It has been over a year since BioWare announced the development of Dragon Age 4 though specific details about how the story of the world of Thedas will continue is still a mystery. Several days ago, the upcoming game was brought into the spotlight after BioWare released a new trailer that gave players some insight as to what to expect in Dragon Age 4, via behind the scenes footage, interviews, and several pieces of concept art.

Although BioWare didn't delve into detail about Dragon Age 4's story, a statement made by one of the developers appears to give a clue on how the studio plans to depict the game's protagonist. During one of the behind the scenes clips, Lead Writer Patrick Weekes said that BioWare wanted Dragon Age 4 to explore the concept of not having power. Of course, this statement could mean a lot of things for the game, but it appears now that Dragon Age 4 will be more like Origins rather than Inquisition.

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The Player's Power in Inquisition


In Dragon Age Inquisition, players were put in the role of the Inquisitor. While the protagonist doesn't hold much power at the beginning of the game, they quickly rose to be the Herald of Andraste, and with it came an incredible amount of power and influence across the entire continent of Thedas. Apart from holding an enormous amount of political power as the leader of the Inquisition, players also experienced how it is to settle disputes. After the player gains Skyhold, they will be given the responsibility to pass judgment on various prisoners after completing a particular quest. Of course, the decisions made by players will have a significant consequence on the game's story, which just shows how much power BioWare has placed on the player in Dragon Age Inquisition.

Of course, as mentioned in the latest trailer of Dragon Age 4, this wouldn't be the case in the upcoming game. Players will probably have to work even harder to persuade the leaders of the continent, the Chantry, and other major powers to support the player in solving the game's primary conflict, which will most likely revolve around the capture of Solas. At the moment, the exact plot of Dragon Age4 is still a mystery. But, judging from how BioWare described its goals on what the upcoming game's story will be like, the next installment will be taking a page from Dragon Age Origins' book.

How Dragon Age 4 Could Be Similar to Origins

Dragon Age Origins

In Dragon Age Origins, players take the role of a Grey Warden who may be either a human, a dwarf, or an elf, coming from several available backgrounds. However, no matter which origin story the player chooses, they will still become a newly recruited Grey Warden who is tasked to fight alongside Duncan and King Cailan to end the Fifth Blight. However, after the passing of Duncan and the King, the player is forced to lead what is left of the Grey Wardens and unite several factions within Ferelden to restore peace in the kingdom and end the threat of the archdemon.

However, unlike the Inquisitor, the Grey Warden is given the challenge to work their way up the ladder and persuade influential people in the kingdom to support their cause. Of course, the predicament of the Grey Warden matches what BioWare is trying to do for Dragon Age 4's protagonist. Additionally, apart from not having enough power, it appears that just like in Dragon Age Origins, the protagonist of the upcoming game must also assemble a team of individuals from all sorts of backgrounds to try and get support from varying powers across Thedas to stop Solas once and for all.

However, it is worth noting that Dragon Age 4 following the footsteps of Origins is not a bad thing given that Origins remains to be a favorite among Dragon Age fans. Not to mention, it was also more rewarding to be able to persuade and get the support of powerful people across Ferelden in Dragon Age Origins even when the Grey Warden doesn't really hold that much power apart from possessing the Right of Conscription. Of course, playing the role of a powerful and influential person has its upsides, but it would certainly be a fresher experience for players to once again start from the bottom and work their way up the ladder.

Dragon Age 4 is currently in development.

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