leads the craftsmen, and the Ariqun leads the priests.

During the events of the Trespasser DLC, the Dragon’s Breath Operation was revealed to be Qunari plot to use an Eluvian to assassinate the leaders of the nations of Thedas. This could mean that, despite the friendship he formed with the Warden from Origins, Sten’s Qunari will be more aggressive in their war against the continent than ever before. Or it could mean that the Qunari here were operating independently, though Sten's dedication to the Qun will likely trump all else in Dragon Age 4 regardless.

The Divine Victoria

The Divine decision in Dragon Age: Inquisition could have one of the biggest impacts in Dragon Age 4. Depending on the actions of the Inquisitor throughout the game, the College of Clerics bestows the title of Divine – the leader of the Chantry – upon either Leliana from Dragon Age: Origins and Inquisition, Cassandra from Dragon Age 2’s framing device and Inquisition, or Vivienne from Inquisition. No matter what, the religious leader of the Chantry will always be a former companion, and their reforms will be controversial enough that they face opposition from elements of the Chantry itself.

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Dorian the Magister

Dragon Age 4 Returning Characters Divine Dorian

Dorian Pavus was one of the best-received new companions to appear in Dragon Age: Inquisition. The mage from Tevinter will almost certainly return in Dragon Age 4, which is very likely to take place in the Tevinter Imperium itself, and Trespasser revealed that Dorian was made a Magister upon his return to Tevinter and the Tevinter ambassador to the Inquisition.

Dorian has founded the Lucerni, a group of Magisters determined to end the corruption in Tevinter’s government as well as redeem its reputation among the other nations of Thedas. He could be one of the most powerful and most morally interesting returning companions in Dragon Age 4.

The King of Ferelden

The King of Ferelden in the Dragon Age games after Origins is based on some key decisions the Warden makes in the first game. If the Warden is a human male noble, they have the opportunity to become the king themself. If not, the arguably "best" decision was to uncover the royal heritage of fan-favorite Dragon Age companion Alistair, and to make him the new king. A noble female human Warden who isn’t a mage can become Alistair’s queen, and any other warden who romanced Alistair in Origins can remain as his mistress if they hardened him – a mechanic in Origins where key decisions led to companions like Alistair and Leliana becoming more ruthless and willing to make tough decisions.

Other powerful companions from the Dragon Age series like Morrigan and Cullen are also likely to return, though not as political leaders like the above characters. With the Dragon Age 4 protagonist planned to at least begin the game with no power – and therefore likely no “Chosen One” status – the game could create a very interesting dynamic between the new player character and previous companions from the game.

Players may get a very new perspective on their old companions now that they are no longer in charge of them, and may see how they treat those without power very differently to the way they treated former player characters like the Warden, Hawke, and the Inquisitor. For now, however, fans can expect that many of these companions will likely be seen or mentioned again in Dragon Age 4.

Dragon Age 4 is in development now.

MORE: Dragon Age 4: Razikale and Lusacan Could Be a Big Problem