Since it was showcased at the 2018 Game Awards, Dragon Age 4 has been incredibly quiet. It makes a lot of sense, though, as it was reportedly early in development and did not even have a proper title at the time. Hopefully, BioWare has made some progress with this, giving Dragon Age 4 a proper reveal somewhere down the road.

Because of this, next to nothing is officially known about Dragon Age 4. A few things have been pieced together with a high degree of certainty, such as the potential of Dorian's appearance, a few resuming plot threads, and perhaps the most obvious thing: new companions. Dragon Age's protagonists are always joined by a few likeminded (or ill-minded) individuals as they go about their journey, and while pinpointing exacts is impossible at this time, here's a few things we'd love to see about Dragon Age 4's companions.

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Dragon Age Inquisition's 3/3/3 Divide

One thing, in broad strokes, that should return is Dragon Age Inquisition's 3/3/3 class divide. This gave fans three rogues to choose from (Sera, Cole, or Varric), three mages to suspect of wrongdoings (Dorian, Vivienne, and Solas - it was Solas!), and three warriors to bring along (Blackwall, Iron Bull, or Cassandra). This means players had a variety of choice compared to past games when it game to compositions. Players could rock 4 warriors or 4 mages if so desired or have a more balanced team based on their character likes.

In past games, it was often more of a choice between having an additional mage, foregoing a rogue, or ditching out on the DPS of a warrior based on abilities, stats, and one's investment in the story. Our Dragon Age companion tier list breaks down the most popular options, but what Inquisition did great was give fans more choice than past games. Dragon Age 4 should continue this, giving the new PC a wide swathe of companions to call their closest friends (except for the one mage that's likely to betray the main character).

A Returning Dragon Age Companion

Dragon Age 2 introduced fans to Varric who made his return in Inquisition. As of its ending, however, he is the Viscount of Kirkwall making his third appearance dubious. It certainly makes sense, as Varric is still involved with the greater on-goings of Thedas, but Kirkwall is his home all at the same time. He's not likely to abandon it, although Tevinter is not far from the Free Marches. Nonetheless, a returning companion to help bridge the games, much like Garrus in Mass Effect, would be ideal.

Varric seems likely given his appearances in the past two games, but if Kirkwall is keeping him too busy to travel alongside the new PC, Dorian is the best bet. It's already clear that Dorian returns to Tevinter, the likeliest location for Dragon Age 4, and while he too is involved in politics (for Tevinter), it makes the most sense that he has the most freedom to move. Whether it's Dorian, Varric, or any past companion, though, one should return.

RELATED: Dragon Age: Origins - Ten Years Later

Dragon Age Awakening, The Architect, and the Darkspawn

dragon age the architect

This may seem strange, but a Darkspawn companion makes sense following the events of Dragon Age: Awakening, one way or the other. Right now, all conflicts seem to be converging on Tevinter: the Red Lyrium plot (via the books), Solas' own plan, Tevinter's own corruption, the Chantry vs. the Imperial Chantry, and of course, the Darkspawn. In some ways, it even appears the Dwarven Titans will play a role in the next game.

Darkspawn were created when Tevinter Magisters entered the Golden City, corrupting it, or so is the origin story of Dragon Age: Origins. Corypheus later reveals that the City was already black, and the Throne was empty, with he heeding Dumat's call to enter the City. Solas created the Veil, though, right from Skyhold, not realizing the damage it was cause on his own people. Elves lost their way, Tevinter was blamed for their destruction, but that too goes untrue. As such, while there are theories that the Elven Gods, the Gods of Teviner, and the Maker are all somehow connected, Dragon Age 4 needs to provide answers.

What better way to come to understand the Darkspawn side of things than with a Darkspawn companion? After all and Corpyheus aside, Dragon Age Awakening establishes that there are more talking, intelligent Darkspawn without the call of the Old Gods. If it's not a Darkspawn freed through Grey Warden Blood, then many believe The Architect was a high priest of Urthemiel, meaning other high priests run around in different mindsets than Corypheus. Freeing one of these and subsequently having it help end Solas' plot, potentially freeing the Darkspawn and the Blight in the process, all makes sense from a narrative standpoint.

Sure, there would be some crazy in-game moments, but that would be unique for Dragon Age 4, unique for the series, and a solid continuation and resolution of the overarching story.

The Descent: Shaper Valta

There's very little to go on for exact WHO could join the game, but there's not a better candidate than Shaper Valta. In Dragon Age Inquisition's Descent DLC, players take her on as a temporary companion and learn a ton of new dwarven lore about the Titans. Players also see her use some type of magic, which may not be the same as magic in general, but it's something not really seen in Thedas. There's Sandal, of course, but Sandal's unique. Valta could be a companion, a Dwarven 'Mage' class, and bring the Titans into the overarching Narrative. After all, since players were in one, it stands to reason that they too are tied to the Darkspawn's fate somehow.

Regardless, Valta would be a good choice and a way to address the Dragon Age franchises's biggest romance criticism as well. She's ideal and fits in a ton of ways, but when it comes to Dragon Age 4's companions, fans will just need to wait and see what is up BioWare's sleeves.

Dragon Age 4 is in development.

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