The lyrium idol is an item that dates back to Dragon Age 2. Since then, it has had other mentions and appearances, but the most telling appearance has been in the 2018 teaser trailer for Dragon Age 4. The idol sits center of the Game Awards trailer, right between Solas and a depiction of the Dread Wolf. This appearance has created many theories for the idol's role in the upcoming game.

One big theory is that the lyrium idol could be key to stopping Solas' plan to tear down the Veil. To examine this theory completely, fans must have read the last chapter of Dragon Age: Tevinter Knights. In that chapter, Solas claims the lyrium idol for himself, saying it will further his plans.

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Everything Known About The Lyrium Idol

Meredith with the lyrium idol in Dragon Age 2

The lyrium idol was made very long ago by dwarves in the Primeval Thaig, the main supplier of lyrium in its time. This civilization suddenly disappeared with no evidence as to why, so the dwarven King at the time ordered the thaig be shut to all and stricken from the Memories so that it would be forgotten. It was not until Hawke, Varric, and Bartrand's expedition in Dragon Age 2 that the thaig was reopened, and the lyrium idol was taken to the surface. The idol was sold by Bartrand to Meredith in Dragon Age 2, and it drove both of them mad. Bartrand gets off easier than Meredith, who is petrified into a statue.

One detail of the idol that may be further explored in Dragon Age 4 is what it could actually be depicting. The idol appears to depict two people embracing. Characters have mentioned that the idol could depict lovers or a god mourning her sacrifice.

In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the same sword Meredith had with the lyrium idol is wielded by Samson if he serves Corypheus. The next time the idol is mentioned is in Dragon Age: Tevinter Knights. In the last chapter, many spies discuss where the lyrium idol has ended up. It switched many hands, with Solas chasing it for some purpose. It eventually fell into his hands, as it ended up at an auction house in Llomerryn where he retrieved it.

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Lyrium Idol Theories

Bartrand with idol.

It is a fact that the lyrium idol is important to Solas' plan. This means the idol can also be key to stopping him. Fans have thought of many theories since the teaser in 2018 as to how the idol fits into Solas' plan, and how it can be used against him.

One theory relates to a codex found in the Jaws of Hakkon DLC. The codex is called "The Hunt of the Fell Wolf." In it, there is monstrous a description similar to the Dread Wolf. It mentions that the wolf cannot be defeated by normal means, and that there is an "idol of fade-touched stone" in a "labyrinth of winding cave" that can "prove the monster's doom." Basically, it could be describing the Dread Wolf, the Thaig, and the lyrium idol. This could be a hint that the lyruim idol is key to defeating the Dread Wolf.

Another idea from fans that has gotten a lot of traction is a comparison between the idol's design with Solas and Flemeth. Strangely enough, the way Solas holds Flemeth at the end of Dragon Age: Inquisition is exactly how the two figures embrace in the lyrium idol. The figure being embraced even has the same headpiece as Flemeth. This connection opens up a ton of other theories. It could mean that the creator of the lyrium idol even foresaw this event somehow. If the creator of the idol foresaw this happening, they might have foreseen how to stop Solas' plan as well.

Some believe that the idol could just be a power source. Solas will need a ton of power to tear the Veil down. While he has the power of Mythal and Flemeth, he may need even more. It's also possible that the idol was key to creating the Fade and Veil in the first place, so he will need it again to tear it all down. If that turns out to be true, then taking the idol away from him could stop his plans.

The Lyrium Idol and Solas' Fate

Red Lyrium Solas.

The lyrium idol is not made from just any lyrium. It is red lyrium, which has proven incredibly dangerous and unpredictable. It drives people insane. Some fans believe Solas will use the idol to actually corrupt himself because that is the only way to tear open the Veil. After all, the Dread Wolf and Solas in the 2018 teaser both have red eyes like those who are corrupted with red lyrium. Solas did hint that he does not want the Inquisitor to see what he becomes in Trespasser, which supports this theory that he will use the lyrium idol to corrupt himself. This is another example in which taking the idol away from Solas can be key to stopping him.

Another detail fans have questioned about the 2018 teaser is the markings in a circle around the idol. There are five dark orbs and two light ones. It is likely these symbolize the five blights and the two that have yet to happen. This could also mean the idol is connected to the blights and thus the blights are connected to Solas' plan. He may need the idol two make two more blights happen, as they could be key to tearing down the Veil. He does mention that tearing down the Veil would destroy Thedas, and two blights would certainly do that.

It's highly likely that if the orb did not break at the end of Inquisition, Solas would not need the lyrium idol. With the orb broken in the fight against Corypheus, Sola seemed very sad. This could be a moment where he realizes he will have to take drastic measures to tear down the Veil rather than use a convenient item of power. It could be that he realizes he will have to corrupt himself and use the terrible power of red lyrium.

Dragon Age 4 is in development.

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