Dragon Age 4 is in development, with a recent magazine leak confirming that it is one of 38 PS5 games currently in the works for the next-gen console. Of course, this means that it is likely releasing on Xbox Series X as well, and given what is known of its development, will probably be a complete next-gen title. That doesn't mean its previous iterations should be forgotten, however.

Dragon Age Inquisition is the only title of the franchise to release on current-gen consoles, with Dragon Age Origins and Dragon Age 2 releasing on the generation before. They can be played on current-gen consoles, but shy of any potential remaster or remake, there's likely many fans who have forewent these titles. The series, however, cannot forget the tragic events of Dragon Age 2's ending or allow Anders, the mage who started the rebellion, to go without answering for his crimes.

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Dragon Age 2: The Fate of Anders

Now, there are a variety of ways the Dragon Age 2 companion, Anders, does get closure. Players can choose to kill Anders, as Hawke, in a variety of ways whether he's become one with Justice (allies with Hawke) or is consumed by Vengeance (rivals with Hawke). If Anders is spared, Sebastian vows to return to Starkhaven, build an army, and raze Kirkwall to the ground. If Hawke sides with Templars but lets Anders live, Hawke later has to kill him in combat.

Another option in Dragon Age 2 is to convince Anders to fight and help the Templars, a soul-crushing move that results in Anders ending his own life later. Aiding the mages delights Anders and, if the two are romanced, he and Hawke can flee as a fugitive after the battle. Essentially, there are as many ways for Anders to die as there is to live, but if he lives, he becomes a big question mark.

In Dragon Age Inquisition, Anders' role is next to nill. Varric will comment that mages soon blamed him for becoming fugitives, forcing him to move on. Varric doesn't know where he is or what happened, adding that he doesn't care. If Hawke romanced Anders, they'll say he couldn't come near Corypheus (since Anders is a Grey Warden too), and if Hawke survives, Varric says Anders will join them at Weisshaupt. Players can also find a manifesto of his in the Storm Coast, but it's practically nonsense.

In short, assuming Anders survives the events of Dragon Age 2, it seems many just ignore what he did. That really doesn't seem feasible, and there's a lot of emphasis on his death, even in Dragon Age Inquisition. Giving him a passing death after his role in the franchise isn't really fitting, however.

Dragon Age Inquisition's Missed Opportunity

dragon age judgment

Perhaps one missed opportunity is the Inquisitor's Judgment in Dragon Age Inquisition. Players could have captured Anders through the War table or in a side quest, and gave him closure with a final judgment on his actions. Players judged everyone from Tevinter Magister Alexius to an Avvar Barbarian who threw carcasses at Skyhold's walls, and Anders would have fit right in. Romanced Hawke aside, which would likely complicate matters, players could have sent him back to the Templars, made him Tranquil, conscripted him, ended his life (yet again), or more, all to bring closure to the matter.

Dragon Age 4: A New War Begins

dragon age 4 joplin details

The Mage Rebellion ends one way or another in Inquisition, with Dragon Age 4 seemingly setting up yet another War-like scenario with Solas/the Dread Wolf. This means one of two things: Anders may just fade into obscurity, especially if he romanced Hawke and they died, but that feels like a big piece of the puzzle missing. Anders himself could somehow be involved in this new war, as Grey Wardens and the blight may somehow still be involved, but whatever the case, Dragon Age 4 needs to give Anders complete closure.

It's certainly harder in games where choice matters, but ending Anders life in Dragon Age 2 is the easy answer. Dragon Age 4 should give it a proper answer.

Dragon Age 4 is in development. PS5 is the only confirmed platform so far.

MORE: The Hardest Choices (And Their Consequences) in the Entire Dragon Age Franchise